Situation in israel #1

So , I'm back again,and I'm here to share the situation here from my point of view.
Well,it all started with the kidnapped and murder of the three teenagers and the thread I made about it,since then Hamas started firing rockets continuously over Israel,it been a few days with a very soft and criticized response from Israel,but yet as they keep shooting and shot over 200 rockers over us,Israel is preparing to what may be a big operation against the Hamas in Gaza.
A couple of videos as I always add to my threads.

Iron dom in action ( What you can see is the Iron dome rockets,you can't see the Hama's ones )

Alarms in Tel Aviv,a city which is not used to that at all.

Hamas terrorist invades Israel from the sea in order to hit a village near by,this how they been shot down,it took them 11 KM of swimming to get there and to go to hell in a matter of minutes.

That's it for now,I will be creating another journal if needed,peace.
dude no one buys your shit here, why do you bother?
My shit? sorry for giving a different perspective of what's going on.
I'm not asking you to buy any of what I'm saying,I'm just letting you know that some where in the near future you will be looking back and figure out how dumb you were.
Elaborate on what is going to happen that we will look back in tears?

Dont you see how fucking biased you are? When its 3 jews killed - OMG ITS PALESTININAS BOMB EM ASAP. When its palestinian kid - lol thats prolly them killing him to have an excuse.
Tell me why do I read everywhere that xx palestininas were killed and injured and no jews? You are just full of shit bro, prolly watching your mainstream media all the time.
First thing,you will be watching back in time and understand you were wrong once Islam will get out of control in the rest of the world,same thing happened with Hitler ,no one thought he could go that far,but when he did it was too late to stop it.
We are now living the effect of the Islam in his current state,and it got out of control,Israel is a democratic country that lives the 21 century ,while the rest of the countries around us don't,they stuck years behinds and the keep on going backwards.
Second,No I'm not that effected of the media since I dont like watching the news neither reading papers since its getting me depressed,I live the fear and the terror day by day in first sight,don't you never think that I don't feel bad for all those kids in the Gaza strip,I do,so badly,but they are just the cause of world wide manipulation and they are being used,being used by countries that don't want to accept the Palestinians and treat them as refugees,they keep on supporting the terror organizations who control the Gaza strip with the power of a gun,they are just being used,and no one seems to understand that,they are nothing but human shields and puppets being controlled by countries like Iran and cos,since they believe that if they cannot fight Israel face to face in the modern age,they can do it that way,and it seems that it's working fine for them.
I'm dreaming and praying day by day for the peace to come,but as long as the conflict being used and understood wrong,it wont come,you cannot make peace with a terror organization and you cannot trust them as well.
If I were the U.N who so badly cares about what's going on in here,I would kick hamas and the rest of their friend out of the power position ,and let someone who really cares about the Palestines lead the way,but guess what,they U.N can't do shit about it,so our story goes on.
I agree on Islam but its not like its Israel that is the great defender that keeps us safe from them. And so far I would say Jews have far more power than arabs (and than any other nation tbh) which is why you are hated by so many.
Dunno how is U.N supposed to kick hamas? Bomb them all? You cannot solve this problem on your own but you think U.N can?
I will read more about this conflict though as I am sure its not as black and white as you or some ppl here paint it
I don't say that we keep anyone safe,I do say that we are the first in the modern age to face the hardcore Islamic terrorism,Israel can wipe out Gaza in a single day,but we can't do it,and we wont.
U.N is a total bullshit,a group of ass wipers who can only do the walk talk,they are only good at saying who's doing wrong and who's not,but what I tried to said is that if they care so much about what's going on in here,why wont they do something real about it besides telling us,Israel,how bad we are and how wrong we are doing it,I say,come on U.N,show us how's it done.
If you really find it interesting I say you go a head,but you should be warned the the media,including the internet it full of propaganda and bullshit,most of it is fake,so watch it.
dem palestinians such meanies image: Kappa
palestinians sending rockers to israel , what is this
Your question was: by "speechless", what do you mean? - So here's my answer. (You deleted your comment for some reason..)

