Share a nation pain.

Hi crossies,
I usually don't post that much around here,but I do visit once in a couple of days.
As some of you remember or not,I posted allot of the situation here in Israel couple of times,I posted allot videos in past and let you guys know what really going on here,and as always,I ask you to keep it non-political,I know that everyone here has hes own opinions and thoughts,but Im not here for that,and I also know that most you may find what Im about to tell as not really interesting,but I know some of you do.
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Today is quite a sad day in Israel,two weeks ago on the 12 June 2014 three Israeli teenagers went missing while doing their way home from Gush Etzion, in the West Bank.
The three teens were Naftali Frankel, Gilad Shaer and Eyal Yifrah,sixteen years old teenagers.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the teens had been kidnapped by Hamas and ordered a crackdown on Hamas infrastructure in the West Bank. Hamas denied the charge. Palestinian authorities noted that the kidnapping occurred in an area under full Israeli control, while Israeli authorities said the kidnapping originated from Palestinian controlled areas. In the following 11 days Israel arrested some 350 Palestinians,including nearly all of Hamas' West Bank leaders,kidnappings led to the largest military operation in the West Bank since the Second Intifada.

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Those were a hell of two weeks for the everyone,three teenagers that could be everyone sisters,brothers,sons or friends that had the whole life ahead of them,disappeared.
Yasterday,On 30 June the Israeli military found the bodies of the three missing teenagers in a field north-west of Hebron,shot and burned,three kids that will not grow up,ever.
image: tel-aviv-rally
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While being kidnapped,one of the teenagers managed to made a phone call to the police,saying that he was kidnapped.
Here you can hear the record it self,first he's saying "I got kidnapped" , then the terrorist shout them "to keep their head down",then shot fired and you can hear the teenagers last breaths until the terrorists put the radio on high volume.

My pain goes to their families,losing you child,your brother,in such a violent way is just not right,it just shouldn't be that way,take care of your loved ones,hug them and kiss them as long as you can,you may never know what gonna happen the next day.
I've got no sympathy for rabbis and their weirdo kids tbh, think about how many palestinan kids and innocents are being killed and noone appears to give a shit about them
Weirdo? rabbis? you are full of shit man.
I got your point,and Im not about hurting the innocents,but you cannot call them innocents,and if you do,you are just blind as fuck.
so u wanna say whan u drop a bomb on a palestinian leader and u kill 10 other people this way for example 3 children included they are not innocent ??? great logic ahh yeah i forgot they arent human they are palestinians
They are humans,at least some of them,look at the comment I made to KareN.
They are not innocent as it seems,and it's not that easy to fight the terror in those cases,were children are used in the worst possible way,you can be sure non are happy to hurt innocents in here,and the most known story about it is couple years back,In the beginning of the second lebanon war,Israel was about to hit hasan nasrallah( the leader of hezbollah terrorist group ) in his car from the air,a possibility that maybe comes once in life time,since hes spending most of him time in his bonker,while an Israel f16 targeted him,he saw a kid riding a baycycle next to car and the assassination operation was shut down,since then we didnt had another opportunity to do it,just because of that innocent child and his baycycle .
Dude your propaganda is priceless (or was it a jew kid on that bicycle?) I am just glad to see that ppl here dont buy it.
Was it actually Hamas?
Hamas are not taking any responsibility of the kidnapping,so when and IF Israel will response to what happened they could claim they never did it,but its known to be them building the networks and training those pepole,also most likely because they got shot to death Hamas don't want a part of it,they got shot because they called the police,if they were alive I believe hamas would have used them as hostages for an prisoners exchange deals,like the ones made in the Gilad Shalit deal,were Israel sent free prisoners with blood on their hand for killing Israelis.
RIP :( bad day when people die, no matter what or why

i really do like israel and the jewish heritage but i just cant help myself but think that netanyahu is a massive piece of shit
QuoteIn the following 11 days Israel arrested some 350 Palestinians

QuoteMy pain goes to their families,losing you child,your brother,in such a violent way is just not right,it just shouldn't be that way
"Including nearly all of Hamas' West Bank leaders" , the arrestes were a part of the effort to find the missing teenagers.
Some of the arrested are from Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange,who came back to terror dealing.
"yeah let's lock them all up because they are palestinan so they have to be involved with it"
Most of the arrested got released on the same day,only the ones who maybe had info about what happened kept in.
You can't honestly believe 350 people were involved in this kidnapping, both sides here are deploying scare tactics.
I'm not that dumb.
Of course most of them are not,but when those kids life were on line,you could never know who knows what.
And I don't mind that 350,what you call people and I call terrorists,as they all part of the Hamas will stay in jail for their rest of the life.
shalom brother , the loss of childrens are always sad thing , but how many life has been ruined because of tsahal and israel ? I worry more about all those poor ppl in gaza than 3 israeli , ive also seen israel threw bombs in gaza because of this without proofs and just to reply , how human is it ? peace

