CGAC Error when trying to launch

Dear crossfire users,

I've downloaded the latest CGAC version: 1.5.1. I've uninstalled the old version and deleted the old maps before I did this. When I launch the program I get the following error:

image: 205591f

Does anyone know how I can solve this error? The first sentences is Dutch for:
System.Net.WebException: The remote name could not be resolved: ''
I don't think my antivirus is the cause of the error because it is off during the install and when I tried to launch it.

Thanks for the help.
His OS is Vista btw
Have you tried adding ( to your hosts?
Thanks for your reply.
I've added ( to my hosts. Now when I try to launch CGAC I get a different error, however the size of the error remains the same as above.
The "new" error starts with:
System.Net.WebException: Kan geen verbinding met de externe server maken ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Er is geprobeerd toegang te verkrijgen tot een socket op een volgens de toegangsmachtigingen niet toeggestane manier (I didn't add the 80 when to my hosts).
System.Net.WebException: Can't connect to the external server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An attempt was made to access a socket to run, according to the access permissions unauthorized access way

Hopefully you can help me.
Sounds like software or hardware firewall, check your installed software or your modem/router's firewall settings.
Whenever i get that i just reboot and it works :C
I've tried to reboot my PC but it kept giving me the same error.
iam pretty sure its ur antivir , even when u stop it there are some scans in the background, friend of me got the same prob he deinstalled whole antivir and it works, to bad i cant tell u smth better maybe it works for u aswell.
After your commend I had a closer look at my anti virus (Norton). Apperently I didn't turn off my firewall when I had my anti virus "off". It turned out that this caused the problem. Thanks a lot!
Thanks to all who tried to help me.
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