team fortress 2

hello eurofags,

so i have been playing team fortress 2 a bit (its free) and it is a bit similer to et (with the classes and fast gameplay).
anyone want to share his opinion about it?
4 years, 8 months and 17 days

newborn child..
I just didn't want to share my opinion, and u responding with my member-since date?
well it has some common game elements, but it's not really the same :) although it's damn fun
I like it but it didn't catch me like ET tbh :(
and nothing will. ever.
isn't this game dead already? ;o
well, was nice but ET is still better
jesus, why in the world would you compare hat fortress with enemy territory?
game unbalanced as fuck and to anyone who would reply B-BUT 6v6 IS COMPETITIVE AND FAIR, INB4 WEAPON RESTRICTIONS, get your shit togheter.
what exactly do you mean under "game unbalanced as fuck" ?
I think he means the game needs some serious balancing
maybe, but I played some competitive matches some times ago, and I didn't feel it's unbalanced. The extra weps should be restricted and thats it, the rest is fine :p
fun on public shit on wars imo
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