Wolfenstein crash

Since 3 days I have been using a new config. These configs uses a long and a close distance config with for example different cg_fov and sensitivity. The problem I have is that my wolfenstein sometimes crashes while changing between this configs.

I receive the following error:
Z_Malloc: failed on allocation of 108 bytes from the small zone

I have searched the internet for a solution, but found very little information about his problem. I think it has something to do with my computer memory. Does someone know what this error means and how I can solve this?

Thanks for the help.
i dont have a clue, but considering the error message i would try a higher com_zonemegs or com_hunkmegs value or both
I think I could have solved the problem by changing com_zonemegs or com_hunmegs. I currently have com_hunkmags "192" and com_zonemegs "24"
must be poutine again
I had exact same problem when used special cfg files for different weaponbanks, like 90 fov for smg and 100 for needle, I got rid of that problem by making my own vstrs, the crash is caused by too many config files executed too frequently I think.
Yes, don't /exec too much in your config.
Wait did you and sebh install et with that etinstaller thing some guy made?
Not true, atleast never did for me...
Thank you very much for your reply. This solved the problem.
set fov90 "cg_fov 90;sensitivity 3.2;bind D vstr fov110"
set fov110 "cg_fov 110;sensitivity 3;bind D vstr fov90"
bind D "vstr fov90"
I have used this with some additions
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