Funny story with Zowie

so here's the hilarious story!

on sunday I ordered Zowie EC1 eVo from a czech shop (it has it's base in Germany actually, first funny thing), and it should arrive tomorrow (they wrote me email on monday that "the package was sent"), so I just wanted to ask them if it's really going to arrive tomorrow, they answered me that it should've arrived tomorrow, but HELL YOU GUESS WHAT, they didn't have any Zowie EC1 eVo (the white version) left and when they asked ZOWIE if they can send them some (so I'd get it in some delay, but they would give me some % off the price) zowie told them, that they didn't have them either and won't have in the nearest future or smth XD
So I got EC2 eVo white for the price of EC1 and without the shitty shipping..!!!

Saved €8 worth it!

Have a nice day!
So poorly written I almost cried
I put a lot of effort in it!!!!!
Next, time, use, less, of, this and try to use the appropriate punctuation marks.
You sound like a man kicked from NBS #1 Public for raping the godly NBS admin bobikanker, not just once but maybe a few times more hahahaha
8 euros I guess thats like a weeks pocket money? Nice one
2 weeks of living like emperor in poland.
brb selling car moving Poland. Castle please
woah, a whole 8e saving, blasting!
wow, you should write a book with that, will sell milions
This was genuinely the funniest thing I've ever had the pleasure of reading.
I was laughing so hard I nearly had a seizure.
Same people are mean here and def don't get any idea on how 8€ are worth in eastern Europe.

with 8€ you could be the new king of Poland, seriously
You need some geography lesson! :D
you can buy 8+ beers in Hungary from that money YEAH
you can get 1 pint of guiness in an irish bar in Lucerne Switzerland, but you dont have any money left
how big is the pint? :D
Quote by wikiThe imperial pint (≈ 568 mL) is used in the United Kingdom and Ireland and to some extent in other Commonwealth nations. In the United States, two pints are used: a liquid pint (≈ 473 mL) and a less-common dry pint (≈ 551 mL).
so id get 2pints here for 8euros :D
still worth it for guiness
totally. but I must say, I mentioned one of the most expensive places to drink a guiness :)
So u got a EC2 for the price of a EC1 , nice Kappa
difference is like €1 or €2 which means 2-4 beers!
Where can I buy 2 beers for 1 euro? Cheep as hell :)
What's best mouse from Zowie & Steelseries?
1) Don't get anything from Steelseries
2) from all the reviews and shit I read/saw, most of the Zowie mice got the same sensor (ec1 evo/ec2 evo/AM/FK), they are just different in their shape/size...

EC1 is the biggest one, it's kind of similar to image: B00002JXBI (or people say it's a bit like Death Adder)
EC2 is smaller, but very similar shape (ergonomics)
EC2 eVo (65 x 40 x 120 mm)
EC1 (70 x 43 x 128 mm)

why dont get anything from steelseries?
steelseries has amzing products :D and my sensei broke aswell, but welcome to the real world, where things brake :o)
not that hard to replace a mouse, just plug it in and it works
Well, dont get any mouse from them.

Their keyboards and headphones are outstanding, but also a bit expensive. (or atleast in Cze).

And their mice are really bad...
why dont ge any mouse from them?
why wouldnt u get any mouse from steelseries? its my first question u never anwsered
Well most of their mice are laser, which isn't really great.. atleast from my experience...

And their optical sensor in ikari/Rival isn't the best either, so
i have heard the exact oposiste, the rival is a complete beast and the laser sensor that i have, is a beast aswell
Every Zowie mouse has the same sensor
nie. ale fakt faktem,ze wiekszość ma ten sam : avago 3090 (very very nice btw)
only funny thing is ur face
u still laughing over that selfie? :D
He saved 8 euros, he can buy some weed -> Profit
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