DMpranks Pranks again

Anyone know the YouTube channel: DmPranksProductions ?
It's awesome.
I almost pissed my pants with this.
Better than any horror movie, yes even Insidious (I & II)!

Yeah, I can't see this going wrong ever.
fake but funny!
Waiting for that one guy whois carrying a handgun, panics and empties the gun at the prankster...
This aint no murica
ok where is the prank?
Waiting for that one guy who will bring his chin down to protect his neck while continuing to stare into her eyes. Brining his hands up and say "I don't want no trouble ya hear". Flex his traps and his core. Slightly bend his knees. Begins in a low voice wolowolowolowolowolowolowolowolowolowolowolowolo slowly increasing in volume, she should be surprised by now. He begins to sway side to side and loosen all facial muscles and his anal sphincter and his kegel muscle. By now he should be pretty loud and the girl will have stepped back and will appear visibly shaken. He begins to piss and shit himself and let his eyes roll into the back of his head. By now he is chanting WOLOWOLOWOLOWOLOWOLOWOLO at the top of his lungs. She will run away. The cameraman will feel a terrifying presence within his soul. Marvel as he ascends into his planar form.
I googled something for you:
I strongly advice you to get a meeting with one of them.
you're actually showing him job application to become a psychiatrist, pretty sure telling him to become one wasn't your intention.
Maybe he is looking for a psychiatrist himself?
After I saw your ugly face, I had to :(
I was completely fucked up and traumatized!
I never said I was the one who would do it, else Adeto would have to go to jail for emptying his gun on someone!
the best is the one with the clown :DDDD
A girl opens her mouth and all the men run in the opposite direction.

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