SGDQ speedrunning marathon

Summer Games Done Quick is a charity video game marathon, taking place June 22nd to 28th and benefitting Doctors Without Borders. The event features high-level play by speedrunners, playing for donations from viewers of the event.


Live stream (starts at 20:00 CET)

Speedrunning is an increasingly more popular e-sport where people complete games as fast as possible, for the purposes of entertainment and competition. It requires extreme amounts of skill, knowledge of the game and dedication. Each game comes with separate leaderboards and run categories.

VODs for the runs you missed!

gaben ate my donationdepot
the amount of nerds in dat stream :-D
This Super Meat Boy guy tomorrow gotta be the king of all nerds, gotta watch this
YES aspergers stream here i come
Pokemon speedruns incoming
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