Do you even admin?

with this journal I want to illustrate you the glaring injustice that has happened in the SummerCup '14 due to malicious admin decision(s).

3on3 Group B points after groupstage according to Chilax:
Credibilis 2 Wins, 1 Loss 8/1
The Finest 2 Wins, 1 Loss 5/6
Craze 2 Wins, 1 Loss 4/4
One Way 0 Wins, 3 Losses 0/6

According to Chilax a forfeit loss is worth 1 point in the cup:
<chilax> forfeit wins are 1-0
<chilax> and the 4-0 or 1-0
<chilax> doesnt really matter

Quote from the original announcement of the cup: "Rules for the ET SummerCup '14:(= CG rules)"

Now then, no such rule exists in the CyberGamer 3on3 league rules which can be read here: (this is the link to the rules in the Cup announcement news post)

So, looks like Chilax just came up with this extra rule in the middle of the cup without any announcements about it, which is quite frankly, blatantly ridiculous, considering the fact that people actually donated money to this cup. One might think that the rules that are announced in the beginning of the cup are the rules that we all agree to comply during the entire cup.

If you take into consideration that a forfeit win is 4-0, the group should look like this:
Craze 2 Wins, 1 Loss 10/4
Credibilis 2 Wins, 1 Loss 8/4
The Finest 2 Wins, 1 Loss 8/6
One Way 0 Wins, 3 Losses 0/12

To give you an overview about the matches that have been played:
Craze lost 2-4 to The Finest, won two matches by forfeit
Credibilis won 4-0 against The Finest and One Way, lost one match by forfeit
The Finest won 4-2 against craze and 4-0 by forfeit against One Way, lost 0-4 to credibilis
One Way lost 0-4 to credibilis and two matches by forfeit

Even if a forfeit win is only worth 1 point it is still unfair due to the fact that we didn't have the chance to play against one way and credibilis.

Conclusion: Eventhough team Craze would advance to the playoffs according to the original 3on3 league rules it does not happen in this cup. No. Instead team Craze is being dropped out of the cup. For what? More viewers? Better games?

I think an explanation is in order here.

image: cc8e4006b23c5b1b
image: berneydidnotread
wow thats pretty ridiculous

craze for playoff please
so you want to be through simply because you won by forfeit twice. :P also since thef beat craze 4-2 surely they deserve the spot more anyway? you're just trying to weasel points out of an imperfect system. forfeits should be 1-0 because they weren't played out.
As mentioned above there is no such rule that says a forfeit win is 1-0.
QuoteFailure to show up to a match within 15 minutes after the official match time will result in a noshow loss.

One can not assume that a forfeit win is just 1-0
it had been that way in CB since like forever. why would it be different elsewhere. :D
why not just write down a 2 sentence rule?
ask CG. :P forfeit/noshow has been 1-0 for a very long time so I don't know why your expectations were for it to be 4-0. :D
i thought rules are made by the Admins and in this case thats Chilax.
in which case his words are final?
hm he is the sc admin?
Actually, I'm not sure how it was before I became an admin, but ever since I joined CB (summer 2012), noshows/forfeits have been 4-0 in the groupstage and 1-0 in the playoffs.

It's not so much "rewarding" craze for winning by forfeit as it is "punishing" the other two teams who lost by forfeit.
ye but in this case we (thefinest) would be punished even though we played all 3 games, and craze won their two by forfeit. that 4-0 must have changed at some point because when I was active in the 3o3/6o6 comps pre-2012 it was definitely 1-0 for noshow/forfeits. :P it was the same in ESL afaik?
didnt know that we played the rigged game against the finest... show me your in eye demos from our match...
oh forgot about your game, either way we still played two. :P and the realistic results of craze-cre would've been 0-4 so it's unfair in general that they'd get through.
yeye and its unfair to play low- vs med+ or that we didnt get the chance to play against the finest...
Yep, it would be a bit unfair for you guys unfortunately, but adding noshows/forfeits as 1-0 in a stage of the cup where round wins matter just doesn't really work.

