Bizons cup this sunday!
Cup date: 22.06.2014 , 20:00 CET (GMT +1)

Team format: 6 vs 6

Miscellanious information:
Check-in : 19:45 CET (GMT+1)
Sign-ups & Check-in till: 19:45 CET (GMT+1) - sign-ups problem? Since the service is down, you're not able to create a NEW account on . If you can't sign up your team because you can't create an account just ask me to add your team in the ODC.

Additional information:
Shoutcast: No

# Supply
# Sp_delivery_te
# Frostbite
# Et_beach
# Sw_goldrush_te
# Braundorf_b4
# Et_ice
# Erdenberg_t1
# Adlernest
# Et_ufo_final
# Siwa Oasis TE
# SW Battery
# Reactor
# Radar
# C2 Missile b3
# Bremen_b3

Round 1: Siwa Oasis TE (1 map will be played in this round)
Round 2: Sp_delivery_te (1 map will be played in this round)(ETTV if you want /q Chemik)
Semi Final:Both teams pick a map! (ETTV)
Grand Final:Both teams pick a map! (ETTV)

If there are any questions that are not listed in the text above, please contact an admin.You can find us in @ Quakenet

Chemik /q Chemik
Mejku /q Mejku
Dojebany maplist hahaha XD
Chciałem dodać baserace, ale stwierdzili, że to już przesada :<
tc base dodajcie :DXD
remove delivery and put B4 as round 2 map!

Belgium playing at 18cet so wont be home before 8
Round 1: Siwa Oasis TE (1 map will be played in this round)

gl with the cup
Next time we will add your maplist:
What's actually wrong with that map
You and I were both around when oasis was played competetively. And I even played it once a couple of months ago 6on6 against a fin mix, nothing had changed.

- a good map on publics

- round time of 20 minutes
- capping the Old City flag is tough
- allies have a very long distance to the AT guns
- allies spawntime of 20 seconds is too long for the distance
- axis have ridiculous amounts of territorial advantages in each stage of the map
- super super easy map to defend for Axis (see above)

tl;dr allies bang their heads against a wall for 20mins and then it's the opponent's turn to do the same
Well sure there were times when double fullholds were coming but surely it aint "too hard" to attack. It requires something what teams don't have nowadays: teamplay. Yes there aint no shortcuts to get through like a breaking panzer and stuff and that's why I enjoy it in both _attacks_ and defends. Always been my fav map and always will be 8) And the running could be _EASILY_ modified but since I don't have the skillz to do that and noone would be interested in the idea anyway cause there are great maps like supply and gr and gr and supply (radar). And yes then we have maps like missile karsiah adler sos_gayweapon frostbite = all being able to rush in a less than 2min. Great entertainment really. None of the current maps are _more_ suited for competitive 6v6 than oasis. Simple as that. Hell even letting a mortar being used in attacks would make the difference to this without needing those modifies for the map :D w/e. Wondering why battery isn't played also.. Well admins are admins and we are just woooorms

I like ur Dirch gif ;)
A terrible maplist for a 6on6 cup and an absolutely horrible choice of maps for rounds 1&2
finaly something different, gl
It's your cup so you decide bro. Gl with it.
Fuckin nerds always crying. I would like to see some of those maps in 6v6 especially UFO

Gl all
Missile & ufo!!! Im in, merc avi!
Deli omg
Good map choice! 'xD is in.
why players can sign in, why don't teams?
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