bella italia

hahahhahaha nice, Uruguay uruguay!!!!

England eng, Spain spain and Italy is time to say goodbye ;)
don't really know how that win is nice considering the biting incident.. If I were Uruguay I'd boot Suarez of the team instantly now :/

image: 547REPIq5Uy8
i have to admit i just saw the last 5 minutes thus i cant say if it was a nice game - i am just amused by the fact that the big soccernations like england spain and italia are out of the cup!
Italy and England didnt have big expectations anyway, public wise, as for Spain, well using same tax for 5 years wont get u long anymore as well..
im always supply up and it still works

yeh cus u got webe to carry psh
Wat hij ooit zal doen uruguay zal dat nooit doen beste speler kicken !

Anyway ik heb respect voor hem :D!
Als ze een beetje moraal hebben wel.

Suarez is een retard, jij bent een retard... Verbaast me vrij weinig.
QuoteAls ze een beetje moraal hebben wel.

Suarez is een retard, jij bent een retard... Verbaast me vrij weinig.

Ik heb respect voor hem omdat hij een goede voetballer is buitenom zijn gedrag binnen het veld .
Je kan gelijk me voor retard uitschelden maar ja zegt genoeg over hoe retarded je werkelijk zelf bent .
dont worry germany will come soon aswell ;)
red card and bad decisions ruined it
great, all the 3 teams I hate are out, yoohooo
Suarez uses bite. Its super effective.
now portugal out and its perfect
finally fortuna left italy
Brazil are next. Kappa
first of all the foul was not a red card material - yellow? yes. the leg wasnt straight.

secondly - suarez should get disqualified for at least 3 matches for the bite.
this group was disappointing, they all played shit beside Costa-Rica
That dive after biting Chiellini tho
Horrible match by both sides.
agree dunno if football or theater
erf couldn't see it live :(
hrhrhr good one
he can wait for ronaldo at the airport :p
image: Bq6xyVkIcAAfVbd

a guy from norway bet before the WC starts that suarez gonna bite again :)))
Seems like 20 finnish persons did the same, each won 10k or something like that :-)
Some might say Uruguay was hungrier for the win.
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