How this pc build ?

im going into web development, app, programming, gaming, etc..
Easily good enough for those purposes, only possible improvement would be i7 > i5. Are you getting an i5 series K because you want to overclock it?
not yet but will do and then ill get a cpu cooler
Turn that single ram stick into 2x 4gb (unless you plan on adding an additional 8gb stick at a later time) to get the benefits of dual channel. Also a SSD would be preferable, especially for your compilers and whatnot to run on.
Can't get a SSD yet.. not affordable , changed the ram to 2x 8gb sticks, is everything good now ?
2x4GB ram is more than enough and get a Crucial M500 240GB SSD(or 120GB) which is not that expensive anymore in recent months. Personally I like the Cooler Master CM 690 more than the one you have chosen but that's just personally preference.
I don't thinks so. 16 GB is OK as for web-development or any development in general. He may have several VM machines spawned and he may use some memory hungry IDE, apps, etc... I think it's good strategy to pick 16 GB (2x8) if he'd like to create some sandboxes and VM for development.

PC seems to be good for me. i5 is mainstream way and imho has better $/performance ratio than i7. Next thing I'd recommend will be a SSD as Oxy mentioned, it definitely speed things up.
Crucial MX100 is faster and cheaper no reason to get the M500 anymore.
Lol did it come out this month or something? Haven't had any time to read anything in recent weeks ><
Yes 3 weeks or so :D
M500 was great back than <3
There will be so little IO whilst compiling, surely?

The RAM suggestion is valid though.
Eh, I still notice massive performance increases running the heavier ones on a SSD, visual studio for example. He also mentioned web development, mssql/mysql on a SSD is heaven.
SQL on memory fs is even nicer <3

Point stands that compiling wont benefit from an SSD. I am not saying don't get one :D He absolutely should!
Oh no, definitely. The compiling itself won't be affected, by mere milliseconds at best if that. But it just runs so much smoother. :P Also debugging.
I'll throw it in later, for now this is what i can afford. im trying to save every pennie :P
I don't see a reason why you would buy a motherboard with a Z87 chipset when there is loads of motherboards with Z97 chipset available. I would buy the Asrock Z97 Extreme 4 myself because of the 12 power phases for overclocking. No other boards in that price range have that many power phases and features.

It's also not smart idea to buy the GTX770 because the 280X is cheaper and is barely any slower. Also the 280X has more VRAM, when you are playing on higher resolutions this can make a difference.
With the money you save with buying the 280X you can buy a SSD, Crucial MX100 256GB. If you don't save enough with switching the GPU. Than you should buy a cheaper motherboard. Your new computer will feel slower than my 4 year old computer, just because you don't have a SSD. with better motherboard and SSD. The XFX power supply is also made by Seasonic. The Crucial RAM has more overclock capability. You can still save money on this build when buying a cheaper motherboard.
bronze PSU, really?
Yes really. Why would you pay 50$ more just for Gold? Not worth it.
It's a quality based PSU with same internals like the Seasonic S12 II.
for 10 bucks more he can have the CS450M wich is gold+ and modular..
And lower quality caps, please.
That Seasonic design has proven itself.
wrong, you should read more reviews ;)
I have read reviews. as you can see many of the caps inside are not the best especially the Capxon which should be avoided because of many problems in the past. In the tests it did great, but how will those caps hold in the long term? It's not expensive and now you know why. With better caps it will be great, but also more expensive.

With the Seasonic you have good caps and a proven design.
All though I agree with zenix here, make sure you're aware of the fact that this PSU - though great, is not modular.
I guess with that case he doesn't really care about the looks ;)
But you are right.
modular PSU arent only for look, you got better airflow and cable management aswell
Again Really? Depends on your case, if you are unable to route the cables properly than you can have a problem. Most of the time, it is really not a problem. With some cases it's even better to use a non modulair PSU like the NZXT H440
Hes got a Cooler Master K280 wich got good areas for cable management.
What kind of advantage would you have by using a non modular PSU? 0.o
Some cases it's hard to connect the modulair cables to the PSU because of a seperate area for the PSU.
give me a good case from ehre then

btw thats the best psu i found for my budget at canadacomputers

Very solid case. Probably the best you can do in this price-range.

Why not use NCIX though? Believe they're cheaper even. Also only really ever heard good things, plus a way bigger variety of things to choose from.

A lot cheaper and better than your current selection. Also NCIX offers tons of rebates.
what is mail in rebate ? becasue when i go into checkout it still says $350 for the 280x
They mail you a form, with the order, which you have to fill out and send back in to receive a check in the value of the rebate. Silly Americanized system, which I never quite understood, newegg uses the same... But, that's how it works, anyway.
Tell me a good reason to buy Z97 board over Z87?

That's right, there is none.
SATA Express
Broadwell support for sure

There is simply no reason not to buy Z97, same price. Even if it's basicly the same like Z87, most likely a Z97 will have a higher resell value because of SATA Express and M.2. I can choose from 83 boards within the price range from 72 euro to 381 euro.

BTW i would sell that screen listed in your profile. Had it myself and it's pretty bad, when you have GTX770 you should buy a higher quality screen.
Well, I guess those features will have extra 10-20$ on resale at some point, but whatever. And yeah I know it's bad, gonna get BenQ XL2411T once I can afford it :P Not too much extra money to spend on stuff when you are unemployed ^^
haha very nice for me ! what zenix said is better :P
shut the fuck up lol
bloons waiting for u!
here is my shopping cart so far, changed the ram, and the case. the psu thats the best one for my budget being offered at canada computers
+1 Use that money for SSD.
looks good to me
It's basically the same like your first setup, same answer. Why not Z97? And without a SSD....
Imo 1600 MHz ram sticks would do the job as well
Expensive compared to prices around here
If you like overclocking buy this Samsung green

If you don't care about high ram speeds you can just buy about anything from Corsair or G.Skill their that is 1600MHz or higher like the one oxy suggested or a bit cheaper. Will overclock to 1866MHz aswell.

But seeing the price difference i would always buy the Trident X
wtf u almost bought the same as me few days ago :D instead of gtx 770 i bougt 760 ;P
whats your pc parts you bought ? and how is it ?
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