
image: 10547143_952631938084032_8161637979121876813_o

youporn tweeted this one
QuoteDo we have any competitive LoL, DOTA2, or HeartStone players following us? What do you think about YouPorn sponsoring a team?

what do u think about this guys? :D

and i need 1 guy from the uk or some1 who is rly good english cuz i have to write my own paper and the abstract has to be in english and ye my english isnt that good and everyone who know what a paper is know thats important that everything is perfect :P
a paper which will be published?
well gona be pulished only in my university on the "hochschulserver" dont know how to call that, so everyone who study on this uni can read it :/

everyone had to do a project this semester and i did some test with breast milk and escherichia coli (nobody did that before in my uni so it wasnt that izi, i had to do project planning, order substances and so on by myself)
wow a company maybe sponsors a team in esports... oh wait the company got some nipples on their homepage...

allways keep faking shit in the interwebz..
money is money
Nothing special, weren't there some teams sponsored by a company called 'Fleshlights' aswell? :p
not surprised they sponsor games like lol or dota | }

image: 15yirt3
Why only Blizzard games?
'market analysis'
lol youporn sponsoring team xD freehd wanks for 5 years yippiii
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