If team A loses 1 game 2-4 and wins 2 games by forfeit while team B wins 1 game 4-0 and loses 2 games by forfeit, team A should advance. But according to the 1-0 system, team B would.
it's always shady but this is realistically how it would've turned out anyway. if cre-craze had been played, cre would've won 4-0, if thef-craze had been played, thef would win and it would be 1. cre 2. thef 3. craze 4. oneway.

also: when rounds do matter, getting a 4-0 result from a forfeit vs e.g. cRe is surely just unfair? :D that result would never occur and so 1-0 is the most they could hope for (no offence).
As I said before, it's meant to punish the teams who are losing by noshow/forfeit. credibilis should be blamed for not showing up instead of the points system for being imperfect. :P

It works both ways. There could also be a scenario where a team who will most likely get raped 0-4 decides to noshow so that they lose 0-1 instead and still advance to the playoffs.
yep and sadly that's been abused in the past. :P
idk what that ava guy is saying but 4-0 or 1-0 doesnt matter at all here :-) i explained him why i took thefinest instead of them :) since looking at the game between eachother is the most fair thing here :)
It does matter... otherwise every score would be added as 1-0, whether it was 4-0 or 4-2 or 3-1. Round wins/losses is what determines group rankings in a 3-way tie where each team has 1 win and 1 loss versus each other.
We changed it with Killerboy. It was 1-0 for a long time. The playoff score doesn't matter since it's about the team which advances to the next stage.
All right, cool.
CB =/= CG
but it's still ET.
Imperfect system would not be so imperfect anymore if customs considering these kind of events were specified in the rules.
One cannot simply assume that everyone is aware of these unwritten truths.

at the very least this journal should be a wake up call to update the rules
at the very least!
Well Met Kripparrian it is your great friend Eddy Pasterino. We would like you and Kaceytron to participate in our new video “Topdeckin N’ Wreckin” Kaceytron would be a pizza girl and you’d say no to her pizzerino and topdeck her. Keep drinking that orange juice and give Papair a hug. RIP in pepperonis mate, I cry every time. Please no copy pasterino. Goodbye Kripp
You are shit and you wouldnt win it anyway, gg bb cu
You are like a huge furuncle that needs to be eradicated. I bet that you seclude mayonnaise-like secretion out of your neck because you are a fat hunchback who has never touched any woman yet except for his own mother - and that is the reason why you call yourself "FAPGOD".
Can't face the reality, can you?

Chilax is new to this, and needs to make decisions on his own and as this community proved shit loads of times (fuck you if you try to tell me Im not the most annoying/retarded one)that it's full of ungrateful fucktwits without patience.
It's not as he could forgot about such a thing! No way he could!
If something, there should be offer for them matches to be played so you could get anally raped on ettv
Don't get me wrong bobi we're friends, but Ava (<3) is just stating his opinion regarding the forfeit points and all and mostly asking a respectable question wihout any flames or anything regarding Chilax whatsoever. Plus ava is one of the nicest guy I've met in ET. But you come up and just take the opportunity to flame him while you hate people that flame? He's just concerned about that rule and it won't stop him to play in other cups in any way. I believe it's a good journal that will fix some rules about forfeit wins points and stuff just like ohurcool mentionned. You just got to act more mature after all and let mad nerds flame you and dont give a fuck cause who gives a shit? Online muscles will stay online muscles.

No flamerino please.
<3 Ava
Hey mate, long time...
First of all I dont really hate flamers, since I got flamed very early since entering this community (or maybe rather being active player under this nick - at etpro), so Im used to it and I really dont even care anymore if someone flames/hates me, unless it's someone that I either don't know, or I heard about - that he's a nice guy, eventho the logic may seem completely retarded and it even may be...

