Don't mess with Poland
It's not like we are extremaly skilled only in FPS.
Althought, in real life, if Russian troops will be coming, I doubt I will be able to quickly type aim_human 0 and aimfov 360.

highskilled yuppie
Hopefully Killerboy will come and shoot you in the face.
no horses this time around? image: kappa
well thats just mean paard...
Fake pictures, no horses...
"Warsaw’s military may be the only thing standing between Putin and Europe"

Well, better start learning russia, ALL HAIL OUR RUSSIAN OVERLORDS.
graphic looks nice, is there beta yet?
I'm not even surprised. The rest of Europe just got some fucking pussy military. And USA is just passive as hell.

all whine about polish military but in previous wars we were the one who started to fight first and were the last to fall -- fighted in french english and american armies all over europe to fight the agressor
Keep in mind that in the last wars Poland didnt have the same resources as the big nations and still managed to stand up against them eventho it didn't go well in the long run. Now with pretty much the same resources as the other big nations people shouldn't underestimate the polish army. Also with the hate towards Russia I'm sure that Poland would be one of the first nations to go up against the Russian army.
Hahahah good one, one push of the button and there's new territory for Russia to conquer.
u are dumb as fuck
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