Thamorez busted?

Today I was speccing 3on3 match where guys from Trickjump clan were playing. They were doing some suspicious movements so I decided to watch replay from cup final they played against hodor. This was the best one I accidentally found from this game by United KingdomThamorez

And here is link for the game:

Im afraid making any clip of FinlandSherlock, because he said he will kick shit out of Finlandhuuda when he mentioned about no recoil.

ps. free mkks
Lol not at all...
this avi isn't quite as convincing as the demo itself

here is better video!
Yes this video doesnt really proof anything, but if anyone have enough interest they should spec sherlock and thamores in that replay.
90% of these players playing in 'xD Trickjump are old-school 2.55ers. Especially Thamorez aka Shaman and Sebhes. They were playing 2.55 tournaments at the same time as players like L4mpje, suVi, Salaneuvos, Jewe etc.
Having said that, I'm 100% positive he is not cheating.
Yes I know that because they told that they are old-school players. And they seems to hate hackers so its hard to believe they cheat:

'xD Sherclock, [Warmup]: ex hackers aka all of u should be denied playing
l0l baring in mind 90% of people from .55 cheated anyway, e.g. webe, lordi etc
lOL ima oldskool nigga i aint cheatin fagit
omg???? i crie evrytiem
Only cheated once.
im disappointed
Cmon, it was 2009 :(
proud to be in that 10%
what is .55 anyway? i dont get it. lowskillers who couldnt play with real clans and decided to have their own little community? just absurd
It's 2.55 patch, not really sure, afaik it came before 2.6? I got introduced to et through 2.55 even though .6b was active but I didnt have a clue about it until I started to get more competitive in .55.
everyone played .55 before 2.6. what i dont get why people would stay playing it. it was patched for improvement not for giggles.

did you atleast use etpro?
ah, well once I understood and got into the competitive side of things yeah went from etpub to etpro, then eventually to .6b like 4 years ago or something
Never understood it. I thought this was moronic even 7-8 years ago. For example uniX & wizzel stayed on the old patch for quite a while kept talking about the "2.55 community".. and to think that people have kept playing on that patch even years after that... not sure what to say image: Facepalm_emote_gif
Well tbh the 2.55 community i was introduced back in 2006 was the best community i've been part of ever. It's not like it was too competitive or anything but everyone knew everyone and there was no flaming whatsoever. Eventually it died too after couple of years when everyone finally switched to 2.60b, yet i'd still rather play 2.55 even now if there was anything competitive going on still.
Joo. :D Näin on!!! Ei koodaa!!!!

Niin ja en oo sen kannal et tästä sitä huomais. Koska tää on huono avi bustiks
dyna was down, so he was shooting where the eng might have been. tbh this clip is pointless.
+1 -- nothing special here comparing to mkks
actually dyno is flying same time as door is being opened. atleast to my ear
goddammit thamorez we need 6th for UK NC
well done...

but rly this guy is shaman?
yeah zeh legend (for me atleast) himself
Yea Shaman aka test. The legend of 2.55
but then, you cant find players over low+ on 2.55
Little ignorant shit. Do you even know which players have come from 2.55? Seems like you got absolutely no idea.
I assume most of the oldschoolers came from 2.55, eversince 2.60b was made later.
2.55 etpro scene kept existing even after the patch. It was very active till 2010 or so. And many of those players that moved to .6b started playing on high skilled level.
Well here we are discussing about us 2.55 players using hacks! Giggle in ur cave you little faggot.
Newschool cum loving cunt.
I dont know, but do you write this stuff because you consider it funny or because you simply came out of the ass :S
Start making sense for a change, okay?
Same for you bruv
You are not really in position to say that. What about taking the bloody tampon out of your tight arsehole and getting a vasectomy so, God forbid, you don't pass on those precious genes of yours to future generations?
You see, you're funny when you want to be. :s
Is there really even a single player who came from 2.55 and could actually claim he were highskilled?
L4mpje and koop?
Straight up no, but it's not like this was his first match ever on 2.6b and i don't think even test himself thinks he's highskilled. And like stated before he was better than Jewe and Salaneuvos back then ;)
Not the moment they switched over, no. Took them some amount of time to get used to the patch and improve overall . But all of these players f.e came from heavy 2.55 background: Salaneuvos, Jewe, SinfulSebastian, L4mpje, suVi & koop and have had high success in .6b in my eyes.
Not to even mention the 2on2/3on3 talents.
I support you no matter what!
Most hilarious at this video is his aim, and he still hits him :XDDDDDDD