I think those certain things should be solved somehow, but this is a poor attempt to flame chilax, who is a busted ex-cheater, but I can't remember if I ever flamed him for being retarded or anything, he's one of the nicest guy I've met in ET and doesn't deserve ridiculous flame for something he's new to.
PS: Do you think they would beat them if they didnt win through forfeit?
If we look on paper at teh names I doubt they would have won but we never know only the man above can ;)
I hope I am @ that 'nicest guys' list aswell
Quotethat it's full of ungrateful fucktwits without patience

Pot... meet kettle.
Ava dont worry he is retard fuck him
nice to see that when some1 is trying to help this game with hostin odcs, ncs, scs and so on that the community always have to whine, complain and flame all day long

u fuckin ungrateful piece of shit be happy that some1 is investing so much time for u fgts or next time do it by urself with ur own rules etc... but ye i guess u r too lazy for that

over and out
you should learn to read
Clearly you missed the point of this journal if you consider it to be whining, flaming or complaining.
Wow, how old are you? 15? This journal isn't about flaming someone or complaining. I am 99% sure that you didn't even read my text - as you are someone who reads the "Express" newspaper only (not even reading, you just scan the newspaper for the naked woman since your brain capacities are already overloaded when you read the headlines) I am not surprised that you lack cognitive abilities - because I clearly want an explanation:

QuoteI think an explanation is in order here.

If I am not mistaken you are a biology student who is almost finished with his studies and yet you act like Bobika or some other 14-years old and mentally deranged kid.
Do you even read?
j'ai ri :D
il a ses regles ce type en ce moment ou quoi?
ménopause :s
komm blasen du pussy
you're right. 4-0 for forfeit is the only logical thing to do.

thef have the exact result which always ends up not making the playoffs in 3-way tie. Lose a map in your W and dont get any in your L. Unlucky forfeits played the part here but thef should be the ones out.
I bet posting it here really helped your case?
half of the content on cf is useless bs that can found in 3 minutes with googling
Oh oke my bad, seems this post is right where it belongs then.
well i have to agree then
Didnt read, but forfeits should always be 4-0, if score differences can matter.
It doesnt matter anyway in ANY GROUP in this SC ^^
I just rewrite the playoffs, if u find mistakes, u can correct it:

craZe vs. The Finest = 2:4
craZe vs. credibilis = forfeit lose for cr. = 4/0 (1/0)
craZe vs. One way = forfeit lose for One = 4/0 (1/0)
Makes 2 Wins, 1 Lose and 10/4 (In case the 1/0 rule is active = 4/4)

credibilis vs. craZe = forfeit lose for cr. = 0/4 (0/1)
credibilis vs. One Way = 4/0
credibilis vs. The Finest = 4/0
Makes 2 Wins, 1 Lose and 8/4 (In case the 1/0 rule is active = 8/1)

The Finest vs. craZe = 4/2
The Finest vs. One Way = forfeit lose for One = 4/0 (1/0)
The Finest vs. credibilis = 0/4
Makes 2 Wins, 1 Lose and 8/6 (In case the rule 1/0 is active = 5/6)

One Way vs. craZe = forfeit lose for One = 0/4 (0/1)
One Way vs. The Finest = forfeit lose for One = 0/4 (0/1)
One Way vs. credibilis = 0/4
Makes 0 Wins, 3 Loses and 0/12 (In case the rule 1/0 is active = 0/6)

If the 1/0 Rule is not active:

Place Teamname W L Points Difference

1. craZe 2 1 10/4+6
2. credibilis 2 1 8/4 +4
3. TheFinest 2 1 8/6 +2
4. OneWay 0 3 0/12 -12

If the 1/0 Rule is active:

Place Teamname W L Points Difference

1. credibilis 2 1 8/1 +7
2. craZe 2 1 4/4 0
3. TheFinest 2 1 5/6 -1
4. OneWay 0 3 0/6 -6

Now I got some questions.