No words to describe how stupid the world is. How the world is miss-lead by the media.. I've asked some Europeans how much they know about Israel.. and I was amazed with the answers I've got.. so wrong.. so much lies.. but there's no point to get into this argument cause nobody will believe us.. thats just how the world works.. the people follow the majority and the majority is against Israel. Nothing we can do about it.

Pointless journal in such a place.. love to you all but just don't get into what you don't exprience for yourselfs and stop believeing everything the TV says.
you are too biased mate sorry pointless to debate as we wont agree =)
not biased at all, as I mentioned.. don't try to get involed into something you are not expriencing for yourself.
It's like you'll never know the feeling of losing someone close untill you lose one. (rough example but I'm just trying to explain my POV on the situation..)
Ani batoh she ata yahol levazea masheo yoter moyil bahaim measher lezayen le anashim aherim et ha sehel.
shalom ma nishma
Ma se tagid,lo mamas evanti mila..
Lama se lo tasim real nick?
Ze ha nick ha amiti sheli...
Not to be racist, but how does it feel to be the black sheep of the world? Don't you sometimes ask yourself whats wrong with Zionism/Jews, as apparantly nobody wants to have you close to them?!

This world would probably be a better place without religion.
They are just retards believe me, always making a problem about the religion. The Muslims who die for Allah and making a suicide bomb. The jewish that do also things wrong. This is shit is on for 15 years somethings.
A thousand plus years*.
What a girls
its always religion...thats just never going to change.
Before calling others retards,you shall first know what you are talking about,a little bit at least.
Jews will not die,or kill for god and the Bible is far for being the Quran.
I would be glad seeing you dealing with nations who's stuck in the 19 century,who's still believes that when you die you shall have virgins waiting for you,guess it wont be easy,especially when they raised being such a fanatics.
We are not being raised like animals,and we don't breath hate and violence and in the summer time we go to the pool and the beach,while they attend terrorist summer camps for young kids.
We shall be defending our self in anyway,no matter what,it's them or us,or the peace which sadly I don't think we can make with them since they are so fucked up.
Since it's always been that way about the jews,we don't think about that too much.
And no I don't,I usually asks myself what's wrong with the rest of the world,the muslims especially,and why the hell can't we just fucking live in peace.
I guess my questions will never answered.
And about religion,most of the people in Israel are not that religious as you think,we all call our self jewish but not most of us trust god that he will make our paths straight.
How about there is no such thing as Jesus and you stop living in fucking Disney fairytales.

image: 140610
Thanks for the insight, but really - there must be a reason, or at least a starting point to all the hatred towards Israel/Jews. Not to be offensive, but why has history usually put the blame on jews? I simply can't belive it's just 'fashion', there must be something more to it.

The religion part was more of a general statement. I just think religion is bullshit after all and does more worse than good in these days. Not saying it isn't a source of hope for those in needy situations, but it has always been abused as a 'tool' to legitimate war. This can be found in any confession, be it protestants, cathloic, zionism or the - especially - the islam.

We live in a globalized, modern world, which is merely 'imprisoned' by antique, outdated beliefs and values that were brought upon us by religion. One could say religion keeps back, or at least heavily slows down the evolution of mankind, and therefore it should go.
It is a fashion,fashion that goes back in the time of history.
Long time ago(Really fucking long time ago),the pope declared that loans being giving to in europe should not being given with the terms of interest,since the economics were in a such a bad state and people couldnt afford taking loans and giving back the interest.
Back then,the pope were a bigger figure then hes now,and he were controlling a world wide population,but not the Jews,since they got nothing to do with him.
So the jews were they only ones who gave big loans with interests,that's when they started calling us greedy,slowly people who cannot afford the loans started to lose their business,and jews started holding big companies and had quite a strong power,that's why the say we are ruling the world.
that's were that fashion you are talking about began.

