Aniky is the new Speedy-Bozar.

All these quotes are from Aniky about online casinos (specifically roulette):

[01:08] <+Aniky> hah
[01:08] <+Aniky> if u want profit
[01:08] <+Aniky> invest into me
[01:08] <+Aniky> :)
[01:08] <+Aniky> got machine for roulette
[01:08] <+Aniky> this guy laughing
[01:08] <+Aniky> made last time i bothered with it, 160e in 30 min

[01:08] <+Aniky> cus i dont have capital to start
[01:09] <+Aniky> i would need 750e
[01:09] <+Aniky> always, but not in short terms :)
[01:09] <+Aniky> yes the house always win, but u can take out the profit
[01:09] <+Aniky> in short term
[01:09] <+Aniky> repeat that every day

[01:10] <+Aniky> eh Webe, when it comes to rolling around with onlien casinos, u are miles behind us :P
[01:11] <Webe> so your telling me you have a way to be 100% millionare
[01:11] <Webe> but you cant afford 750 euros.

[01:14] <+Aniky> last time i ran it, it was at 1.7, for 22 min and earned 78e

[01:19] <Webe> omfg i gotta do journal on crossfire
[01:19] <Webe> its so dumb
[01:19] <+Aniky> why do u think we re havin this conversation
[01:19] <+Aniky> haha
[01:19] <+Aniky> man if u would know half from what i do
[01:20] <Webe> yeah, hustling big money but cant afford 750e.
[01:20] <Webe> Now stop and let me do the journal
[01:20] <+Aniky> lol
[01:20] <+Aniky> maybe cus i have other expenses to take care
[01:21] <+Aniky> its not like i earn 2k per month

Good night sweet prince, im dead.

I got your 750e bro
progressive betting and automated software that does work instead of u, OP.
:DDDDD I seriously hope you're trolling
What does this have to do with Bozar?
you wouldnt even see it if u tried, youre czech and retarded aswell
Don't waste your time on him mate, he got dropped in the stairs when he was a baby.
PHOTO strikes again :-DD

House always wins long-term, I don't understand the point of casinos in terms of moneymaking (unless you are some poker player, but you need to be really good)

Mind as well make money from daytrading, requires more know-how but you can make money out of nothing if you know what you're doing
Meh, at this point in time anyone that isn't an utter retard and is willing to spend 5minutes a day googling can make a fortune on the likes of dividend stocks, compound interest and whatnot.
:< I was actually quite proud of myself when I reached the first five figures
so I suppose you are damn rich then?
fortune out of dividend stocks or day trading? Thats very interesting :D
"not like i earn 2k per month" OOOOOOO BOYY
once ive been playin in casino for 4 hours and made 1000euro from 100, but then ive lost it all in 10mins and that was last time me gambling
You dont earn 2k euros a month? What are you a part time bin man?
No one earns 2k a month, its just a fucking utopia :DD Wake up man...
Comparing UK with Slovenia, when everything is 10x cheaper here, damn great logic u yet again proven to have.
Yet again people thinking London is the entire of the UK
Are you serious right there?
Can hardly believe you are over the age of 15.
Do you realize that in countries like Slovenia/Slovakia/Hungary/Romania and etc the avarage salary(you get in hand) is about 500€.
For example I can hardly make my living out of 500 € and I already own a house myself, so I don't have to pay the rent. Everybody goes like "you earn 4 times less = the things are 4 time cheaper", bullshit.
If I want to fill my fueltank which is 40 liters I pay about 52€ at the cheapest gas station, now you do the math how many times do I have to refill my fueltank a month if my car eats about 6liters/100 km and travel 80km a day and all this from 500 €. And I haven't talked about the food prices here.
so basically i could move over there and live like a king? And my tank is like 70 litres costs me £90 to fill it?
If you'd get your wage from UK then I believe so. How much you make a month, like 4-5k? It's a lot here. If you'd like to live a good life here, having everything you need, plus save up let's say 300 € a month u need about 2000 €, depends on your needs.

Rents are cheap here, basicly because noone would able to rent a flat if it was only 20% more expensive.
You can rent a fully equipped 60 m² flat for 300-500 € at very good neighborhoods in Budapest ( You can even find ones for 100 €, but I really wouldn't want to live in the 7th,8th and 10th discrict. )
You pay electricity, water and stuff. let's say that's about 100 € more.

So you already spent 600 € for living and you live at nice neighborhood in a fully equipped, clean and really nice flat. (nothing compared to your country I believe) and you've paid your bills.
I think food is really expensive here(compared to wages), so have to spend another 300 € on that.
( 1 kg chicken breast about 4-5 €
1 liter of milk 0,5 €
1 kg bread 0,5 €
2 liter of mineral water 0,3-0,4 €
1 kg of apple 1 € ) and all these are supermarket/hipermarket prices.

we are at 900 € and you have eaten too.

Let's say you wan to fill your tank twice (140 liters to say) you are willing to pay 230 € for that and you could travel about 1500 km with it, let's say that's more than enough for a month.

You buy your clothes and blabla whatever, you spent another 400 €
600 € for living and bills
300 € for food
230 € for fuel
400 € for everything else
= 1530 € and you are having a GREAT life in the hearth of Hungary ( and you have paid these all alone, so double wage would save up a lot )

The minimal wage (what I believe most people earns in this country, or atleast very close to it) is about 300 €. Imagine that life.
Rent prices are more or less the same as here. You can get a 3bed semi detached house for maybe £450 a month. 300 euro a month? What the fuck? Doing how many hours a week? Minimum wage here for over 21s is £6.31 I think.
full-time job
8 hours a day, 5 days a week, you get about 500 HUF aka 1,5 € / hours
In P(r)oland MEDIUM earnings (not minimum wage) is about 1000 euros (pre-tax) - in our currency it is about 4000 zloty. After taxes it is about 700 euros (2780 zloty net). This is a price of iphone 5s 32gb :D

The minimum wage is 375 euros.

Imagine these poor polaks comming to ur country, cuz they wanna live like humans.
Don't have many where I live seaside town just a few but they all bring weird vodka, I APPROVE OF THIS
Leave aniky alone!
aniky is a casinos beast. And I mean it! Id like to meet him once tbh
Aniky is the new Speedy-Bozar.
thought he became new aimgod and there will be decent bustmovie to prove it :S
aniky you still playing et? :D
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