Q3 changed my life

Dear journal,

Last night Sockeh was so kind to show me the art of CPMA. After an hour or so I was able to move abit and I started dueling with sock who was rather playing games with me =]

I got addicted to the speed and the smoothness of the game. Actualy Q3 has fancy graphics, better then my ET config which cant even keep a stable 76 fps, and my shaft is considered lethal by experienced players.

Its a small community CPMA, with lots of people having played the game over 5 years. Still, I havent met an unfriendly player, and everybody wants to help me out and give me some tips. The are patient, cause yesterday i didnt even knew how to join a game or go spectator =]

Lately I got bored with ET pubs and ET wars, being most ppl still see it as a frag game, rather then a team game. Concerning xfire, when ppl asked me to check their newsposts, article or columns I always had to tell them to leave out certain things to avoid flame/discussions.

I fell in love with RTCW right from the start, and still will be playing it clanwise. Still if you got bored with ET public or ET in general, which are probably quit a lot, go look out somebody who played Q3, preferable CPMA. He will be glad to give you the basics of the game and you will be running around and having fun like you did back as a noob in ET.

Well, off to some more dueling. Laterz
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