Allstars finals fakenicking!

Seems like someone is faking me in the allstars finals going on right now.
More than likely someone whos not from north, so disallowed player.
Should have chosen a player whod be fine with it or not online, not the smartest move.

inb4 Oxy faking someone again, like the last time -:)
lol just placed a payment order today from my bank account to my paypal account in order to donate, but now that I'm hearing this + the weslann shizzle that was going on I surely not gonna spend any money of which a part will end up in some dipshit's wallet like sinnu's. What a fucked up cunt
Its especially retarded to take someone whos not allowed, when they have plenty of allowed players to choose from.
No respect for the cup, or others players in the team.
Should be disqualified for sure.
Everything for the win and something like €10,-
I see only 2 country's in the lineup aswell, shouldnt it be 3?
Should have been 3 I guess. I think admins didnt mind though.
Were you ever even asked to play??
Sorry I always wanted to play in allstars
U$A has done it again!
Quite retarded
will be easy to check who it is/was
Sounds more like a scandal from some EC games than allstar games. Wtf is wrong with the community :D Oh wait money is involved with this one. Well not like North had any chances against west but still!
This community is a joke
Oxy was the one faking, so like I thought no one from north.
Has Oxy been fakenicking you throughout the whole tournament?
nice admin. tournament got out of hands
He did fake raul last game vs. east (I think this time we couldnt find players from the LU) and other times it was legit lineup.
OK. Thanks a lot for your honesty!

I thought people would be mature enough to be honest about situations like these.
I shouldnt really be thanked, as I just admitted to knowingly playing with disallowed player too. Even though I think team captain or whoever came up with the idea should get most of the blame.

About final results, if I was admin I would just disqualify north completely. Seems like South didnt really get anything done either and didnt even play all their matches so wouldnt move them 3rd either. Would just make it West winners East 2nd and distribute the donations to those teams with some reasonable percentages.
or just cancel whole tournament
I've never been asked to play :P
2low4allstars now :*(
Apparently =(
now i get why he connected on rtcw with the name: north - raul

Someone really wants that $$$
Better not let NA play though. Those damn lamers and high ping advantage users.
This allstar cup was a real joke :D You should't give a shit about that :D
2k14 allstars :D
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