Sweden Stockholm

Hi guys n girls,

I will be in stockholm with my girlfriend since 14 to 16 september. apart from guides and all those turistic stuff whats cool there that is worth seeing? And could you recommend some cool & notveryexpensive hostel?

Nothing to see on Stockholm

flight cancelled

just pm alexL or fuchs both live/lived in stockholm


better than those hostels/hotels
I was there in 2008 and was very impressed.

Despite all the sights i would suggest u to rent a bycicles and make a tour through the central park and along the sea. It was great there.
I heard Ghostrider lives in Stockholm, definitely worth seeing if u ever can spot him.
Anyway, its pretty much same at every old city, check the old side of the city, Gamla stan at this case, take a walk outside "main routes", enjoy random park etc.
Dunno about hotels, never used them anywhere.
Whole place has gone to shit in the past few years, Stockholm used to be a great place to visit (went there regularly for 1 - 3 months per visit), but you'll want to take some precautions if you wander off the designated tourist zones or in general walk during the night time. Skeppsbron and 2kronor Vasastan are pretty near the major attractions or close to transports that can take you there, I've tried them myself and they're decent (~20€ per night).

Places to see outside your everyday tourist guide are Tensta and Rikkeby, it looks and feels like Africa in those places. With any sort of luck, you may see an occassional street fight or even a gang war (with more luck, you aren't part of those fights).

Have fun
stockholm = harlem?
Yes and no, the steady and strong influx of refugees from muzzie and african countries has led to the point that certain regions are being taken over by minorities. They retain their own laws and customs from their respective home countries in some ghetto, result being that even the cops do not wish to enter the said areas let alone the standard white citizen. It won't get any easier with immigrants making more children than the native populace + the politicians driving for more immigration from poor shitholes, bringing in more and more uneducated people who refuse to integrate to the native populace. Malmö has it worse.

It's so sad to see a country go down like that, give it a several years and it'll be the Sultanate of Sweden.
> get wasted with the most expensive beer of europe
> feel like a swiss guy
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