HeadSet Asus HS-W1

Just bought it and fucking love it, if your looking for one buy it, its worth it!
can also be an excuse of wallhack :3
Looks incredibly uncomfortable, also supposedly not even close to decent sound quality. But, let the audiophiles be a judge of that. I'm sure filus will be jumping in here sooner or later=D
They are extremly confortable can guarantee that ,, plus the sound quality is great and the most amazing thing, you can be shitting and talking with your ET mates at the same time isn't it incredible?
Sennheiser all the way!
Not Sennheisers, no support
Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro ftw
Stick to actual audio dedicated brands when buying headsets etc.
my ears hurt by just looking at them
Creative Fatal1ty gg
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