Bet365 and related websites

Hello /cf/

I am looking for a football oriented (doesn't necesarily have to be this) betting website. I was looking at bet365, but it sucks that it doesn't allow me to use the USA as my residence country.

Any suggestions? Would love a site that has excellent odds for Colombia winning today :)
napoleongames is quite nice. got 50 euros bonus for free and already have 80eur profit! the best , pay 100 euro and u will get 100euro bonus :)

tipico is and stays the best site
ignore both of these previous comments. if u cant google up the major betting site it aint worth much to be betting

William Hill

oh, didnt even read i from usa, dunno if any take.
LOL William Hill oki doki moki foki doki achoki

keep on playing on site thats noone has ever heard of and the months biggest win is 92k€ =D
what's the adv of williamhill or 888 vs pinnacle?
I guess if you're from the US your options are a lot more limited.
Probably stuff like 5Dimes, BetOnline, Island Casino,, BetCris,, The Greek etc.
Pinnacle used to accept US customers but no more. I've heard something about a lot of US punters still betting using pinnacle through grandfathered accounts and w/e but yea.

I've been sports-betting quite a bit over the last 5 years and if I were you I would consider 5Dimes. Personally I stay clear from sites accepting US customers mainly due to what happened with black friday on Full Tilt and Pokerstars etc. But I often see 5Dimes offer good odds when I'm odds shopping. Also they've been around for quite a while they're well respected.
come to skype someday nerd
Working a lot of odd hours atm :D when I'm online it's always during stupid times, except like now on a sunday
USA the land of freedom where you can't even bet online in sports or casino games xD

bet 365 before the match had 1:125 odds for colombia winning 2:1 , didn't check for 3-1 but you bet it was a bit higher. I had 2-0 for bra, too bad.
Check this site:

There is a list where you can play and as you see living in USA resctrics your chances quite a lot.
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