I feel bad for them too,but we cant do anything about it.
When Gaza is ruled under the Hamas regime who's a terrorist organization you are left with no choice.
They are using those poor kids as human shields,their homes as rocket lunching zones and schools as weapons warehouses,what else can you do? and that a well known fact,which most of you choose to not see.
i have seen israeli panza shooting at children 10 years old - isnt that an terrorist action too ?
hamas is a bad organization they are assholes watching their own profit - not really care about the civils
the only organization i support from palestina is "Al Aksa"
I found it hard to believe,sorry,most likely to those soliders to go to prison for the rest of their life.
zionists are as terrorists as hamas.

image: colonisation-de-1946-a-nos-jours
You are going into an historical conflicts,which I don't want to dig into,that just show your lack of knowledge of what really happened,when most of the arabs nations around you decides to attack you at once,what do expect to happen? that's war consequences,you lose land,I never heard of any arab country around us who's willing to accept the palestines and care about them and there are enough of arab countries around us,we are the only case of a country who's taking care of their enemies,and we don't have to do so.
dont want to go there either , in the contrary i"m pretty aware and informed about israel palestine conflict but cba to explain myself. you ve got a biased opinion/POV wich is normal I guess as an israeli ( and tsahal soldier) and ive got my own.
Laila Tov mate
Most of the pepole here are saying what they saying from their own point of view,I know that.
Im just saying that dont let you diss information to mislead you,thy story behind it is kinda complicated,and presented by the arabs as we "stole" the whole land,but they never mention that Egypt,Jordan,Iraq,Syria and Lebanon all attacked us at once,a just a born nation,and they lost,and we left with the Palestinians who no one wanted after the war.
The Palestinians are just being used against Israel the whole time by the ones who don't Israel to be here from the first place,and we both suffer from that.
You're taking over palestine land because you are at war with them? Thats news.
What we have with the palestines is a conflict,not a war.
I was talking about "Israel's War of Independence" ,
Were Israel was attacked by multiplay Arab nations and won against all odds,they didnt fought us for the small land we had,they fought us to exterminate any jew in Israel.
Hope this are some news for you.
a war is when armies fight eachother. the palestinians have no army, israel does. which makes this not a war, nor a conflict, but a genocide. thanks come again
The palestinians joined the arab nations way back to fight what so called "just born Israel" and they lost along with their other arab friends,Israel accepted the UN stand about how to share the land itself,the arabs didn't.
The Palestinians does not have an army that's right,but they do have a enough terror groups around,if and you may not aware of this,the west bank "government" is ruled by the Hamas,which is an terror organization,so saying that they don't have any army is quite not that true,they do have an army,an army of the worst kind,what's so called guerilla.
You're bringing up events from 70 years ago? Ok, so lets slice up germany and oppress its people because they lost a war 70 years ago, even if none of those involved are still alive.
I have no choice since you are bullshit talking about something you have no clue about,besides what you learned from TV.
Explain why Isreal is building settlements on occupied palestine land.
These are not occupied palestine land,it's called the "green line" which set the borderline between us,and them,its called settlements since most of us prefer not living there,because of as you can see such things as what happened to those kids happens there,and its not that safe living there.
Israel fought against the settlements years back,Ariel Sharon who's a former Israeli prime minster put up with the Americans the "Israeli disengagement plan" which gave the land to the Palestinians,as an opening step for a peace talks.
Since then,as you can see,nothing changed and there's no peace ,what as changed that they are now firing rockets from that lands who we gave over for the chance of peace.
I can say from my personal view that as a kid I never had rockets fired on where I live,but since they have the range to do so from those lands Im on the range of the rockets since then,and I just feels bad for me that my little sister has to grow up that way.
Israel fought against these settlements but 100k israelis moved in over the last 10 years? How does that make any sense? How is it a border when israel keeps building on the other side of the border?

"Israeli settlements in the occupied territories[1] (commonly referred to as simply Israeli settlements[2]) are the Israeli civilian communities built on lands occupied by Israel during the 1967 Six-Day War."
I'ts not the border,those are zones that suppose to be clear since no one should want to live there,but some do.
"ands occupied by Israel during the 1967 Six-Day War."
I said it and I will keep on claiming that a war is a war.
Do you even have any clue about what happened it the Six-Day War? or you are just about the occupied lands?
If no one should want to live there why does israel keep building more settlements?

