Best party / club in London + DB Keys

Hi ET nerds,

Prob some of you know london for a bit, I will visit london Friday (11th) and was wondering: where should I go to party hard and have an awesome night.

For clubs I like the bigger ones with dance / bigroom house music (Hardwell, Nicky romero etc), but I mainly see deephouse/techno shit if I google for some clubz. (I checked websites of 'Fabric" and "ministry of sound", looks nice but if I google the DJs Its deephouse/techno

So if somebody knows THE place to visit let me knowwzz

Thanks, here are some Dirty Bomb beta keys. Would be nice if you use a key you let the others know:

bb cya etc
ive been in lodon few times enjoy london u really need to know some pepole cuse the "city" dead at night
u rly need to know pepole that know the underground scene, thats pretty cool there. you will meet alot of intersting pepole in underground scene .
i doubt any one here will give u some good tips even tho some of them from london.
what the fuck did i just read
what the fuck dit i just read
The bigger clubs that I found on internet are all open till 6 in the morning...
Quotecity" dead at night

u wot m8
Used the third key, thanks.
i was tehre sometimes. i tell you what. u need to kno the people there who know the city, because sometimes the city is so dead. no people. because all are in the underground scene. full of awesome and interesting people! probably noone knows it on crossfire because they ve never been to the undergfround scene man.
I knew I could count on my old skool CF boys! Thanks for all the awesome tips!
i was tehre sometimes. i tell you what. u need to kno the people there who know the city, because sometimes the city is so dead. no people. because all are in the underground scene. full of awesome and interesting people! probably noone knows it on crossfire because they ve never been to the undergfround scene man.
ask here:

& Google Electric Brixton (used to be The Fridge)
"deephouse shit"

screw you.
crossfire nerds dont party, so stop pretending
i was tehre sometimes. i tell you what. u need to kno the people there who know the city, because sometimes the city is so dead. no people. because all are in the underground scene. full of awesome and interesting people! probably noone knows it on crossfire because they ve never been to the undergfround scene man.
Internet cafe 37 open 24/7 They are doing a special World of Warcraft weekend so I am sure you'll be able to party hard there!

If that fails Club potty open all hours. £50 entrance fee and bitches with bears supplied.

you're welcome, no need to thank me
Haha some very funny responses here. Well I have lived in my London all my life, and I think some of the people who have replied here have never actually been to London. "London Dead at night" is pretty much the dumbest comment I have ever seen, most our clubs are open until 6am, the shops are 24 hours, and so are some of the pubs.

Now before I say anything, I was always more into Drum and Bass than anything else, so my club choices have always reflected that. Anyway:

Fabric used to be amazing, but has gone down hill recently. It used to be a lot of people all loved up, but now too many drunk people go there. One thing I will say is it used to be my favourite club in the world, the layout is incredible (Room 2 still remains my favourite place in the universe) and the music is always very good. I usually went on fridays (which was the DnB ight), but I also went on saturdays a lot as well (which was their house night), and I've always been there for their 10th anniversary when it stayed open from morning Tuesday night to tuesday morning the next week while never closing :) The saturday nights actually play very uplifting house and it isn't very minimal at all. Go to any night that Craig Richards (who is fabric's resident house DJ) is doing a set and it will be great,

Ministry of Sound I was never a fan of as there are just too many tourists there. But, it may have exactly the music youre looking.

Corsica Studios can be awesome, dependant on what the lineup is like.

Pacha is just a typical Pacha, same as the one in Ibiza, a bit boring really.

Scala is a pretty cool venue in King's cross, Koko's is a great looking venue in camden - but again entirely depends on the lineup.

XOYO is the new hotness right now, but it always felt slightly too mainstream for my tastes.

As for more underground stuff, Plastic People is pretty cool, and East Village was always my favourite 'underground' house venue, at least since Cable shut down.

London warehouse raves are always fun,

That's all I can be bothered to write right now really, but if you have any questions just reply to me and i'll try to help.
Where abouts in London are you living?
Living in Brockley (New Cross/Peckham) at the moment, but moving to Manchester in a month to live with my girlfriend as she does her medicine degree (i've just finished uni)
(Hardwell, Nicky romero etc) is fucking shite and no respectable "club" will play it

You are better of going to the cheap / tacky nightclubs in central London around Picadilly, like Tiger Tiger

XOYO is one of the best but doesnt play that shite
Tiger Tiger the fucking worst place ever 20000 mile fucking queue and it's bollocks anyway
I always wondered why anyone would voluntarily visit Britain/England, if it wasn't for landscape/sight seeing. It has literally zero appeal, I mean even their football fan culture is garbage. No atmosphere whatsoever.
pubs, m8
It's all about pubs.
Goodison park always bouncing ALWAYS and been to Celtic Park a few times and that place is fucking insanely loud.
i was tehre sometimes and I can recommend Slimelight club in Angel but I think its only open saturdays.
ive been in lodon few times enjoy london u really need to know some pepole cuse the "city" dead at night
u rly need to know pepole that know the underground scene, thats pretty cool there. you will meet alot of intersting pepole in underground scene .
i doubt any one here will give u some good tips even tho some of them from london.
Never London always MANCHESTER
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