What the fuck?

What the fuck happened? Nobody was playing games anymore a year ago and now it seems to be sort of alive again. Was United States of Americaohurcool the saviour of ET? Is he the hero ET deserved but didn't need back then?
AC is the hero
Ye new AC is just awesome
needed for irc i suggest
Can't stop the 2.55 highskillers from owning 2.6b low+ skillers
All change -- don't you know that when you play at this level there's no ordinary venue
United States of Americaohurcool who ?
dunno what you talking about...
lol what did i miss? since when this game is more alive than it was one year ago?
Suiy saved ET
yes ohurcool great admin always cares about right scores at Ladders!
on my phone atm but check again, it's fixed

and as I said yesterday I find it hard to care if you can't even be bothered to provide matchlinks
you and your gifs :D
Carlos :ooooo
omg Carlos omg
Hi mate
ET never diessss
Actually Croatiachaplja was till u nigglets screwed him over.

image: niggletcard
Have to agree here actually.
why was he screwed over??
>earns €200/month from peaches
>has free server hosting from YCN
>gets support from all ET admins, most of the ET community, & the CB C&A crew
>ignores everyone for months
>makes up lies to cover up [paid] absence
>comes back and sabotages own AC
>goes back to coding and selling cheats

Poor chaplja, such a good guy that got screwed over so badly, right?
lets start up a chaplja fund. :)

he might disappear after money starts flowing though LOL
Thats your version. I've said it back then and I'll gladly say it again: chaplja might have been a cheatcoder whatsoever, but in all those years (and I've been around since 2k5), he's never made a fuzz about it. He has always been sorta transparant on what he does and why he does it (obviously to earn cash), so why would I rather belive some shady admins that pulled a bitch move on him?

Let's not forget "you" basically stole his work by denying access to TZAC. Honestly, chaplja always seemed like a helpful guy to me and tzac was working great at that time. No matter how much you disrespect him, at least give him the credit for keeping ET alive for another ~3 years, cuz thats exactly what he did.
care to elaborate the part about stealing chaplja work? it seems i missed this drama
They (Marcus aka msh100) made sure he couldn't access TZAC anymore.
Their/Marcus' excuse(s): He was inactive and posting code on Aimbot.net (which he did, but you need to know the whole story)

Sadly: you got the Ohurcool/Marcus story, and you got the chap version.
Between them, you have several other opinions/stories. And 'noone' actually knows the truth, even-though both parties think they are 100% right. (Just ask Ohurcool, and you'll see what I'm talking about).
Just google it, you'll find it.

But what everyone seems to forget:
deathcode (the guys who make COD cheats, etc) admin, a guy with some nice internet skills (that didn't only cover: Googling) found a way to get some stuff about Chap. Basically they ruined it all.
But at the same time ET-admins /YCN-owner (Marcus) where getting ignored. Chap didn't even respond to them. Eventually when everything cooled down, Marcus took over, chap was mad (is what I think, since he did post some code about Tzac online). Ohurcool prevailed once more as a good admin.

Basically: the usual shit here, with Ohurcool ending up the good admin that he is. Not sure sarcastic or not, since he actually did some nice stuff like CGAC. That program (AC) is completely useless. It just checks memory atm. Lets see what will happen once Badkip (Kevin) will take his time to include the Screenshots. That is, if he makes the time.

BTW: Ohurcool will quote this, if I don't say this:
This is my story. Can't be bothered with this, but just google it, and you'll see what's pretty accurate, and what's not.
Seems reasonably accurate and maybe he was mad(?), we apologise if he feels like we stole his project however that was not our intention. We wanted to avoid data being destroyed at all costs.

Couple of things to add
- His access was taken away *after* he posted a way to bypass tzac.
- There was evidence he was deliberately not banning cheaters (although there may be justifiable reasons for this according to a formed COD2 admin)
- I tried to contact out to him, even calling and having declined calls back in February (I think)
- Tomislav made TZAC not work by pointing the domain away from YCN at some random point (deliberately) with no communication before any of this happened.

We were always willing to get Tomislav back on board however he was away for like 6 months before we even got a message from him.
who didn't he ban?
All users of one particular cod cheat, but as I said this could be justifiable
Quotejust google it

I know you are incapable of googling.
Anyway, why didn't you say this time: I know nothing?
Thank you for that.

If you just cared from the beginning could have saved you some headaches.

Like I'm now telling you (and this time in public): YOU CAN CHEAT THE SAME WAY AS ON TZAC WITH CGAC.
And stop telling people cgac busted someone. It isn't capable of that. It's you admins manually banning players after watching demo. (on the other hand: cgac for COD that actually work fine, weird).
You're welcome.
Yes, you are so right, as always. :( if only we had listened to the wise words of the all-knowing Belgium Hellfag, ET could have been saved. :( But alas, we are doomed. :(
Well good to know you finely had to admit something, if not by Marcus, than by you. :)
We're cool :)
And what are you trying to imply?
According to Jon anyway. I know nothing, I never knew anything.
And I just talk trash.
i dont know the whole story but he was friendly and he did a good job to keep et alive some years/months :)

we dont know what really happened so i dont think we should be able to judge
"My version" is the truth. I actually experienced it all (unlike you) and have nothing to gain from lying (unlike him).

I am extremely grateful for SLAC/TZAC and supported chaplja from day one, even donating money myself and PMing him to say "thanks" every time there was a new bust list. It was no doubt the best anticheat ET has ever seen and ever will see.