And I do feel you about the religion part,we do live modern world,but what you dont understand that 70% of the Israelis are modern and not that religious as the otterbox jews,and Israel is quite a modern country,and not that religious in all of her parts,but when you look around us,can you point me on a modern country besides Israel?
you forgot what happened between the 1st step and the 2nd step in your description - when i can remember well israel arrest thousend of palestinians accusing em done this crime what palestinians always dispute - than some palestinians were grilled by isrealis -- so please look at the facts correctly and dont talk onesided bullshitt on whats going on
viel schlimmer ist doch das hier einige hurensöhne gibt die ihr eigenes gesicht verlieren in dem sie sagen juckt mich nicht sollen sie doch sterben..

ich bin türken hab nix mit dem thema am hut.. aber selbst ich tränen in den augen hab wenn die diese kleinen kinder sehe wie sie sterben mussten und wie ich einfach die videos sehe wo die kleinen kinder um hilfe bitten.. das hat weder mit islam zu tun noch mit christen wenn du ein mensch bist dann tut das dir weh aber einige hier haben kein gesicht und sind keine menschen mehr.. ist mir egal was passiert ist aber ich kann das nicht sehen wenn kleine kinder sterben oder um hilfe bitten da muss du bei jedem das herz weh tun das geht doch nicht man das ist traurig zu sehen wie die hier sagen juckt mich nicht ich versteh die nicht

und der einzige der wirklich dicke eier hat ist erdogan der war der einzige der in davos sein mund aufgemacht hat ..
erdogan hat aber auch eine scheiss seite das er zu streng mit dem land türkei umgeht aber er hat eier gehabt.

israel ist einfach ein land mit dem irgendwie keiner klar kommt. selbst mit türkei damals wo sie ohne grund den schiff von uns bombadiert haben und dann als grund. er war nicht auf den radar hzu sehen und galt als feindlich , ja ne ist klar.. ich beurteile keinem aber israel jhat einfach mit jedem stress irgendwie keine ahnung aber das land ist mir seitdem die kinder töten und leute einfach mal im öffentlichen aufhängen ein scheiss land.. oder vor kurzen haben sie den kleinen junge verbrannt , warum??? was hat dieser kleine junge dieses land angetan?? wenn ein land mit dem anderen stress hat soll man das doch mal einfach anders klären wieso werden menschen getötet wieso kinder???.. durch solche aktionen heisst das bei vielen christen ja islam wieder aber nein was kann der islam dafür wenn 5prozent von 100 aus der reihe tanzen? ich bin übels mad ehrlich ich kann und will das nicht wahrhaben was da grad abgeht.
nice, you can go outside and play real life call of duty there
maybe you people should move away from there? image: photo
I am tired after reading all this stuff. It's always the fault of the jewish if I have to believe the Muslims on i-net.
You israelis are AS SHIT AS the hamas. fucking idiots
Dude it's worldcup, come back later, nobody cares.
Fucking world cup :)
plus fucking one.
I would get out of the country as fast as possible and let them all kill each other.
Wish I could sometimes
easy for Israel "rich country", good weapons gg wp :D
No that rich tho,more intelligence is what your were looking for.
They are flooded with other arabs nations oil money.
USA help you with it ;) Trust me /q ipod :D
I'm kidding... take your Thompson and kill them all!
yeah and when they open up a school u bomb it down very intelligent by your side
1. We bomb it down cause the 'Hamas' (A terror organisation) stores and shoot rockets from there that is meant to kill innonect people in Israel.
2. We give them time to evacuate the place before we attack so no innocent people gets killed.
3. This is war, people gets killed. - Arabs are stupid enough to use their women and children as human shields and put them in danger. - Israel is more than capable of pinpoint target the terrorists but its impossible to do so when they just sit behind their children.
4. The children also shoots and throw rocks/molotovs on Israelis, which makes them terrorists as well, do you expect us to stand and take it all? We don't shoot to kill on those occusions, we use rubber bullets and aim for the legs ONLY. Unless its a molotov, then we can kill and they know it, so its their OWN fucking problem. If they put down their fucking weapons, there will be peace. If we put down ours, there will be no more Israel.
5. Go watch some Arabian TV shows, even in children shows they teach them that Jews must be killed, from young ages they put them to gun training and they teach them to celebrate when a Jew/Israeli is killed. Peace my ass.

