Brazil 2014

Yeah, I'm heading over there in 36 hours. Got tickets for Belgium - Russia and Belgium - South Korea in Rio and SP.

Will be staying for 3 weeks in, according to a Brazilian, "one of the most violent places in SP, run for your life". If you're bored, check out my new hometown, a favela called "Cidade Ademar" on google streetview.

Decided to stay there cos I could stay there for free for 3 weeks, but I'm getting pretty nervous now and contemplating whether saving a bit of money is wort it...

Aaah well, parapapapapapa, right.

That sounds like a terrible idea...
HF bro, enjoy!
Enjoy your last 36hours
imo you should just pay for a decent hotel at a safe place. Rather paying than getting robbed. But it might not be that bad.
Problem is that decent ho(s)tels in this stage cost an arm and a leg unfortunately.
Yeah they're probably really expensive when theres a world cup going on there. It might not be that bad. If you stay close to other people and main streets you should be just fine.
Keep some but not all cash in your pocket. Buy a money belt. If you're getting robbed look straight down and do what they tell you. Just don't stand out/look like a super tourist with socks and sandals and a DSLR hanging around your neck, you'll be fine.
+1 - I think Brazil's main tourist tip was just accept it if you're being robbed, else you'll get killed
fuck that, i kill em bitches
Keep all of your cash in your pocket. Buy many swag gold chains and toss them around your neck. If you're getting robbed, look them straight in the eye and tell them you graduated top of your class in the navy seals and you've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and have over 300 confirmed kills.
And I wouldn't even be lying.
This made me laugh :D

have fun! (and good luck...)
hf there =)
dont look like a gawky greasy european nerd and you should be okay. Try to travel in groups of 3-4 as well (even if you dont know any people just walking with them will make robbers assume your with them). I would keep bare minimum cash on me and I would leave my actual debit/credit card at home and use one of those prepaid cards your bank should offer
dont get mugged or shot my friend :D im jelly
how much u gonna spend for everything?
2500€ in total (flights, lodgings in Rio, tickets for matches, budget for food/drinks/travels) for 3 weeks Brazil, not that expensive.
wow, for aussies it is costing them at least $10k to $15k, and most of that is on flights D:
Flights were only 1.100 euro for me, but I already booked them in october 2013 :-)
good luck amigo.. :D
You're only able to cash 100 real out per an ATM at night so you should try to avoid using credit&debit cards. Do the withdrawals during daylight hours (might still get robbed though, they're pretty daring over there) and don't carry anything that looks expensive with you. Enjoy Brazil and the World Cup :P
well maybe you are lucky and the military is guarding the area where you live

€: i just realized how fucking big this city is..jesus christ...get your money and mobile stolen and you are pretty much dead
you'll be fine, just dress like a hobo.

image: hoboedit
May the force to be with you.
Jealous tht you're going! But you've flown to Brazil which must cost a fortune, would rather walk to Brazil and save money there than put yourself anywhere near a fucking favela. You'll struggle to find more accommodation now though?
Flights were only 1.100 euro, not that expensive to be honest. Finding decent accommodation at this point is near impossible, but I have been speaking with some friends who actually live in that area and they informed me that most of the negative things come from people who have never set foot in that neighborhood, and that it's not all that bad.

And apparently that ain't a favela, according to the guy with whom I will be staying. But it'll be interesting for sure.
Will be an amazing experience though I'm jealous. But definitely not worth paying to go watch England
Got tickets for Belgium vs Russia and Belgium vs South Korea. Really looking forward to set a foot in Maracana...
{stabbing intensifies}

I'm jelly though, have a good time there
Ask Anderson Silva to protect you
Is the guy's leg healed already then?
Living the life my friend..Well done, enjoy
Have fun Rhand
at least keep us updated (till the day you die)
Just don't go to Capão Redondo.
GLHF and watch out, they hunt gingers for sport there.
I survived it!
Although I did get almost robbed at knifepoint in Rio...
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