Upgrading pc parts

So the research is almost complete, I'm upgrading my old gaming pc with this:

image: 14bjj84

I already have the RAM, hard drive, PSU, case and fans. Now I need a video card which would fit under $150 USD (if possible).

Any advice? I was looking at the R9, and even though it goes a little over my budget, it might be worth it

Why not go for i7? :o
I'm on a limited budget where I have to get MOBO and GPU as well
Fair enough :)
is he doing something else than gaming for i7? and if gaming then rather i5 and save that 100bucks for better graphics card
I have an i7 processor in my laptop, and I hardly do anything other than gaming. It was really just more of an investment for later use ;o
i7 are both quadcore in laptop and desktop with HT
i5 is dual core with HT in laptop and quadcore without HT in desktop.

So the difference between i7 and i5 when using a laptop is bigger than on the desktop.
que planeas jugar con tu nueva pc?
Nada del otro mundo, World of tanks, ET, el Dirty Bomb cuando salga, etc...
Y un poco de liga bola ql wn
If you are overclocking the Asrock Z97 Extreme4/6 is a better choice, more power phases. If you are not overclocking get a cheaper motherboard with B85/H97 chipset. Than you will have more money for the GPU.
Aren't Asrock completely crap though? Or is that an urban legend.
They used to be good on 60 series boards, now they are average.
In the past Asrock was a budget company owned by Asus.
Last few years that is not the case anymore. Most boards they make are good quality.

The Extreme 6 is even the best Z97 board in my opinion, because it supports M.2 on PCI- Express 3.0
Ended up doing this (more or less), found a cheaper mobo with the same z97 chipset; ordered the gtx 750TI. I actually realized the RAM I had was not compatible with the mobo so had to balance those two. G.Skill 8 gb
G.Skill good choice.
GTX750 Ti
gay ass tanks player
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