It was a war, not anymore. What happened? Israel attacked and wiped out egyptian air forces and occupied land belonging to egypt and jordan.
go back to your cave jew! ma nishma?
Sad man,Im just so fed of this shit..
the question now is -- why they were burnned ?? - maybe to destroy Prove
who really kidnapped them ? - maybe it was just a case to arrest hamas leaders
Conspiracy is always around,but I just dont think so in this case,if Israel want to arrest hamas leaders they can do it anythime.
Innocent people dying is always sad but Israel taking action to avenge the deaths of the teenagers will definitely end up in civilian casualties.

What is the point of this journal?
got nothing against you but i dont give a fuck about your biased story
A few assholes and the best course of action is to crucify an entire people. Fuck logic.
crucifying parts of people wouldn't be that cool either mate :p
Israel and whole middle east are the cancer of our world, sorry to say.
amen to that brother.

meanwhile iraq and syria have been taken over by bunch of fucking muslim extremists lol wtf is this world coming to
amen to that brother.
Agreed to a certain extent.
thats exactly how you engineer the perfect mood for vicious actions of your government. its a shame 3 young guys had to be sacrificed in order to make even bigger war campaign against palestine.
I feel you bro, but you should not post about this on Crossfire. The majority here is ignorant and clueless. You will only get ill-advised, hateful responses from here. Whereas most people have no knowledge about this complex situation and will just follow the mass and spread some opinion of someone else which at first sight sounds wise but is just another sheep following the flock.
Nothing wrong with some good ol' fashioned jew bashing. Jokes aside, people here are annoyed that in a conflict like this it is always the other side's fault. There are cunts in both sides, always.
follow the mass is belive in what our government bullshiting us
What a horribly generic, politically correct response. I bet you even copied it straight off Facebook.
I feel honored.
The Italian government were the first one to say something about what happened,and there is much of respect for Italy for that in Israel.
I didn't expect much from CF really,I just wanted to share it out about what going on,I knew that this place is full of hate-free retards who shall flame the shit out of me,but as I said,I didn't expect much.
Europe is getting flooded with muslims who intend to to force their rules over whole Europe(
UK? SWE?),and its too late for them in my opinion,it just about time till terror will hit Europe as well,sad as it is I'm waiting so I could say sadly,told you.
I don´t think terror will hit Europe :p
I think it already does,especially in the UK and Sweden,terror is not always gotta be suicide bombing,it could be the attempt to force sarya in the UK,and the massive rapes cases rasing in Sweden.
QuoteWhereas most people have no knowledge about this complex situation

fuck u jews
hopefully someone nukes u
hello american brother , let me share this pic with u:
image: Ypa2J
[citation needed]
So the jews were the reason Firefly was canceled. I knew it.

