NiP's road to ESL Cologne

image: Bu3uvWnCEAAhY1g

Is this the first eSports squad to have a bus? What the actual fork.

In other news Sweden Pita will be NiP's newest Stragegy adviser.

So no -Fiffy this time lads.

image: Bu39j9xCQAABi9r

Any of you going to watch these matches? Placing bets? Who u think will win? GEGE
souvenirs again?
pretty amazing tho Swani, check here

I think that NiP will smash everyone in this tournament.

fnatic/ibuypower/dignitas (ibuypower is in fucking amazing shape, at first I thought maybe NAVI but they suck lately, titan won't surprise as always)
Cheers, hadnt done that

Does it matter which stream you watch?
ym just link your steam with and there will be main channel esltv or smth!
ok gg time to win some ez skins ez lyfe
Swani passed out...
im not surprised :DDD
Swani worst pizzamaker 2k14!
I hope Alex Ich leaves that shitty team and go back to russian powerhouse image: Kappaimage: Kappaimage: Kappa
it's not the nip bus, every one can jump into that bus and travel with them ( sweden bus company add's stickers when they travel so nip fanboys can join them )

If i remember right then sweden biggest bus company sponsors nip to get to events
nip wont even make it out of groups this time. VP too ez
Wolf got this
Group A:
1. NiP winning all of the matches
2. I'd go for epsilon since they did pretty well @ G3 with current lineup. shox in form > *
3. HR
4. Wolf

Group B:
weird one, i mean every team can advance to playoffs
1. LDLC, they've played really well recently
2. LC, great performance @ G3
3. Na'Vi, very shaky lately
4. CPHW, not sure if they are ready to win vs such good opponents, will see

Group C:
group of death, obviously
1. Fnatic, great performance @ G3, they havent lost since then, i presume (not sure tho)
2., they are known for playing just decent at groupstages. you all know the outcome on offline events tho
3. iBP, they are really good but fnatic and virtus are slightly better offline
4. dAT, they had some crazy matches in esl cologne qualis with flamie on top, but i think they wont perform as good as they did online

Group D:
1. Titan, have you seen kennyS playing @ G3? sweet jesus. good team but needs their individuals in form (kennyS, ScreaM)
2. Dignitas, great team overall. they might even win the whole event but sometimes it feels like their worst opponents are themselves
3. Cloud9, decent team but Titan and Dignitas are on another level
4. Vox

The final will be NiP vs Dignitas with NiP coming back from their losing spree and finally wining a major
"Cloud9, decent team but Titan and Dignitas are on another level", you obviously havent seen them playing lately... n0thing, shroud and hiko gonna roll the shit out of the european teams. Those 3 might even be the best players aimwise. If they dont fuck it up and play their a-game, there is none team that is able to win against them.
>If they dont fuck it up and play their a-game, there is none team that is able to win against them.
you can tell the same about every single team playing actually, dignitas especially
Eventhough dignitas is quite good on lans i doubt that they will stand a chance against cloud9. If both teams are playing their a-game cloud9 will still come out on top imo
shox 16 : 0 HR never forget
30-3 never forget
only kennyS was killing something in last few games, they need to work more as a team, their star is not shining anymore since Katowice
yet they still managed to reach final at G3, beating iBP and fnatic on the way
pathetic :D:D:D
Fuck predictions, let's just enjoy the pure ownage and hopefully another epic SWE vs PL battle!
no ET no fun
Looking at the current state of ET and what's left of it I'd say ET is no longer fun. The CS:GO competitive scene has grown a lot over the past year.

That doesn't mean I don't love ET though <3
sad but true
Why you mention CS:GO competitive scene and not ET PRO/competitive scene? You make it look like whole ET is dying which is absolutely no true whatsoever.
ETPro scene is not dying, it just has smaller activity, main reason are cheaters and not properly working Anti-Cheat (ATM) and also no anti-cheat for IRC wars, you can't want players to be active under these conditions.

I think ET live may sort some of those issues, but it all depends, something what WarWitch did to RTCW would be amazing. Shoutcaster who would people donate to and he would then host 6on6 cups and shoutcast them, it's all question about time and shit.. But that's the way to keep players playing and get some others back..

Also don't forget it's summer, people on holidays, working, resting, chilling and shit..
yep lets start donating to merlinator!
public scene:
= basically gone

ETPro scene:
never been as small and inactive as now, even if talking about the annual summer inactivity (that never really existed as strong as people thought it does)

what timbo said about the fun part :S

as much as optimism can be fine and helpful, this game's 11 years old (a proud age) and probably will be maintained like RTCW
a few cups/leagues now and then but nothing big anymore

sad but true imo
You are the youngest you'll ever be and also the oldest you've ever been.

No logic about the etpro scene.
that you've been part of for how long?

no offence, just my opinion eight years after having started playing it
I think cloud9 will do very well because they have shroud image: chansub-global-emoticon-ddc6e3a8732cb50f-25x28
2. Dignitas
3. Wolf/NiP
1) Virtus Pro
2) Titan
3) Ibuypower - Cloud9
That bus was made for DH Summer though.
If I got that right pita is only there for tactical advises and scouting upon other opponents, not for replacing fifflaren/friberg as their ingame leader
gut das weder fiffi noch friberg igl sind..
soweit ich weiß war zuletzt friberg und neuerdings fifflaren
Xizt has always been ingame leader lol.
nah apparently he handed it off to friberg who has recently handed it over to fifflaren, they circle around frequently
pita is actually the ingame leader now
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