Soon my e-birthday

Hey nerds from computer!!!1

So, basically as you guys all know, yes you do, it will be my 6th crossfire e-birthday (inb4newskool swag yolo swag your mom is newschool you faggit!!!)
Well, I was thinking about doing something for such event.'s personal Disc Jockey FranceDJ DJos will be there in order to make you shake yo booty on our personal communication software TeamSpeak. Since we party more than we play computer we dont have one but we will steal one nP.

Apart from that what's best in your opinion?

#1 Mothafucking baserace
#2 6v6 real gamers mod (real ET campaign + ufo because ufo is teh real shit)
#3 Hide N Seek
#4 Other you can gimme a better idea
#5 We all go to [flag=idk that country]seareal's house and we do dirty things to his mom

image: 36b6f118bc2b1d47

MarseilleLeFrancis - A veteran Internet user
5 years, 12 months and 1 day

nice birthday someone forgot to turn ur years there

7 years, 11 months and 29 days

ye its been fucked up for years
for me : 7 years and 9 days on CF but first online game in 2001 with Q3 and RTCW
Same shit here 6years on cf but I was playing on jaymod before and had no idea what CF is
but CF = everything
happy e-bday
10 years soon with my first account
Le daron !

#6 Watch France-Nigeria and go to klub after that
Get fucking drunk and dont use gay wine. 8 years mean 0,8 l of vodka for you, so go ahead, but i reccommend to wait for some weekend.

Happy e-birthday anyway niggah
i bring zeh booze you bring teh btchis
happy birthday bro
6 years and 10 days for me :(
I think u should organize mojito party to celebrate this 6th years on our beloved community website
6 years, 5 months and 8 days
say hello to DJOS from me pls :)
7 years and 12 months
happy e-birthday my e-friend Lefrancis !
8 years, 2 months and 19 days :(

cf coder apparently didn l2year
9 years, 10 months and 2 days wew
Swaggetti and yolognese sauce. HB incomming e-birthday. I hope i will manage to get there for your big partys (in france)
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