SEANZA is a scammer continued


Received email from Seanza 17th of march 2013:
Quote by Seanza We can promise that all teams that have claimed their prizemoney will be paid in full whether or not we get our agreed payment. The only effect that not getting our promised payment will have is that it will cause a delay on the teams getting their payouts. We have always paid prizemoney, as the majority of teams are fully aware of, so we hope the teams will still have faith and trust in us.

Scam much? Pay up! I'd appreciate if people give him negative feedback on things he still uses such as reddit - twitter

It also appears he owns: and is heavily involved in
find him irl.
take away his things.
Sell them.
He locked his twitter account, only approved followers can see his tweets now.
lol. He did actually send me a message on reddit, but seems to have ceased activity on both reddit and twitter since my posts.
What kind of bullshit response is that he sounds like a politician.
Doubt you ever get any money and im pretty sure he wont even read this if noone points him directly towards it.

I think he realised rather early that there was no way he could host the whole event without any real sponsorship and then decided to just keep whats left afterwards (doubt that it was too much btw) to cover his personal investments, something many of us would have done too.
Well he hasn't posted on xfire for more than a year so it's safe to say he most likely doesn't read it either.
He also cut the ropes to most of his old "et-buddies". And both of his former project evaczone and adroits failed pretty hard.
Why does everyone think evaczone is his website?
I have him over there yes.
Idk just read it somewhere else and as usual i believe everything i read :P
On a sidenote, where and how can i play DirtyBomb for funz and competetive? Game looks decent.
I'll pm you my account or a cd key later tonight when im on my pc if you cant find anythingy, my pc is too bad anyway.
Thanks pal :)
If you need a hand getting involved let me know. I am moving house this week so no internet till th 31st or so.
place your bets on me being reported, blocked or muted.
cant block someone for taking a "neutral stance" :P
hey despite reading the above "evidence" I really don't know what happened. I am guessing that he decided that this comment...

QuoteWe can promise that all teams that have claimed their prizemoney will be paid in full whether or not we get our agreed payment.

... was a bad idea and he didn't want to foot the bill for a 3rd party cock-up. If that was the case though, he should have apologised and visibly done more to try and get the money they were owed so he could pay the players. By not doing so, (and basically running away from this community) it just looks really dodgy.
For me he never seemed like someone that would plan a whole event just to scam people. But he definately should have done some explaining when it became clear he would not or could not pay.
Nazi admins have been going strong in recent years. There used to be a lot more freedom :(
You got this biggz
I doubt there will be any payments. the 'We' would refer to adroits which is long gone - it is a shame indeed that this happened but I've seen it many times in gaming where people promise a lot with the hopes of fulfilling promises - even crossfire has seen this before and since (TLR, Next Evo etc).
Possibly true but in any case I don't think he should be allowed to run any more tournaments in whatever esport it may be. Seeing him announce prizes for some random CSGO cup or hearing he went on holiday shortly after the LAN while owing more than 3 teams just seems really ridiculous.
well I think it was the entire event, QL had payment issues / non payments too.

There are no 'eSports' style FIFA or anything, it is not properly regulated yet - nothing you can really do on that front ;)
out of curiousity, which promises did Next Evo not fullfill? i know it failed rather drastically but i do not think there was anything promised and not fullfilled
afaik Nevo got a few QL players on board and promised them quakecon sponsorship (I think strenx was one, the other was a big name also) and there was a CS team that had problems. I doubt the ET team did as they didn't really need any big support in comparison.
Actually I own evaczone so you can take that down. Thanks
You're in this now son.
Clearly I am! Been accused by koop of taking money off his hands to defend him on crossfire :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
He's on to you! Quick better flee UK!
The only reason I think you have any involvement with him is because I can't believe you would take someone like him in considering what he's done, regardless of his 'foundation in esports' which means fuck all now and even then.

Someone who has pretty much given no official statement, disbands from the company he used to represent 'his LAN' seems kinda dodgy, tbh closing the company because of a 'scam' makes it even more suspect, not to mention his uber holiday to portugal shortly after.

Anyway, I'm imagining you knew the dangers of taking someone like him in (legal etc), I just don't see why you would take the risk, you were probably better off starting it yourself without the involvement of seanza at all. Now people will relate seanza to your website, automatically giving your website bad rep, your giveaways and everything else you do bad validity
I know I risk getting a bad rep from the 12 ET players moving over to dirtybomb. But most can see past that. I have him there with many others and most of our work is on the closed beta forums over at warchest. He had the contacts we needed to take things forward. He hooked the website up with tt esports who have already delivered the goods to winners of give aways and competitions. The actions I take are to further the websites involvement within the dirtybomb community. So far we seem to be doing a pretty good job.

