nplane wh???

no just good sound settings
this had nothing to do with sound lol, he was simply standing still behind the wall, and i wallhacked for the lulz like 6 months ago, and just like shownormals setting, you cant see the enemy during walking from flag to cave, on the right side.
Once he was at the entrance of the cave and he could see him, he basically got surprised by seeing an enemy, shot a couple of times, then realised he was behind the wall.
If a clean preshooting player was in the position eh wouldve pre shot imediately after going around the corner into the entrance of the cave
you must be new :D
since my crossfire account isnt even existing half of the time i played et, you must be jumping to conclusions.
Im pretty sure ive been around longer in the scene than you have been, unless this is some weird ass account name you are using, i for certain have never heard about you.
hm you smoked too much weed and you obviously didn't read the journal..
but her eis a pro tip: sarcasm

so just because i registered my aweseome name here 4 months later than you does it mean i did started to play et at that date?
i played till 2004 on mods then from 2008 till 2010/11 on ETpub and since that time i play more or less etpro..

and i dont really care if you know me or not because i won't marry you or even visit you in amsterdam..
In my first post there was not a single phrase that couldve been responded with you saying 'you must be new :D' in a sarcastic tense. So before jumping on the hate train about how long you play this game why dont you properly set a sarcastic remark up, because you do know i can't actually hear you talk.
And just because i'm from the netherlands, you conclude that i am from Amsterdam, wich is small minded as hell.
And won't marry you ? how dare you even bring up the assumption that i would consider marrying some1 who tries to get personal with some1 over the internet :D all i am seeing is a probably a girl, hell maybe even a guy pretending to be a girl 'wouldn't be surprised', who is very inconfident over his or her own appearance.
just a simple presshoot ..
Like everyone does in Sp_delivery_te

If someone win doesnt say that they are cheating ..
yeah and the funny movement is just for the lulz and is doneby 99& of the players
many players are doing that ..

If he is wallhacking why didnt he shoot ..
When nplane was pushing to the crane
i never saw that movement from anyone... also that he didnt shot doesnt mean he is clean...
then is this your 1st time bro !
sorryim even watching replays from my bed while no sounds and stuff... XD

watching 100 games during a day...
Great like i told you ..

Then is this the first time for you

Spec other guys on deli and u will see everyone presshoot there..
omfg who the fucks talks about the preshoot.. ye the preshoot is weird too but i was talking about the movement...

and again im speccing like 1000 matxhes and never saw that movement behavior...
I have to agree with kAPOT about the movement. When I played ET I did the same so many times.
coolio 1 guy except this fucking haxor in years of nerding live gamestv matches and years nerding the database from gamestv..
are you really that benighted? do you really call that preshooting? :D
that whats happenig when you nearly all day long with cheaters
ye sure just believe in your self !
dude its not a clean action
Think about it kapot, why wouldn't he shoot... Oh wait, immediate bust
ye true story bro anyway cgac would have busted me already if i got a wallhack like 50 % of your friends
That's like the worst attempt ever to try to hide it...

you simply fucked up, but hey. It isn't enough, because if someone switches TWICE to enemy's head (who is behind 2walls and he cant hear them by ANY CHANCE), it isn't enough for admins... So yeah, Yolo swag
i always knew their team is one big bullshit.. The SC match against them gonna be very enjoyable i see
Seriously, watch that video three times in a row and say it was just an accidental switch
Well it could be also the noise he heared so he checked the spawnway. Im not defending but i do that kind of stuffs sometimes :P
It's his teammate, if he doesn't expect him teammate to be there than he's more retarded than I thought :D

+ the reaction is way too slow
I hope that ohurcool will do his job asap.
You surely dont get a lot of things
Poor attempt at flaming but nice explanation
You are the one who flames me most of the time...
eye for an eye, i see
??? Although I know he's a cheater I don't see anything suspicious in this video
I don't get it? What's wrong with this?
Always knew he is/was cheating :D What a movement to go through that cave, shooting on someones head who's behind a wall, and than that 'IDONTSEEHIM, lets walk beyond him and dont kill him because it would be too obv'

Ban this guy pls. Admin react.
do you think that ohurcool will ban him while he plays with him?

Well, atleast if ohurcool ban him, i can remove him from my cup, this is just too obvious. Is this in some offi or what? (ava showed me that alrdy today) but what offi?
ye offi against forward momentum

edit: i really recommend to read through this wall of text
Since when is ohurcool talking so much to defend someone on gamestv, like he did on that game?:D
Quoteatleast if ohurcool ban him, i can remove him from my cup
QuoteI hope that ohurcool will do his job asap

Did I recently join LIKEABOSS or something? You are the cup admin. If you think he's cheating, then remove him from your cup(s) yourself. This may sound difficult after spending the past few weeks copy-pasting my newsposts, rules, etc. and PMing me on IRC for advice every other day, but you really need to start actually making your own decisions if you want to be taken seriously as an admin.
please, don't let him make his own decisions. every time he did, they were so bad! :(
Is still still about those 2 NC matches where i just did my job?:D
It is still about those 2 NC matches where you just did your job poorly!:D
I smiled, yeah in the beginning i was copy pasting him for the lyout etc, and my english is bad, why should i make/ or take other sentence, if the rules are good like you did them, and i want the same rules, tell me why i should take other sentence, i spend plenty of my time in the cup, but, YE i got a real life also. And after i talked to you about that copy paste with your newspost, you said, its alright man. So don't talk like this now, srlsy :D And good to know you are saying this about me about asking for help. Some people can't even work with the CG site. So you think i can work with that ladder system etc without asking anything or what?

