Howard - Belgium

image: 20zsdae

Remember this face, it will be on every condom, for maximum protection.

not deserved. This USA guy who missed 1min before end must be mad :DDDD
I had a football near me, when the USA guy missed I shot it in anger and broke a lamp.
have you seen the swiss guy missing his chance to score in the 119 min? I lost some weeks of my life expectancy..
Damn USA played so well the at the end. I wanted them to score so badly, they gave their best :(

1. the ref doesnt decide, the 4th ref does it
2. one of the best ref so far. zero mistake, or almost
3. you obv know nothing about football
1. did I state which ref that should lose his job? No
2. he did just fine but he made a few mistakes
3. why do you say that I "know nothing about football"? I'm pretty sure I just know just as much, if not more than you since I've been playing this game for 10 years.
fair enough, mate, fair enough
If u cant score at 120 min of playtime, then those couple of extra min's at the end wont help, no point in blaming ref, blame their efficiency at scoring.
well that didn't stop the ref from giving +3 minutes in the previous match between Argentina and Switzerland. Did you see the huge chance that Switzerland had at the end?

And if that was the case, the teams could just stall the game forever without any consequences(even if they have to play 120 mins).
If u are implying the free kick, i wouldnt really consider that such a shock, well, if the kicker was someone whos actually capeable of scoring, not some immigrant. and the fact that Belgium already had 2-0 lead while still having 15 min until end, it was more than enough for US to show if they are capeable of scoring for tier, sadly they couldnt, end of story.

Not sure where u living, but have u actually seen one game of playoffs already? U do realize that 70% of teams are stalling in the last 20-30 min of the game, by knowingly making the game stop with some stupid dives/slow kick offs and so on, thats all part of stalling and has been in many cases that those particular players have been given yellow card for it. U cant blame on ref cus of not giving any extra time at the end of overtime, just cus other team wasnt able to score twice in 120 min lolz.
No I wasn't implying the free kick. It was the chance before that. The chance where the guy had a double chance(first a header then it hit his knee). That freekick was kinda cheap since Shaqiri barely got hit from the defender(that fat midget is starting to piss me off).

Yeah I've seen most of the games so far and the stalling is terrible. Something I hate is stalling even if the team that I support does it. It ruins the game. Thats why I want more consequences(either more extra minutes or faster yellow cards). I feel that the refs are very passive about it. I've seen them give yellow cards sometimes but nothing more. This game would be a lot better if stalling and diving(which is just as bad) didn't exist.

All I'm saying is that there should be given atleast 2 extra minutes since there were a lot of stops in that half. This could result in a last chance to USA which could have changed the match. You even saw Jürgen Klinsmann shouting at the ref where he only got 1 minute from. But thats just my opinion.
They had decent chance, the guy hit the crossbar and the 2nd chance he didnt even expect, reason the ball hit him into his knee that way. As for the entire stalling and stuff, its simply part of strategy of plenty of teams nowadays, doesnt matter, if its nation or club, whenever u have lead and there's something on the sake, every single team out there will stall on their own particular way, simply because thats how they have been tought by coach. Stuffs like that are nothing special today, reason the punishments are so "easy" for it, i mean, if the opposing team had the same situation, they would have done it as well.
We have seen plenty of turn overs at the last 10 min of the game, just cus of the delaying the game on this particular way, reason punishments like those are enough, since, if the opposing team is decent enough, they will score it anyway.

I have to disagree that in case of two extra min for USA, there would be any kind of difference, since if they werent able to score in all this time, they sure wouldnt at the last two min.
Howard is awesome.
Deserved win for Belgium tough. If you don't see that, you don't know football :)
Neuer beats Howard anytime.

Still nice performance.
would love to see them 1v1
Sorry for the dutch image :) But LOL...

image: 2eg5mas
Volgende ronde lig je er toch uit maak je maar geen zorgen
Ja omdat we volgende ronde eruit kunnen liggen mogen we niet zeggen dat dit zowat beste match was van de achtste finales ofzo, en dat we 40 kansen gehad hebben?
Ja en zoveel gemist, dat is wel slecht
Dat is wel slecht ja :) maar als de mensen allemaal zeggen dat dit 1 van de mooiste matchen was van het WK boeit me die missers niet, we hebben tenmisnte verdiend gwonne :D dus idc :p
30 overtredingen, defour tax?
That howard pissed me off y-day :(
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