
Your ET seems bugged as heck wtf :D

Anyways, just a single 3hs frags shouldn't be bustworthy, I mean you see it happen in fragmovies all the time!
yea dunno why its bugged... i deleted all file, installed on different hdds and different ets... and something is messing with the recorded data...

dunno but i gues Symbol were pointing to the switch.. idc
i can only reply to this avi as symbol said on match : wtf was that
dunno cant even find the match on gtv XD
You are a boring cunt
Here's a song for you

ps: he's probably one of the worst merc i've had to play with alongside kazim & hans
nice frag movie 5/5
solid 3 headies
fu cheater lover

btw i expect your frags from yesterdays ufo in new muuffi
The most hilarious thing about this .avi is that in the first part of the video he's aiming at head and doesnt hit and then he does those 3hs.... ET at it's best
The opponent was crouching/moving on the first one and standing still on the second one.
Ja pierdole co za zjeb niemiecki.
just some lucky headshots, not banworthy
i do agree but i got forced by amuslim.. so you better make it XD
Tbh I would kill myself if I was ohurcool and if I had to watch such bullshit everydays. This .avi is legit. It's normal on ET after years of gaming to preaim where an opponent can be after your move. Everyone does it on other games like CSGO but if you do it on ET people will whine lol.
i didnt know that i send this to ohurcool or any other admin.. cs is like chess..
Unfortunately I never said that u sent it, you should read my comment again
QuoteTbh I would kill myself if I was ohurcool and if I had to watch such bullshit everydays

such a bullshit is (also) related to this video i guess?
Problem is, you can send legit wallhack to an admin, but you can't get any proof it's the actual player, since you may have played on their server and you can't get logs/ip and shit...

It doesnt have to do shit with this topic, but I've played vs too many cheaters in the last week or so and never could proof shit, because it was their server and their guids were either spoofed, or weren't in any logs available to me. How can you get those players banned if they're cheating then....
play on your own serv :)
The stopping of the mouse movement from that switching speed is close to impossible by hand. The cursor doesnt move even one pixel after its on the head. Could be just lucky shot but imo that action is closer to bot than luck. On the other hand its only one action so the bust value of only one that kind of action is almost zero.
It looks more impressive as a 30 fps clip as opposed to being 125 fps ingame though.
lucky shots then
Nothing obvious. (shit strafer tho)
That is a pretty basic spot where a triple hs can happen very easily, the fast turn was quite suspicious but nothing special on my eyes.
Have to agree with blackwolf, the dude have no idea how to straf lol
hmm I bump the pillar once but yeah its pretty legit to say some1 has no idea how to "straf" after seeing 10 sec of running up hill, lmao
That movement made me ill
movement 10/10
mach ich auch immer
Bang bang only retard aint movin if opponent jumpin insta 3hs always after landin
Nice cheats
this is called paranoia.
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