Reached my personal goal [LoL content]

So I got over 500 skins now, Elophant says its 3 400 000 Collection Score. You?

nub, where u at
hey sup :3
not much, where u been nerding? :3
on LoL ofc :D still use xfire?
LoLnub, play csgo :( ye sometimes, but mostly steam now!
I have it but I've never installed it xD +gimme your steam name then :3
guess u found it xD
nice life
Did you really invest around 2000€ into that account? Are you fuckin kiddin me?
Want to buy it with 2000e? PM me for details. I got another account at East, which is actually even older.
nah I am platin and you are only gold, gg.
Silver - diamond, no difference(just started rankeds anyway, 3 seasons pretty much only normals). Usually people haven't even played all champions at least 10 times before going into rankeds, basic trolls and feeders.

Same as saying my TrackBase rating is higher than yours at ET, gg.
gg ez skins ez life
some spend moneyo have fun drinking and snorting coke from bitches asses, BossHK spends to lol
Fucking nerds (free-to play) but they waste €2000 ahahahhahhaa
maybe everyone aint poor fuck like u 3rd world homo
3rd world? Maybe get some brain into your bald ugly head

Dont think im too bald yet though ( 7 am after club )

image: 13342772.t

this is now 1900 after being up 24 hours straight fucking bitches and drinking all day long

image: 13342799.t

Meanwhile u been moaning on crossfire like a bitch you are
cant see your medals
i always get out with my medals when i hit the cklub bitchez like shiny stuffs
got too much medals and pocals, cant take em with me :(
Rich as fuck, i am jelly :(
50% off on most of the skins + sometimes random bundles where i got like 75% off etc. I actually started to get more skins somewhere s2, didnt buy many skins during s1 and after Europe server split I decided to stay at East anyway with my original account. So from s2 to this day, its not too much money spent per month. Just don't buy that sweetie bag or cook urself instead of going out to eat and there is your money for skins.
Well, i only play LoL for 1 year and few months... and only bought 1 skin intentionally (Masquerade Evelynn) because it is/was my main champ.
Also got all the free ones + 2 from mistery box (High noon TF + Bandito Fiddlesticks) + Huntress Sivir (from a bundle).

I dont feel like wasting money on this game, although some skins are really cool and i feel like getting my favorite one from the champs i play the most (like poppy... kayle... vi... elise.. n shit)
couple permabans back when i played total 300€~, worth it :D
I think its sad really to spend all this money to dress up pc champions
Says guy who propably spends money into random clothes or goes out to eat :/ Point being, dont do those things and there is your money for skins.
says the guy who gathers cell phone numbers to stalk women he connected to over a pc game.
epenis o meter
Lol at all you poor fucks saying he wasted his money, if I have the money to throw away like this, then why not? I even bought this app just because I can :)
The application was removed from the App Store by Apple Inc. without explanation the day following its release, on August 6, 2008
Did I say I bought it after 2008 :)???
Initial release August 5, 2008

I doubt it that u just waited till it comes out and directly bought but its still possible ;P
I have too much free time.
oh Boss...
I'll play some LoL with you again soon enough, if you want.
Carry me.
I recieved my first legion commander set in dota 2 some days ago. didn't feel like an achievement tho
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