Why can't you just be happy that i'm trying with prick and rehab to make ET more alive, even in the summer. I don't get it man.

Btw, this has nothing to do with n-plane. Why are you defending him. This is more obvious than my 'bust'movie ^^
I don't like people who act nice to me in private when they need something then turn around and talk to/about me a different way in public. Don't bother asking me for help if you're going to do that shit.

I have a real life too and don't really feel like spending my entire summer as an admin. If I did, I'd be running a cup season myself at the moment.

And yeah, thanks for reminding me that you're an ex-cheater. Funny that you think it's acceptable to criticize me for "defending him" when you were caught cheating less than a year ago and still associate with scum like Netherlands base.

As I said, if you think he's cheating then maybe you should ban him from your cups.
They're not in my cup anymore, have a nice day mate. And the period that base was hacking, i didnt even play with him but oke nice try.

And i only mention, you never write such a books like you did on that offi with n-plane if they accused him. But ok whatever :p

Gl in your further cups
You really are a sack of shit, I knew it! :D

i love you tho
wooopsie there nplane! :Dddd
Didn't check the Video but it's nothing new that yii (alias azziro, magnum, dubzer, Rockefeller, Caesar), fumoffu (alias fAzzo), shady and n-plane are one hell of a retarded and cheating pack
Take heed, O thou whose name is but dung, for you will crash the king's best-loved chariot!
kinda strange, but tbh the avi on reactor where the guy shooted 10 bullets to the wall was way more suspicious. anyway thats why the fps genre is dieing, cause no matter what game u try, ET, cod, cs, even quake, u'll meet cheaters everywhere : /
You think? I thought this was a little more obvious.
Have shot something like that on reactor several times, just as much as it's common to 'hide' there to plant, giving you a little more time as the door opens.
wouldn't you at least wanna check the spot which you've been so suspicious of? he was trying to hide it so much that he wouldnt even turn around after he walked through the entrance. in addition, you can actually clearly see the guy camping there as soon as you enter.

I can't agree on this one. he could had been suspicious about somebody being on a ramp or in the door, watching tunnel. And then, when he ran around him.. ever watched any of your friends and woit handered if they are fucking blind? if you spectate someone, you see things the player doesn't. just because he is focused on other stuff. it happens. and I am prone to believing this because when he is being backshot, he turns towards the spawn and looks confused (tho little longer video would be better here). he would need to have this thought through so hard..
also gotta consider FOV and stuff, sometimes people just can't see certain angles while you (speccing them) can. :D
1) He tracks the opponents head behind the wall and shoots at it, then plays retard and looks elsewhere
2) That player is visible even for a blind person
3) He even switches to the second door near the ladder on opponent's head, but that's lotto
4) when he's being shot, he isn't even arsed to snap to that player, he was scared the whole time when going around him not to look so obvious
1) preshot bridge campspot
2) hindsight
3) where else should he look than a doorway?
4) that just looks plain stupid. I have no words for that, it could be he didn't want to show he knew where the guy was, or he simply has bad reactions.
seemed like there were a few too many coincidences and too much stupidity and effortless by him, but I guess well done to symbol who managed to catch that moment...
so obv :D
This is not showing anything special. Nobody can argue about that record because we don't even know the axis spawn times. Then, If you watch the record with a "team play sight" he is pushing exactly when his friends are at the ladder. We could just say that he preshoted there like everyone does. Then his friends asked him to wait and they pushed together. I watched the whole ettv back in time and he was normal except for that strange preshoot.

You guys are just talking about cheaters without being objective. I mean look at the facts. Nplane and his mates can barely win a watch against med/+ players. There are people doing actions like that everydays on delivry just connect on NBS.

Troll part: CGAC would have busted them like it did for ban wave #1
1st: only upload med+
2nd: none
3rd: none

try again
1st: only upload med+

wouldnt call a cheater med+
Still a good player. I know he's a cheater.
caej med+
swanidius med+

try again
caej is shit as fuck
swani is good but not really med+ level

Also, if 1 of the 3 players is med+ skilled it doesn't make the 'team' med+. Get the fuck out now.
wh and fake after the jump pretending that he does not see him IMO (because he was very apparent after streafe)
WH without chams.
just ban him and his cheating friend yii... how fucking obvious can you be xD
seems like he was the last one left and didnt wanna risk a recap
srsly what is wrong with that clip?
why should he push out alone cave and risk that they kill him and recap?
mr sherlock do you realize that hte axis guy could easily recap the shit flag even after killing nplane.the axis guy could also be s1LENT and go for recap but then it would be 2 vs 3 (i believe).
pretty funny since he acted as if he didn't know the guy was on the right although he was visible :D bad atempt at hiding it
1 / this avi is weird but this is not enough to said 'he is cheating'.
2 / I think ohurcool know them and he would not play with them if they had some cheats.
If this is the only so called 'suspicious' action this guy performed in the game then I would give him the benifit of the doubt. Read Artstar's comment which proves even a broken clock can be right twice a day. *Snap*

Protip to avoid wallbanging:

"Any self respecting cheater plays with a toggle, better known as the infamous 'panic button'." (c) Domi
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