But the reality is that he literally ignored those who were supporting him (both financially and otherwise) for months before going back to coding cheats - the one thing he promised he would never do again. Nothing was "stolen". A database of valuable information, which was hosted on YCN servers and had been abandoned by its developer, was kept running by the same admins who were already heavily involved with the project anyway.
Retrospectively don't you think you were a little narrow minded and naive by thinking he wouldn't ever code cheats again? Selling cheats is wayyyy more profitable than developing a good anticheat (and probably even needs less maintainance). I've always sorta "known" that this alliance will only be temporary, but damn it worked fucking well. ET has never had less cheaters than during TZAC.

I won't judge whether your version is right or wrong, in the end it doesn't even matter (lol Linkin Park). It's just the way this whole thing went off. I even remember chaplja trying to explain his version of the story in here and he got instabanned and his comments got deleted by some nazi admins. This behavior certainly didn't speak in your (as in cF) favor.

I'm sorry for you, as you seem like a good guy, but the constant abuse of admin rights by some shady, unicellular admins, has severly damaged my trust in this site over time. Therefore, I'll stick with my own version of the story.

This game is practically dead anyway. I know you'll say otherwise, but ET will have to go through the same procedure as RTCW had to. Maybe we're lucky and it sees its own renaissance in the future, but I doubt it'll be before 2-3 years from now on. Kudos for the spirit though, it's just a pity you came wayyyy to late, pre 2011 were the times. :)
Are you a chaplja customer or what? The guy was SHITTING on the whole ET scene all the time, only reason for him to make something was profit.

There are a lot of guys who help this game just for the love of the game, not for profit (for ex. ohurcool, merlinator, nowadays chilax)

QuoteRetrospectively don't you think you were a little narrow minded and naive by thinking he wouldn't ever code cheats again? Selling cheats is wayyyy more profitable than developing a good anticheat (and probably even needs less maintainance).

btw did u know that selling drugs is wayyyy more profitable than having real job?
Killerboy could probably answer that question better than me, since I wasn't even an admin back when SLAC was first introduced.

I guess it wasn't entirely unexpected to see chaplja go back to coding cheats, especially after a few rather unsettling conversations I had with him. But the really fucked up part is that he didn't even bother to officially close TZAC first and instead just disappeared while still getting paid for it. In fact, one could argue that this was actually his plan all along, to get sympathy from others for being "bullied out of his own project" so that he could more easily sell cheats to them.

Anyway, believe what you want. None of this is going to change, and no one is going to change their opinions on the matter. It did take place over a year ago, after all.
I used to talk to chaps daily for many months/years, so I can say that I know/knew chaplja pretty damn well before this shitstorm happened when I retired.

Was I naive and narrow minded? Yes, possibly, but PunkBuster left us no choice after dropping their support, there was no other viable anti-cheat, apart from possibly the ESL one, but I was part of the CB team and no way in hell was the community interested in joining ESL, especially after they dropped ET support as well. I had to choose the lesser of 2 evils, take a risk and increase the chances of ET surviving for a few more years due to having a decent anti-cheat, or do nothing about it and watch the game I fought for for 5+ years die?

Luckily I took that decision and I feel that I have made the right choice, I gave ET a few more decent years and in the meantime I might have bought some time for ohurcool to continue what I had been working for. I always knew there was a possibility he might still have been coding cheats, (everyone knew how paranoid I could be) or would randomly stop the anti-cheat etc but I used to talk to chaplja every single day, I know almost every reason behind his decision. He was always transparent and honest, he always had a valid reason for doing something, but for what happened to TZAC I do now know the whole story so I cannot talk about it, I tried to contact chaplja through facebook (that's where we used to talk when I stopped using IRC) but he had removed it some months before.

If I had to guess I would say that he probably got buttfucked by some croatian authorities or some other org, tried to hide out from the legal problems for a few months, came back, and decided it he has enough and took it against his own anti-cheat. (something I never expect chaplja would do since he always said he would delete every line of code before he would share or show his code to anyone or code cheats against his own anti-cheat.) Something happened, and nobody will ever know except chaplja himself what the real reason was, I still give him the benefit of the doubt, but I definitely do not condone the actions Marcus and ohurcool took after he vanished for all those months, they had the same choice I had to face, watch your own game die or take a risk and take an action? They chose the same option I did.

I still hope from week to week that Tomislav will speak to me again, I think he can trust me that I am an objective person, considering that was my line of work when I was cheatbuster for all those years, I am a trustable/respected member of the community and he could relay information on what really happened to me, but my guess is he won't, since he always hated logging on this site because he got insta banned everytime or rekt by community comments and after what has happened I'm sure he'll never even bother creating an account ever again.

I still thank him for all he has done and I'm grateful for it because I know he did his best and he is/was a kind honest transparent man.
Thats the kind of comment I was looking for. Objective and respectful instead of some random trashtalk of butthurt people that can't even look past a freaking online game. Thanks for the insight, Killerboy.

Didn't mean to say SLAC/TZAC was a bad decision, quite the opposite actually. I just wondered if you had that possible cheatcoding comeback in mind.

Haha now that you mention the paranoia, I'd say it was not just you, but rather a common phenomena back then. Although I think the wiesiek and Jo0f cases were a bit off, you were mostly right with the other ones - can't be right 100% of the time though.

What I've always wondered though, is the Overlord incident. (beltards busted, ovr manager busted, Zodiac presumably a cheat admin). Either you were just unlucky or you missed something. This thing could've been a whole fusenlist, it was only the tip of the iceberg.

Anyway....thanks I guess.
check the list of public servers and leagues
the games actual activity

ET's never been as dead as now, unfortunately...
the leagues/ladders are full of inactive players gathering for a single round of it once a week
almost the same for publics

wow, sounds strange but feels like its true
so neu im Sommer
Come play anytime
to conclude this topic: everyone misses chaplja
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