
Hello friends.

A mate and I are having a discussion about the Uruguay - Italy game from yesterday. I won't tell you who's point of view this is but if you will, give me your honest opinion about the following quote:

Quote The ungiven red card of suarez had little impact on the game, with 10 men uruguay would have played offensive anyway, and they would have probably still won.

Thanks in advance, xoxo.
give Chiellini also 2-3 Red Cards and its even.. i hope he will get an Oscar for is "oh my gosh he tapped me at my ankle i need to dive and hold my face to imply he hitted me in the face".

even the leftback from italy did that 1-2 times... fucking actors.. give them a fine in the 100.00+

and they should stop to talk about fairplay and shit..
its corrupt WC anyways
with 10 men uruguay would have played offensive anyway, and they would have probably still won

Shouldn't be allowed to play the rest of the world cup.

Love the fact that all scouse fans on my facebook haven't been getting involved! No doubt they will jump to the defence of this fucking animal.
Probably, but the chances would be definitely somewhat smaller.
who ever said the following quote is a fucking moron and knows little about football. Italians are master defenders, but even for them 1 man disadvantage is enough to lose a goal.

also it would be much easier for them to score a goal.
they just have to punish suarez for this, i think it would be 0-0. He did it twice before. 1 time he had 7 games for it, other time 10 .
the performance of italy been so bad anyway that they didnt deserve to go playoffs (imo). Go NL! :)
Netherlands loves ya

suarez should be banned. italy needs to stop bitching they lost its over, not like they were gonna win the world cup anyway. end of story move on.

rooting for Netherlands!
Netherlands loves ya

Doesnt really matter, since Italy was shit this year.
that prolly didnt matter, but giving italy a red card was corrupt
dont think they would have won with suarez out and lying 1:0 behind
would rather think that would have happened without that red card given for italy

i only hope now germany wont win ;) go holland costa rica or whoever :P
"go holland"

dont worry, usa wins ger today, ghana wins portugal and germans are out of tournament.
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