1. Isn't the difference of the points important for the groupstage?

2. If I remember right, the old CB Rules said that team who lost two times by forfeit will be disqualified from the running and the next cup. So it would look like that:

Place Teamname W L Points Difference

1. credibilis 2 1 4/1 +3
2. craZe 2 1 3/4 -1
3. TheFinest 2 1 4/6 -2
OUT OneWay

So it doesnt matter what rule is active or not: In my opinion credibilis and craZe're going into the playoffs.

If u got another opinion about that, u can write it down. And no, it doesnt matter what team played better, the statistic is important and not the performance of these teams!
Grow a spine and move on.
I could add situation about hodor, same thing with chilax guy, and putting 4:0 as forfeit few times :) gg fu
ohurcool! need cg eu et season 2!!!!
CG cups and my cups aren't even the same, CG is working with divisions, i'm working with prizepools and just groups and playoffs. D
Who cares about the prize?CG cups enjoyable
I'm just saying, you don't have a clue how it works with cups. You have 2 different cups, but that part you obviously don't understand ^^
no idea why u making that journal, since both of the top teams would roll over this team anytime lol.
oh lord...

not everyone is highskilled but does that mean we are not welcome into playoffs?
Whats the point of bragging out how would u proceed into playoffs, simply cus u were given that forfeit win over credibilies, when at very end we would all know how it would end up if they would actually play the game, simple thing, two best teams proceeded into playoffs, and learn that world aint fair little boy.
yeye and next season we should just use coin toss and it will decide who won...

then again people should make a highskill group only and put the others into a group.. so your egos won't get lower than low..
such business in 2014
why inactive players give answers here
Craze would have dropped in the first game after groupstage anyways. Why all the fuzz?
why bothering to sign up when people still think players or teams not deserve a playoff spot...

is like kicking out Iran,Saudi Arabia and other not so skilled Football/soccer teams from the World Cup...

this Community is fucked up
It is evident that you didn't even look at the playoff brackets.

As you can see we would have taken credibilis' spot while they would have taken yours (keep in mind that this is just an assumption if it is based on points). So our first match would be against 8bits or the best and with all due respect I think that our chances would be 50-50. Plus one top team wouldn't have a free ride in the first round.

Furthermore we are aware that we won't have any chances against the top teams but neither has your team nor SM nor citizen nor ....
Better team won ggwp
Holy fucking shit.
Forfeit win should be 4-0, if opponent doesn't bother to show up or just can't play they should lose full rounds. 1-0 is just unfair for situations like this.
What i replied on yokoo :)

QuoteIs it unfair that craZe lost 4-2 vs thefinest and that 'we admins, decided to look at the game between those 2 teams to make a decision? and credibilis had obviously lost no round??
I agree with you Ava mate :)

Ignore the inbreds
You know who I'm talking about :)
Lets wait till low+ team win first game against better team and refuse to play next 2 games xd thay will change that rule in 5mins, the point is admins dont give a shit as long as teams thay like gets benefits. This is et been that way for ages
It's true it's unfair, but still I'd rather see a team like you dropping out than seeing a low+ team in playoffs no offense(troll part[I'm not saying you guys are low+ even if it's true that testi is part of ur team...).
And you might say you are not whining but what's the point of your post then? Kindly saying that chillax added a rule in the middle of the cup and asking the community its opinion about the result, isn't it whining?
Is it unfair that craZe lost 4-2 vs thefinest and that 'we admins, decided to look at the game between those 2 teams to make a decision? and credibilis had obviously lost no round??
chilax strikes again
Well considering the fact that we have already played two of our matches during the first matchweek which shouldve given us enough time to play our last game during the following matchweeks and seeing the admin giving you a forfeit win against us after randomly forcing the match way before the announced deadline makes me think that you have received the points Vs us kinda "for free" anyway... But I must say that I was surprised to see you didnt qualify lOl.
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