Best metal of 2014... half-time edition!

I'm really just waiting for a new Heaven Shall Burn album..
I know, mainstream as fuck :)
I've never heard of them :p.
Well, my knowledge in metal doesn't go that far, I listen to a lot of different music genres as well (used to be a big metal head a few years back, though). These are the only bands I still listen to on a somewhat regular basis
  • Heaven Shall Burn
  • Fear Factory
  • Life of Agony
  • From Autumn to Ashes

It's probably not down your alley, but perhaps you'd like it! :)
Thats metalcore territory for me, my knowledge of that genre is pretty embarassing! Honestly most of the times I pick up a metalcore cd I'm not really wowed, except when some roll more metal in their sound like Converge, Architects etc.
FATA is hardly metal at all to be frank. It's more screamo/alternative (as far as my knowledge goes). FF is more like "cyber"metal, but I really like the sound of it. Burton's voice is incredible and they got Dino Cazares (imo one of the best guitarists out there.) I love the old LOA mainly because of Keith Caputo's voice. It's very deep and strong and masculine, really one of a kind. As for HSB, I just really love their overall sound, but I really don't know what type of metal I should classify it as..
Wow didn't know that United Kingdom Godflesh was still alive
I think they might be dropping a full length this year or the next.
Insomnium top3 imo
It's pretty good, way better than their previous,, but there are other more interesting metal releases!
Best album they've released! Looking forward to seeing them live this year \m/
The amount of metal in my playlist(s) has been constantly decreasing over the last few years but a couple of albums that have caught my ear this year are:

Finland KYPCK - Imena na Stene (doom)
Netherlands Stream of Passion - A War of Our Own (symphonic/progressive)

Out of those mentioned in the list, I suppose at least the new Insomnium album could be worth checking out.
So many awesome albums out already, discussed quite a few with you tho! Next up I've got the new Tankard album to listen to, but that's always something to party to x)
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