image: xcjfyo

onche onche tu veux du ponche ?
j'te trollais huehue :D

noelshack > hapshack
what do you have against jews nigga damn
indeed bro, i hope they all die slow and painful
Mohsin,so I guess you are some kind of an arab,no wonder.
Occupy palestinian land for decades and cry when shit like this happens?
Kinda odd that you ask people to keep it non-political when the whole situation is one political fuck fest... Yes, of-course it's sad for their families/friends, but I think the kids memory is being 'abused' by Israeli trying to get sympathy even though they are clearly used this whole situation as an excuse to take actions against Palestinians, again.
I always asks too keep it non political,but who listens? anyway,what actions are you talking exactly?
" In the following 11 days Israel arrested some 350 Palestinians,including nearly all of Hamas' West Bank leaders,kidnappings led to the largest military operation in the West Bank since the Second Intifada."
Oh lol,man,why are you guys so naive,it's killing me.
Do you really thinks that Israel need that three kids to be killed to arrest some terrorist fucks? come on,they can do it on any occasion,and most of the arrested were released on the same day.
Let me tell you something,most of the people in Israel wants the Hamas to pay the price,they want the IDF to go there and fuck them all over,but Israel P.M said that violence will not have the last word,and he decide to response serenity.
Yes they are naive :)
If they could do it without any reason, why haven't they done so BEFORE the kidnapping? Well?
As I said,most of them got released on the same day,and some later on,basically they all sent free.
The arrests were a step to gather any possible information about what happened,as I said.
In those kinds of occurrences when life is on the line,you don't have much time to think,you just got to act,and fast.
Also I don't really see anything bad when it comes to arresting people who's taking part in such or another terrorist life style,Do you?
I never said that I see anything bad with it, but lets get real. A supposed "kidnapping" by a "terrorist" group happens, suddenly the army thinks HEY now we have a reason to arrest them! What a coincidence right? And they should know by now that when threatened Terrorist groups just shoot their hostages, hell even your army does that, its not like its innocent in this part. And just because its an "army" doesn't justify all the killing of innocents it has done.
3 (3 is the most important number in numeroulogy for the illuminati) kids sacrificed, so the zionists in israel can make an even bigger war campaign against palestine. all propoganda and the sheep just follow like mindless zombies, believing everything what the media and their goverments are saying. sad. i hope judgementday comes quickly so i dont have to be on the same planet with these people anymore.
Stop with the drugs man,seriously seems like we are not living on the same planet.
I don't have much to say,but I hope one day you will understand what the naivety done to yourself and the world.
I can understand why it's so easy to judge on your side,and I feel bad for you if that's what you really think,its clueless.
havent seen such a mental diarrea for a while here. especially the part about muslims in europe. its working fine if u ask me i have a lot of muslims friends and they are not harming anyone or forcing anything. sure there might be some retards acting differently but that can happen in every country / nationality / religion.
u got brainwashed by your country and the media time to wake up kiddo
I have allot of arab friends as well,and I loved them and respect them,and even will die for them,Im not against arabs,I think that Jewish should never be some kind of racist,especially because what we have been trough and still going trough..
But as you said,there will be always some retards,in my case,you cannot compared the retards you go there to the retards we have in here,they are much more in numbers and such worse.
Maybe you should watch this.
Why they write english text to those plates?
I failed to understand the reason to send so many troops to find 3 dead kids. Don't get me wrong, it is very sad indeed and I do not even wish this to my enemies. But I just don't get why this is not treated as a crime. The police have to investigate on that. All that does is creating hate and resentment.
I understand that things may run differently in your country, but I do know, as it works everywhere the same, that your conflict is not solved by that.
The police cannot go into the west bank,only the army can.
As you said thing running here quite differently :s
jews and media lol
Cleaned up the journal a bit... Keep the ignorant racism and discrimination to a minimum please.
prepare your inbox for apricot racism rage.
can you also ban that disrespectful piece of shit?
He's already been banned by Netherlands Frop.

image: rJTFk6b
It was more then needed,it was not my point when opening this journal,and it's always sad to me seeing people talking about racism in such of a hate.
Thank you.
lol please gtfo from here, you jews killed thousands of innocent palestin people (including small kids) for no reason.
You were always been such a scumbag to me and another Israelis around here,so I don't really wonder about your comment.
But I do wanna say that non of us,me or anyone I know is happy when such things happens,but I can insure you that 80% ( I could say 99% but I wont. ) of the cases you heard of based on lies,lies has a major part of the Pala's when it comes to fighting us on the media,and it's always easy to see the weaker side as hurt then the stronger side,the fact that less Israelis get hurt is not because they don't try,its because we are able to stop them from doing so.
I will just left you with a sentence follows me my whole life,if the Palestinians will lay down their weapons,there will be peace,if Israel will lay down their weapons their will be no Israel.
War is war,and when you playing it dirty you cannot avoid from such things to happen,when the people on the street of Gaza chooses Hamas leaders who's a terrorist organization to lead them since Hamas are not letting anyone to run against them,the conflict wont end,and instad of taking action about that the world chooses to focus more important thing like the settlements,or even in Syria,where is your voice when it comes to real problems? yea,no one cares about the Syrian's kids,guess what,Israel does.

i served with her :>
you try to hide from my statement or what
that journal was way better than expected =))
Nah,its just feels to me like everyone hates me now :)
Everyone besides me bro :)
We dont hate you, just your way of thinking is a bit odd.
we don't hate you mate , but I think this journal is showing well , what ppl think of Israel's politics and behaviour towards palestine, hope u understand us as I understand and respect your opinion and POV. =)
montage & others - there is no point for all these arguments,
and im not saying this because i'm israeli and i think everything we do is right, but I know most really is, because i am israeli and i am living in israel and i have served in the army and i have seen with my own eyes what you guys havent. even if sometimes innocent palestinias do die, me and montage know the israeli army does everything to prevent innocent people from dying compared to our enemies who hide behind those same innocent people - what do you excpet, when a rocket launcher is set in a palestinian kindergarden and it's shooting rockets towards an israeli kindergarden, is that fair? , me and montage know that, because we have served in the army, compared to you guys who only know whatever you know through media - and if you think the media is always right you're fucking stupid and please don't even bother replying to me.

~peace bitches
Sad ending, but life goes, go ahead.
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