The old crossfire

Don't really know which degenerate actually thought this would make it better
The whole profile thing on the 3.0 the way the entire site looked tbh
Killed et more than anything tbh
A bit late, but true

old > new
what killed ET was 5o5, which was forced by tosspot so more teams can signup to his lan, earning him even more pocket money.

they he decided to put a nail in the coffin by going to next version of CF.
inb4 the flame
nah, what killed ET was the switch back to 6on6 from 5on5
the fact that you don't want it to be true doesn't mean it is not true
The fact that you think it's a true doesn't mean it's a true
yes, it's not that way because I think it is that way, but because it actually is like that. so many ppl stopped playing after that switch
even more people did stop after switch to 5o5 because they did not like it.

5o5 could be good if the change was set up correctly, with mappool overhaul and stuff. no single map was playable in 5o5, always one man lacking.
one man lacking the same way there are 3 men lacking in a 3o3

no. 3o3 is fine.

one camping and medpacked medic can easly take down 3 guys, or at least slow them down enough for the rest of the team to come. also except grush and supply, there are no other good 3o3 maps in 6o6 mappool.

in 5o5 thats impossible, because you will prolly get rnade in the face.
u are so wrong
cf4 and 5on5 killed et
I said this exact thing the day this site went live
ipod yknow i like u my wigga from the ghetto but such journal is useless it wont change shit it didn change back in teh days it wont change today
I belive in ipod.
I belive in ipad.
I belive in ipod.
Oh god....
I think what killed ET was because a better game came out: "League of Legends", where players could truly put their skills to test.
- google wolfenstein enemy territory ... cf not there
- on first sight this site doesnt look like community web for ET
- old > new is not search engine optimized. if it was it would be the first google link :/
Finally someone with a little sense
I salute you, sir
the design and the new post policy killed xfire
i got journals deleted for some idiotic reasons more than once
ET died for its own reasons
nope, both tosspot fault.
shut up ipod and get fatcat/imsupahigh online more
et is death
"New" > Old
QuoteI just checked Google Analytics, there are still 50k unique users checking the site a month - so that you're aware that is only 10k less than at the end of Crossfire 3

- United Kingdom TosspoT, 20th January 2014
checking a website =/= interaction or involvement (which imo is way more important)
I agree with you, but there's really nothing stopping people from interacting or becoming involved. In fact, I'd argue that nowadays it's even easier to contribute to ET / CF / the community than it used to be since there are much fewer admins, newswriters, cups, leagues, etc. around, which means there is much more room and many more opportunities for new things.

I would hope that there aren't people out there who still refuse to use this website because of the changes made two years ago. If so, I'd be interested in learning whether or not they continue to browse Facebook, YouTube, and many other sites which have undergone changes several times over the past few years.
this website is like the ugly chick in the classroom you see everyday but give no attention to.....cuz shes ugly
Does it count when people are looking for "Crossfire" game? It may explain a lot.
"only" 10k less? Wow, I find it quite disturbing how indifferent he is to a minus of 20% of all unique visitors. And for the community the number of returning visitors is far more valid.
CF4 was released in July 2012, so yeah, 10k in about two years isn't really that bad comparatively. Here's the rest of his sentence:

QuoteI just checked Google Analytics, there are still 50k unique users checking the site a month - so that you're aware that is only 10k less than at the end of Crossfire 3 (it's 100k less than the high's of CDC4).

A drop of 100k in 4 years (CDC4-CF4, 2008-2012) is much more drastic than 10k after 2 years (CF4-now, 2012-2014).

The harsh reality is that as time goes by ET will continue to become less and less active like it has been for years, and so will CF along with it. Did the release of CF4 contribute to a decrease in activity? Maybe. Did it kill ET? Absolutely not. What is killing ET more than anything else is simply time.
Those numbers are shocking tbh.

A website with 100k unique visitors each month must rank pretty well in Google's search results, however isn't event in the top 50 for the keyword "enemy territory". should based on its high activity rank under top 5. So how the hell could so many people find this website?
My rough guess would be that was punished by the search engines for some action taken on the web development, which sooner or later leads to fewer visitors and finally to less activity (Google PageRank 2).
doesent feel like browsing cf anymore
Indeed, need the old one

well his other account has 4+ years. so gtfo
4 years, 8 months and 23 days, yea so stfu
thats mine, and my account is irrelevant
if you don't like the "new" crossfire with its bright colors, you might want to check out the userscript I made for CF4.0 about two years ago (original journal about the script), you can get the script from: or
QuoteKilled et more than anything tbh
u mean ppls growing up killed et
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