Spain what are u doing?

45 min 2-0 to chile

dafuq Spain?! time to change nationality and CF name
Losing apparently
gj Casillias
it was obvious to anyone whos got knowledge about nowadays football, that spain would not defend the title. not getting out of the group is bigger suprise tho.

world got past tiki taka, every team nowadays knows how to line up defense in order to break this style.
They dont even play tiki-taka
they try to, but without a lot of movement and speed in play its not possible.

fuck spain.
NL and Chile first teams to make it through groupstage. Thanks Spain!
expected tbh

btw, i saw azpilicueta, he is not playing ET anymore
So fucking weird but as long as England don't fuck up tomorrow its all guuuuud #barkleytostart
i doubt hodgson will bench rooney henderson and gerard, which imo is the only way for england to do well in this WC.

these young guns(wilshere, barkley, sterling, sturridge, lalana) are really good.
Wiltshire is the worse England play we have, paul was correct hes a bad midfielder and not played to his expectations. All he does is get the ball and fall over and looks at the ref.
he will be still better than invisible gerard
Wilshere is a weird one he's either really good or really bad I don't trust him but fuck me! Why didn't he nae clyne instead of Johnson he's so fucking bad!! Barkley makes things happens but because he's only 20 doesn't get a look in. Yes he'll loose the ball but 25% of time he'll make that pass or have THAT shot. Hes a beast :(
dunno, i dont watch every arsenal match, but the ones i seen - wilshere was shining.

basiclly i think the younger english player will do better than guys like Rooney who have their achievements in club football, and just say they want to do something big with national team.
Neither do I but I do watch a lot! I'm going off mostly everton games. He's quite immobile and thinks he is xavi, he's not. He's just over hyped bit like Rodwell was. I think it's a shame Gareth Barry wasn't in Brazil he was our (Everton) best player last season.
Wilshere is shit since he stopped doing cocaine.
Also Gerrard's not exactly meant to be seen since he's playing deep in the midfield as a DM/regista. Henderson is at the moment the best English midfielder, believe it or not, he's the main reason (apart from Sturridge/Suárez) why LFC finished second in the league. He's getting overlooked by other teams' fans for some reason. He's extremely useful in getting opponents under pressure, making space for teammates and has extremely good sens for counter attacks.
Hodgson is a cunt, so either way England is going to fail massively.
still better than spain :DDDD
there is two players who should never play for England 1. glen Johnson, hes fcking useless

2. Wiltshire...
weird? you dont know nothing about football yo.

gogo chile! my favourite team after belgium

image: 10489667_10152088346921367_840786053_o

ooooooooooooooold boooooiiiiiiiiiissssssssssss :D
Its simple, they got 2 fantastic keepers on the bench and they play someone who messed up 3 times vs Holland and doesn't play a league game all season..

They changed the way 'spain' played due to playing costa and it just didn't work!

they looked poor, tired and not evening wanting to play
baddies be bad
Fumble/Tosspot how you feel about your new signing?
oh well... Spain really need to make some changes. Better luck next time :(
spain missed to change some players to make their team younger

and btw who the fuck is Costa - he was not even able to play one good pass
Chelsea just paid a fortune for him :DDDDD Torres #2
Though Chile would win 2-1, but 2-0 was ok too :------)
portugal next to be out of wc
I don't think it is as definite as portugal to be out of wc :)
I am sorry, I was wrong :(
Not sure if u didnt watch the football in the last 2 years, but anyone that's still using that awful of shit tax is getting raped allover the line, doesnt matter if its nation or club, anyone using that shit tiki-taka is going down. Was stupid from coach to prepare entire nation so poorly, knowing for the fact that tiki-taka is long gone.
chi-chi-chi-le-le-le VIVA CHILE!!!
Looking forward to Holland - Chili. My motherland against my homeland. I think it will be a 1-2 for Chili.
If Australia finish above Spain it will be epic.
You guys are delusional to blame Costa for Spain's failures. They continue to play Xavi, who was worthless this season, rushed Costa back from injury (hes half fit), and tried to play Costa in tiki-taka. Hes going to be an excellent signing for us Chelsea fans, as we play a more direct, counter-attacking style similar to how atletico play...except now he will have the likes of fabregas, willian, and hazard feeding him the ball.
Xavi didn't play this game though, he was a sub.
doesnt matter. they tried to use Costa in typical boring pass till death style.

Even fucking australians knew the best way to score a goal against Chile is to cross it to the striker. Both Costa and Torres are taller than CB's of chile
omg faceb00k is down... can't even post on fb that fb is down... lets kill ourself everybody...

image: Titanic
ROONI ROONI, jew sup
Hi man <3
dutch maybe?
Yes... need to get used to being dutch before we....
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