He has given me his side of the story. Whether or not I think he should go public is irrelevant. He might of palmed me off with a load of bull but I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. I just don't think someone like Sean would throw away something he had spent a lot of time and money on for a few euros.
Tbh it's not just the bad rep from 12 et players. The more posts like this journal on reddit and other websites will go beyond et players.

The thing is even though hes told you his side of the story which made you believe him, he hasnt told any of the et teams he owes money to?
Which is why I said my view on him going public is irrelevant. If he wants to clear his name or tell his side of the story that is up to him. It is beyond me how anyone could think I was in on the scam. What did I actually do to organise the event? I turned up, got shit faced and left.

If we are going to talk about people "scamming" people, we should probably bring owzo into the lime light. He never paid me for the hotel, he never paid me for the entrance fee, he owes Kevin a shit tonne of money and other than buying the QL players drinks. I don't think he bought a single round while we was there. The fact I was out £200+ because of him doesn't mean I am going to make these journals. Saken might be owed about 50euros at most?

I was cheated out of money as much as the next person. Nothing can be done about this because nobody wants to do anything about this. I would also love to see saken spend 4000 euros taking a company, which is no more, to court for the sake of 50 euros.

What has happened has happened. I cannot say any more than that. All I know is what I have been told and I was given a few emails back in the day to prove his story was backed up. I cannot get him to come here and give you an explanation, but I am sure he wouldn't of given his website up for the sake of holding a sponsors money from the winners of his event.
pottys gonna pot
maybe this could be settled in the swedish civil court where it is free? worst case scenario both participants get 50€
well you're a good guy and sorry for jumping to conclusions if its not true, I just hope you understand the possible ramifications from having him on your team.

Best of luck on your endeavours
lol you got schooled, bitch
? i just cant be bothered replying back and fourth so im just going to stop
grow up kenzi you jewfro havin nut sack
LOL says who? :D
its me man....the terrorist
Comparing your personal debts with the one in question is rather idiotic and irrelevant. I remember an earlier journal of the same topic in which you mentioned/suggested wzzrd as being the party responsible for teams never recieving anything. But honestly the way how Seanza has handled this incident is probably the worst possible way to treat such a delicate topic as owing money is. And that's regardless of how much money is involved and whether or not he scammed anything.
Well it was a bit more than just '12 ET players' - people who see this happen are also effected ;)

I saw on ESR that Quake players were not paid either - it was surprising to me as I thought they were paid, that is quite a lot of missing prize money tbh but it is probably due to what I have said before, promising things you don't have - which is just as bad in the end,
Nooice, and then you share the prizemoneys I take it?


image: x4jl0g
im keeping seanza hostage as we speakerino

all your prizemonies are belong to us now
when i was on polish lan, i had money in few mins after i played final game.

"Polish lan - Money"

Cute right? They think "zloty" is money :D
same here... unfortunate we spend everything right after :P
You invested in sponges to clean toilets even better or not ? that's the real question here.
thats why i never placed in the top 5!!! no prize money - no problems!
finishing top 5 also means no prize money? you're argument is invalid >:|
Meanwhile Kamz is enjoying his Brink money.
can anyone give me the short version?
seanza hosted a lan, sponsors got lost, prizemoney was only paid out to brittons (wasn't it?)
well i hope he organized after knowing he have all the means to.

but he still get thumbs up for organizing a lan in these dire et times :~>
he didnt pay out to anyone, and it was nearly 2 years ago already dude so it wasn't that dire yet back then.. he also scammed the QL community that was playing on that event :p and shortly after lan he went on a deluxe vacation (seen pics on facebook) :d

that about sums it up
now thats horrible! :o
No, prize money wasn't paid to Brits
liar want me to show cf your ferrari?
He scammed my CS:GO skins too. That fat faggot doesn't really even work for Valve I heard.
hi,my friend wanna trade him knife for u items. Add him plz {LINK REMOVED - Please don't spam, and be wary of scams.}
at least the shootmania tournament I hosted with him (adroits #1) went ok. I guess the winners received the prizes since they never asked me "where are the prizes".
is that.... WALTER JR?! i bet seanza ate his breakfast

image: 81335-Flynn-Breakfast-gif-Walt-Jr-Br-jCID
I see fat people. ._.
Lovely how people still manage to rape ET or whats left of it
Dont know about your mom but my mom used to say me that dont trust strangers. And its not stupid to ask its stupid to give. But still i hope there will be justice. No matter opinions.
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