low FPS on very good graphic card

Hey guys, i got a new pc, new graphic card, everything new.
I installed et and exec my cfg but i get very low fps in the game.
I play this game 9 years and i always find out a solution but now i was lost.

my graphic card is AMD Radeon 9 Series 270X Toxic DDR3.
i can run Battle Field4 on ultra and in ET very low fps...

pls HELP :S :X
Seta r_primatives 2
seta r_primitives "2"
seta r_primitives "2"
did you already try the refrigerator trick?
did u already try r_primitives 2?
like set ET to a single core?
Your video card has some toxic inside, try to give some antibiotics.
remove seta r_lastValidRenderer from cfg
Thx guys its working :)
refrigerator trick never fails <3
"very good graphic card"

image: what+a+boobs+_9fe704e6489f47746aa7d4eb0345238b
oh that nerd jokes
hope you enjoy ur nerf
1. seta r_primitives 2
2. r_primitives 2
3. if not working, repeat
Thx its working.
Can u please tell me what that command does? And if it can low my driver preformance whil i play other games?
I think it changes some rendering mode.
Khazix is dead dude Sorry for your loss
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