Germany playing shit and still wins

french terrorist sandniggers are out, let the next frenchies come now
I was very impressed by ALG, very enjoyable and relatively fast-paced match, too bad it lacked goals.
impressed by algeria or just their keeper? :D
das tor mit der hacke mach ich auch immer
krasser typ
meinte flopjehz auch und jetzt nerded der csgo weil mit fussball wird das nix :D
gj by goalkeepers, nice match for ALG

sad that ger won
120mins to take down algeria

image: 297106
come at me germany
1999 called, they want their haircut back
1890 called , they want their jokes back
hes getting payed for kicking the ball, not pleasing your homo visual needs.
90 mins for france, while still playing bad. GER>ALG>FR confirmed.
cut off your ugly piece of shit moustache and put it up your anus now!!
someone is butthurt
this was probably the best match in the tournee
So fucking Klose.
Loew is gonna cost Germany the worldcup once again. Plays 4 CBs when you have the best RB in the world who for some reason needs to play in midfield because we lack players there apparently.
use 4 slow ass CB in a tournament where its all about counter attacking...yea seems fucking legit
If they lost I'd blame Metersacker first, without Boateng to carry the defence I was expecting the Algerian goals to pile up. Then Löw.
Lahm just needs to play RB and Boateng + Hummels in the middle.
Yep, pretty much this.
low doesnt think schweinsteiger is fully fit or he would probably have him at right back. I think andre schurrle deserves to start, hes impressed all tournament
sorry i meant low doesnt feel schweinsteiger isnt fully fit yet or he would have lahm at right back. Germany will be fucked if they run into a team with pacy wingers that can get at their slow fullbacks.
yep, that guy is simply horrible. slow as fuck, always caught out of position and mostly just pounding the ball away when he got it...only thing hes good for is heading...but only when the ball is flying on his fucking forehead
holy shit Germany is playing bad. I was expecting a lot more from them. Neuer saved them so many times, great to see such an aggressive goalkeeper. Algerias goalkeeper was a beast as well. Overall a great match, Algeria really suprised me this year.

Germany needs to step up a lot if they want to win against France(which have been the best team after Colombia so far imo).
wvwe< vif country is playing shit... somebody give löw the exite button...
Ger was lucky tbh.
true they were lucky they didn't get punished for not taking their chances during the first 90mins.
No Neuer no win, imo alg>ger
the real problem was: There was no BvB player on the field-> NO FUCKING BVB NO FUCKING WIN

im serious, there always has to be a balance between S04 and BvB in the team, since there was höwedes he needs 1 BVB player as compensation
real problem is germany playing nothing special, even with like 5 imigrants in their team
Polaks still mad about Podolski & Klose prefering to play 4 Germany? Sorta ironic when Poland used to have a NATIVE Brazilian in their team (who had absolutely no roots in Poland, aside from playing there).

You also realize that teams like France, England, Netherlands and Belgium basically would be non existant without their niggers? If anything an ethnicity rule would make us even more competetive. EC winner would always be either Spain, Italy or us. Retard.
Im not mad, especially about Podolski, because his parent send letters to our national federation. Our own stupidity. And about Roger - yeah we have to catch up to the rest of the world, and get even more imigrants.

France and England players come mostly from their colonies, unlike the "new germans"

and btw: who are we? Sweden who are shit without their imigrant superstar Zlatan?
honestly, almost all of what is poland today used to be germany long before...some of the finest german people of all time were coming from this place...then they took it away from germany and gave it to i really have to mention what they made out of this cultural heritage?

so those german-polaks are infact germans anyway

dude stop sleeping in the history class.
u fucking kidding me? i am not going 5000 years back, im talking about a few generations here....klose/podolski forefathers, like many else, used to be slavic-germans...there is nothing to argue can even hear it in the name of "klose"...its as german as it gets dude...
sorry, google doesnt know what a slavic german is. it probably doesnt exist.

yeah i can hear this tunesian german in khedira name aswell
"We" as in Germany, I thought that was clear.

You're talking about English colonies, yet they have absolutely nothing to do with being English or their Nationalteam. It doesn't matter if they come from former colonies, they're neither ethnically nor geographically English at all. If you use that as a measurement, England could basically use 3/4 of the worlds countries to get their players, as they've basically invaded any country there is at some point in history. The same is true for France.

Germany used to have colonies aswell, such as Cameroon, so I guess Eto'o is German then, eh? Half of Poland (Prussia) used to be German, Lewandowski was born in a former German area, he German aswell?

There is absolutely no difference in Germany playing with Özil, Podolski, Klose etc.; England playing with Ferdiand, Welbeck, Sturridge & Co or France playing with Benzema, Mangela, Sagna, Pogba, Matiudi, Cabella etc.

Substract these "foreigners" from each team and you will still see Germany having the best lineup.
QuoteHalf of Poland (Prussia) used to be German, Lewandowski was born in a former German area, he German aswell?

i suggest you verify your historic knowledge aswell, because these were polish lands before teutonic knights came. and they got it as a gift if i recall correctly.

French and English players parents had the nationality when moving, because of colonial inheritance, something you cant say about either Etoo or all the turks that moved to germany.
They're ethnically still no French or English. I was just pointing out your nonsense post about former immigrant children in National Teams. :) No matter what criteria you use, other nations will look worse than Germany, simply because most of our players are natives, whereas in said nations they're the minority. :3

Edit: You're basing your whole argumentation on a political decision of the French/English Government to hand out free citizenship to whoever was born in their country, respectively their former colonies. It's not as easy in Germany and can barely be considered an argument, sorry.
Quotecan barely be considered an argument, sorry

you barely consider it an argument because it shows how full of shit you are.
we had this discussion 4 years ago already:D

get over it nerd :P
And you're not providing any evidence to backup your fallacies. Touché.
your lack of widely spread knowledge is not my problem.

next time dont start a conversation, when you have little to no data about the topic.
damn why didn't we invade more countries :(.... Seriously, I don't see a big difference between us having people with migrant roots in our team and England etc. having people with migrant roots in their colonies. It's basically the same situation with the mere difference that the migration history of other countries is a little older.

Don't be sad that noone wanted to come to Poland without the intention of taking your land
you did not invade more countries because you lost every single time you tried.
iksde when hummels come back we got the balance and everything is fine. next game easy bash ;-)

balance wurde wieder hergestellt
Was expecting an easy win for GER but sadly no, ALG played well (or moreso the keeper) but they held off. If it wasn't for Özil's late goal I think it'd be a tough call...
goalkeeper was taught in MarseilleMarseille ofc hes godlike eheheeh
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