Poor damon:(

He has to enjoy his glorious gaming days now when he is banned ;'( probably enjoying his best cheat games there :D!

image: eeTwGkc

good mood :D!
rip in peace
"Ohh i was so good here... look on that aim... oops clear wh here... hihi no problem i'll just say IT WAS SOUND + COMMS IDIOTS"... hehe im such highskill"
Quote nejm Tuesday, 8th April 2014 22:23

QuoteAre u accusing him cause he rolled u somewhere? Nice logic, random lowbob
But he isn't banned for cheating tho
Helping cheaters cheat + being a complete obnoxious moron is reason enough to get banned for me
Can't dissagree with that
Oh no , not damon .. remember when u said on uF teamspeak ( with d4nita and other ppl ) that u will never use cheats ..
Always found the fact funny that when he was playing with me he sucked donkey balls, guess somebody was scared there
i see some madness here swani, butthurt much?:D
Btw i dunno whats more nerd, replaying a match at that time or making a CF post about it; oh wait obviously the second one
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