So, yeah, any solution? retard. Here's something to think about. - There are 371 million arabs in the world spread in 22 Arabian nations, there are only 8 million Israelis and 2 million out of them are Arabs, there's only 1 Jewish nation (Israel). So, why can't we just live in peace?
the point was how they can be inteligent /learn something when they have no possibilities to
i never said you cant live in peace -- i hope the day will come everybody can - but how you treat pastinians will always end in hate
"Oh we're giving you time to evacuate before we bomb the shit out of you. We're the good guys here"
So please enlighten me, do you have a better solution?

They decide to shoot rockets towards Israel, not us. They decide to hide in schools and hospitals, not us. They decide to let their children and women be with them while they shoot us and use them as human shields, not us. We are just protecting our country. So yes, we bomb the shit out of their rocket launchers and terrorists, they should be thankfull that we are so nice to even warn them before hand, fucking retard.

And if a civilian is killed, its only their fault. I said it before and I'll say it again, this is war.

Here are some videos for you to watch, maybe you'll learn something.

You gtfo of this area.
NEVER. You are welcomed to boycott Israel.
But do it properly:

Ye I dont think im gonna watch that
First video forgots to mention : dont watch tv and use banking system because we control all this shit to leech money from you :D
I guess the rocket pods are mobile and they can evacuate them too.
But don't you turn the people against you if you destroy hospitals and schools? don't you win a war by winning the people?
First we have to stop the attacks towards Israel.. we destroy Hospitals and Schools and even Mosques but alll because they store weapons in there or shoot rockets from there.. and we're doing ALOT more than you think for the Palestinians.. we give them power, food, water.. we warn them before we attack.. what other country will do this during war?
Learning with Potty

Lesson 1:
This is the 21st Century. Those who still follow religion are brain dead.

Lesson 2:
Fight over the bible or the qur-an is like fighting over star wars... Except star wars is mostly real, we all know that a desert planet is inhabitable.

Lesson 3:
Follow as I say, not what I do. I am your new prophet and I am here to rescue you from the government, the army and most of all I am here to save you from yourselves.

Lesson 4:
If you believe these words, which most of you will, you can go ahead and donate to the new religion: Pottist. We want to be excepted. We will only go to war with people with other beliefs because our beliefs are the only true ones. Anyone who does not do this is going to a place called "Somewhere else" where they have NO PC's and NO INETERNET. So you better believe me.

Welcome to freedom x
Thanks potty,that's with no doubt really inspired me.
Use the potty.
noone cares about jews looking for a new excuse to kill innocent palestinians. you fegs are kinda used to going on a desert for 40 years, so maybe gtfo of middle east?
didn't you also kill an innocent teenager as a revenge for the three teenagers?
That story is kinda odd,that kid were gay and he was selling his self for prostitution,in the muslim way of thinking you better not having that child then having him as gay,and when I say you better not having him I mean you better get rid of him in some way.
Also,the whole story it yet to be published and still under investigation,yet if they will found out that some of us did it,I would be more then ashamed of this and the people who did it and so does most of my us,killing him would never bring the three boys back.
Quotein the muslim way of thinking you better not having that child then having him as gay,and when I say you better not having him I mean you better get rid of him in some way.

