Cgac problem

Yo guys

I got this problem with cgac on latest install (1.5.3) before that it used to work just fine but now its giving me this annoying error after several minutes in game.

image: rLzgm9C

Thanks Sher
surprise that there's problems with cgac ":D"
getting the same. just ignore it and you are good to go :D
Well people whine that my cgac isnt on...
got it too at 1st time and then just opened again
I get it every time
image: MCudc6P

Maybe lil bit better pic
Are you the same Sherclock who left a message on my BNC telling me to "burn in hell"?
I believe I am. I am deeply sorry about that but its good to know that you react to something since last 3 days I have contacted you about this matter and never got reply..
Also because of this shit program we lost our match and basically chances to go in playoffs in 6on6 sc because pussyhead chillax got themselves forfeit victory while two of us couldn't fix this program. Also chilax in his allmighty scariness is ignoring us on mirc so we can't discuss about rematch. Well he obviously is admin of sc so what can we do after all..
Not sure what that has to do with me. I'm not going to apologize for helping bring CGAC to ET every time someone receives an error message. In case you haven't noticed, I am neither the developer of the anticheat nor the admin of the current cups. I have also been at QuakeCon for the past few days, which is why you didn't get a reply on IRC (although flaming me isn't the best way to guarantee a reply either).
Yes I know and once again I am sorry and I wish I could take my words back but as I can't there isn't much more I can do. Its just frustrating when player like me who has played this game for 10 years and never used hacks or don't even know how to install one has problems installing program which obviously isn't gonna do anything but harm to me because its not working properly and then scumbag people like chilax takes advantage of it.
Iam in for a "rematch", its up to chilax tho. Iam not the captain
Ja met da jij weg bent morgen :D
Well I think its just lame taking forfeit victory for this when its obvoiusly not our fault that cgac aint working.
it's all your fault man
it's causing lags since the new update..
I can't play with it with the last 3 updates aswell
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