Busted Base stealing my guid....[ Snickje ]

The Busted Base, '' Ingame called Klaasje'' is playing with my guid... How is that possible....??
Ban this Little retard.

Please help.

Grts Snickje.

image: 2vmt0cy
who stole my curls? 8 : ]
Journal was deleted? OR deja vu?
I was wondering the same, I think he wanted to bump it.
Maybe you stole his guid?
I can see how you fail to understand GUID spoofing when you actually take a picture of your monitor instead of a screenshot.
\screenshotJPEG btw
1) You are the retard here
2) He's banned you inbred idiot
3) You know fuck all about guid spoofing
4) Nice screenshots skills
Dude I want to see you suffocate and die
Bobika again so serious, get a life. Jesus how old are you 14 years old. Check your post pls. HAHAHAHA

1) You are the retard here
2) He's banned you inbred idiot
3) You know fuck all about guid spoofing
4) Nice screenshots skills
thanks bobika!!!!
thanks bobika!!!!
Base that kid of 14 years old still taking ET serious.
whos that fucker flaming xD....come at me fucker!
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