WOW, just from this tiny explanation, it makes myself hate just more and more about religion. This is not freedom. And they you may ask why "why do we always fight against eachother ? Why no peace ?". Religion is a fucking illness.
Look,as a human being,you always need something or someone to put you faith in,something you could pray for in a bad times.
But,being a fanatic to a religion is the worst case.
But I don't judge people by the way thet choose to live their life,I just believe they should do it without effecting or hurting others.
go fuck yourself
free palestina!

fuck you cancer isreal
by "free palestine", what do you mean?
Just speechless..
You jews deserve it so much, not a single fuck was given, soz.
This again...
i remember playing with my dutch friends and when the air raid alarm went on, i put it on ventrilo and went to the bomb shelter :D

such times, much nostalgia, much wow

btw we should learn from Assad, he already killed 100,000+ and the world dont care :p
he simply kill them when they are young ~
germany would be proud to welcome you...
Palestine will be free
Fucking jew
Why don't you go back to that pink room which you loves taking muscle pictures from Mohsin.
I would gladly punch you in your fucking face in any time,fucking keyboard tough.
wow u cant imagine what I wouldv done with you in my hands. Fucking jew
Probably you couldnt do shit.
oh please,, come next LAN.
love your bro. fuck this jews
revenge is never, i mean never, agreeable. moreover its a never ending story - they kill your people, you kill theirs, they kill yours, you kill theirs, they kill yours.... and so on
in my neutral opinion - historical there is no israel - and it was a dumbass that thought taking somebodys land to give it one other would work

by the way: fucking religions... thats the first you got to kill - or it kills you
+1 You are absolutely right ! I can't agree more.
is this the right place to talk about politics ? or i should say propaganda !!
Crossfire is full of retards,but yet,I'ev been here for 10 years so I can't really find any other place to post on,also guys here used to see what I post as some kinds of a pov instead of politics ,I usually ask people to keep it non-politic,but that's impassable this days.
just wait. turkey will destroy ur country u son of a bitch , erdogan is on fire
Actually turkey is a nice country,too bad they got pricks like you.
Also,Turkey will destroy us? XDD go ride a durmush or something.
And you better shut it,I wont even mention what you people have done to the Kurdish people.
wait what?? i think u r the last guy who can talk about murder.. u fucking jews killed 1-2 years old kids u fucking moron tell me the reason why u killed this kids u son of a bitch go and suck perez dick
It's Peretz you dumb fuck,that's first.
And yea,I can talk a little about murder since you retards are doing it for decades to the Kurd people,FREE THE KURDS!
i said gim me the reason why u killed the kids u bastard.
And Im asking you tard why you guys keeps on killing the kurds
dear god, noone gives a fuck about this.
yea.. idd why give a fuck when they torture the muslims and destroy their home. fucking moron
happening everyday all accross the globe, u dont see milion of ppl posting that here do u? now piss off.
yup so lets ignore it..
gtfo u son of a bitch ..
oh the irony of immigrants.
where is ur humanity you fucking moron

It should be painfully clear that this is a question of common humanity.

go die pls
after u turk.
i hope ur parents are sibling u honorless shit
said turk ha.
Arabs are a waste of space and the Israeli's aren't much better either. Just bomb the whole middle-east + Pakistan and Afghanistan and the world would be a better place.

image: 10478108_1424103544545192_4602281841928175855_n
exactly, every human with a heart should cry for them.
Nuke the whole area down. Gg wp, restart match vote passed
No one really believes Israel's bullshit so why bother.
Totally biased in what you are saying, gg
I dont rly care about all this cause im canadian and the only war we have here is with maple syrup trees or caribous but why do u guys keep claiming and stealing palestinian lands? U were given a land by the united nations and u were welcomed by the palestine as neighbours but u kept building communities into their lands and pushing them away why? I might be wrong just saw those stories a lot but wouldnt be surprised because my aunt here had a aparment in a jewish community and they kicked her out so they could have more places for them...
After readings some of the comments, this is what i have to say;

You cannot debate about something you dont understand and worse is to think you know and then just talk crap.
as an ex army soldier and since working in security ive come to see alot of things in my life, for a 24 year old guy what for me and other israeli people see on a daily basis is for others: extreme or fantasy...
i live the day to day conflict you guys hear about on the news, and trust me alot is going on but not everything being covered by the media.
My final words is that: the situation in Israel is for her to handle, i dont see anyone saying shit to other countries. USA is doing the fuck they want, So does Putin or Syria or what ever.

Go Argentina :)
AlJazeera,would anyone expected something else from this arbas fucks? :D nope.
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