Amsterdam trip

Hey guys, tomorrow I'll go to Amsterdam for one week "Vacation". Going to Amsterdam, finally :)

Have you been there? Where are the good "spots", where to go and where not? Was thinking about Heineken experience, is it worth money?

Some poeple tell me about canal cruise trips -> They was about to rent a boat or something like that. Any recommendations?

Heard that Amsterdam have very nice transport system. Do they accept ISIC as a student ID cart? Thanks guys! :)

Classic Crossfire journal, asking really obvious questions about your holiday destination the day before you leave. 10/10, would chuckle again.
i heard i you visit amsterdamn go get some kannabiscake
1 week just for Amsterdam?
5 days Amsterdam, 2 days Prague
hookers and coke
search for this russian whore, tall blonde with big tits, her name is elina....she's wild
go hard, go to a museum!
tripadvisor... just saying
checked it alrdy man, I just wanted to know some advice/recommendations from ppl here. Many people are from netherlands here
Havefun dude !
Watch out for allah fanboiz ;D
i recommed christian hostel 10/10
i hooked you up with that place, good to hear it did not disappoint
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