EDIT: Also funny considering it's not that long ago when Tahmorez called me cheater in a 6o6
could be preshooting because he expects someone to be there...
who is Thamorez ? playing since 2k4 and never hear about this..
olDSkuL fAgit ShaDAp KEy?!
is this a joke ? :D
This is not a joke. But since I have only under ~30 minutes experience of cheating in ET, im not really the best guy busting any players. But maybe you have some experience and you could help me and the ET community and watch the whole game and tell your opinion?
played like 5mins with wh against bots so no use but i can explain the situation in the clip.

-maybe he pushed the previous spawn and saw the direction they were heading
-maybe he is hearing them jumping down there
-after that opening door
-hears the dyno dropping sound --> starts shooting behind door coz thinks engi is arming the dyno ---> door opens fully --> sees the engi is not there and starts shooting the corner where engi is at
I use your config so I support this
hiillos makkara
I am guessing he was anticipating the enemy to be hiding behind the door that was sliding open?

If show normals was on, would be nice to see if the enemy walked in the direction he was aiming. I highly doubt this is a guy cheating however.

EDIT: After seeing the show normals video above you can clearly see he is expecting the engineer to be behind the door. Awful attempt at trying to bust a player :z
Congratulations for making the worst bust avi for 100% clean action, very well done.
If shooting 8 bullets to wall is 100% clean action for you, ok then!
clean as fuck idiot ! stop making shit bustavi.
well this was random
Could be wh, could be clean who knows. Anyway for proof u need to check the whole demo ofc, cant judge from one action.
clean but shit aim...
Sound of engi dropping dyna and running around, just prefire that most 'non accuracy caring people' would throw at an engi? Atleast I would
i don't realy know why people keep using Music in the Background when trying to bust someone <.<

anyway could be wh, could be clean but in the end it wouldn't surprise when he/they are cheating..
we will be wreckin team belgium tonight, join on ettv to get some sugar
erm, who is he anyway?
He said that he play almost 10 years, ok, but wheres their yawns?
I don't think I'd be mad if this guy were to get an aimbot. He really could use one to even the odds.
haha look at you giving it the biggen!
Well I've been playing a bit of ET again. Need to adjust my attitude or I won't fit in!
ok so why have i not played with you in a while? i'm not sure how i feel about this!
Just public so far, can't seem to get my FPS straigthened out. Let's play some soon :p
xDDDDDDDDD he just thought that engi could be closer and u are making amazing movie, keep the work up
why would he keep shooting and tracking the wall :x
I hope youre just pretending to be retarded and not actually being retarded
Tammy obvious newschool cheater since 2005
Are you fucking kidding me? Damn you're one sad fuck, yet you claim mikkis' bust clip would not be a sufficient proof :DDD
After dropping the dyna I think you might heard him going that way but LOL at that aim, 30 bullets wasted
Sebhes? Nitro?? Arma??? Shaman??????? It's like i was suddenly sucked back to 'xD FragJumpZ, or ETWars :o
Haha 'xD FragJumpZ, and ETWars great memories :D
Played there as Beep if u still remember me :P
Yea ofcourse I remember u man.. you were friendly guy. Always nice to see some old faces.
Starting to miss .55 :(
never heard of
trickjump clan are a bunch of gangstas nigga UOENO IT
not sure if troll or srs :/ :D
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