living in your country?

Yo fellow ET Nerds.

I thinking about leaving Germany in a few years and start living somewhere else ( been here for more than 10 years )
I cant think myself of going back to Italy for different reasons.
Atm the only country i could see me living in near future is Netherlands.

Just out of curiousity how is it to live in your country?
Are u happy there and do u really want to stay the rest of your life there?
How are the people ? Do they hate on foreigners :D?
How easy is it to get a job ? ( especially in IT & electrical engineering stuff maybe )
How much money € do u need to live a "normal" life?
Pro, Contra - just share your point of view !

Just stuff like that. Share with care

image: Mr-T
evrything is depends on you no matter what.
just be easy and flow with things evrything be allright ( i lived in berlin amsterdam sidney )
as a foreigner feeling my gf is dutch and she lives here in israel. both of us didnt felt any starnger here in tel aviv or in amsterdam.

advice : my suggestion go to australia sydney ( bunday beach area ) or melbourne ! you will thank me later
Where are u from? And why did u choose tel aviv then over australia then :P? I think australia would be great from what ive seen in TV but gonna need to visit it first a few times before making a decisions like that :D
a ticket from europ to aus is very expensive . iam israeli (: since i realse from army i travled like 3 years started from india thailand and then to the pacific and then europ.

i didnt have a euro on my pockets when i arrived europ but evrything turn up for the good way you will see.

how old are you?
30 this year
if i were you i would go to australia or like other mention here bulgaria ( its realy cheap there atm to live and the hi tech its on a good procces ) i see many advertisement in israeli website to relocation to there and work in hitech tecnology . i think you have the same in germans website
if you need any tips you can send me here pm.
sorry bad english
im actually thinking about studying in sydney, but only thing im concerned about is the living expenses like housing/apartment etc, isn't it kind of expensive? (assuming id be on a student visa with permission to work)
Definitly leaving France sooner or later, still don't know where to go tho. NL seems fine, maybe Australia or something like that aswell
defently australia (: you will be amaze how life is so easy there
Life is expensive there tho :P
not really . less then europ for sure.
Several of my friends went there for few months and they all told me the life was expensive. But you're earning more money than in Europe so that's basically the same i guess
I've been to New Zealand for half a year which is comparable to Australia in some things plus I've also got friends who have been there...The people are very friendly and "relaxed", there are so many great things to do and see (nature is amazing). Things like food are expensive compared to europe but gas was cheaper for example. I think it's alright because as you said the salary is a little higher there.
Basically I'm encouraging you to go there :D really great people and it's perfect for travelling alot...u
+1 NZ is also one of the easiest to migrate to as well.
both of you forgot to mention ..its fucking boring there . the life, not as a travler.
and in some area's its scary at night speacly auckland .
Well I was just travelling so can't actually say how living there would be:p
Haha yea I remember getting the visa in 3 days via email, no trouble at all
why dont u like it there?
Kinda fed up by the people there, don't enjoy being there anymore. I'd like to travel a lot aswell
Gotta get out of your mums basement first snatix m8 :DDDDD

I'm moving to London very soon. DO NOT WANT
DDDDDD fuck you lad

An unwanted promotion I think is best way to describe it and don't wanna go because i could get a 3 bedroom house here for like £450 a month and in London like £1100 for a one bedroom FLAT GG FU
Czech Republic Prague
Just out of curiousity how is it to live in your country? It's great but it has a lot of bad sides of it, there are certain areas in Prague, which are A MUST to avoid during a night, otherwise you can end up hurt really badly.
The overall life there is amazing as things are affordable, variety of shopping centres/places where you can have some fun, the transport is also amazing. Huge - of Prague are immigrants (ukraine,vietnam, gypsies are the true aids of Prague)...
Are u happy there and do u really want to stay the rest of your life there? Im happy there, but as I love traveling and different countries, I will for sure want to live somewhere else also, but can see myself living the last 30-40 years of my life there.
How are the people ? Do they hate on foreigners :D? Depends, there are places where people will respect you and help you if you need it, but there is also a lot of shit idiots (mostly in the centre) that are bored with their job / or there are pick-pocketers so u got to be careful :P
How easy is it to get a job ? ( especially in IT & electrical engineering stuff maybe ) There are always oppurtunities to get a job, depends on what would you like, it's not completely NO-chance to get a job...
How much money € do u need to live a "normal" life? Flat of One who earns money and two students -> €1000 monthly is simply enough, altho it's above the average "earning"...
Since my sister lived in Prague over 2 years I gotta add some things:

1st: Mostly young people are respectful and can talk english fluently. Most of the people working in different shops are total douche bags towards foreign people. For example my sister had really trouble even getting decent internet. Mostly the rate of customer service depends on social class.

2nd: The average salary there is approximately 500-600e/month. Unless you want to be stuck there forever, go work somewhere else. The salary is just enough to live in Prague but you cant really afford to move anywhere else after that.

But yeah, the city is nice :)

"How are the people ? Do they hate on foreigners :D?"

There you got your answer
come again?
- I like it here, the country is clean and modern but has its problems is not perfect. best political system around
- people are mostly conservative and do not like change (country-side)
- completely different in the 'cities'
- on country-side they do hate on foreigners but not on those who try to integrate, in city: they dont care
- since the country wasn't hit that hard by the crisis, it is comparably easier to find a job, although i have no experience in your area
- you need a lot of money to live a normal life, but you get more than enough when you have a job.
Just out of curiousity how is it to live in your country?
Strongly depends on your income and the district you live in
Are u happy there and do u really want to stay the rest of your life there?
Of course
How are the people ? Do they hate on foreigners :D?
Depends on the area and your nationality, yes and no
How easy is it to get a job ? ( especially in IT & electrical engineering stuff maybe )
Depends on which specialization you have, but in general skilled personel doesn't have that bad chances
How much money € do u need to live a "normal" life?
excluding taxes 1500€ in low/medium districts, 2500€ in decent places
pls dont live in the Netherlands mama, its a shit country trust me, go to Spain so much better.
Doubt Spain is better how long have u been there? When u visit a country just for vacations its always nice :P
Why is it shit :D?
Amsterdam is really expensive, like house/appartement. If you want tips I can give you tips btw. But I dont know some poor guys live in the Netherlands.

What you gonna do in the Netherlands and what kind of job you search? Maybe I can find something for you.

EDIT: I see IT btw, like reperations like computer hardware?
isn't Spain broken, crisi$?
it is, but I like the way of life there :)
Yeah its similar to Italian way but that can be annoying aswell... believe u dont wanna end up in an italian Hospital for example :P Its not comparable to the german ones.
If u wanna have a good job its not the right place imo.

More like Networking, research stuff like that. Did already my years reparing PCs as a trainee :P
Netherlands is fine don't listen to this guy. The Dutch are known to whine, bitch and complain about just about anything.
Wow, I thought I was being crazy for being the only one noticing that.
hate on foreigners
-I got a bacherlor's degree (which also accounts as a masters degree outside of Greece because it requires at least 5 years to complete, I doubt people actually put stock in that though) in forestry and environment from arguably the best greek university that offers no real value now thanks to the band-aid economy murdering my field. I've been searching for a job relative to what I studied for about a year, found nothing besides odd jobs via acquaintances at bars et cetera.
-Can make 400-500 a month if I'm lucky. Homelessness has become a real possible future for me.
-Got many acquaintances with varying levels of education on many different fields unable to find an acceptable job (except IT and accounting), besides what their close relatives or friends can offer them. Some used their parents' capital to start their own business venture, only to go bankrupt within a year. The most successful guy I know is a mathematician who offers private lessons to high school kids, and I doubt he makes more than 1500 a month.
-Because I can speak dutch/english almost perfectly and german fluidly I'm thinking of moving there using my degree and hopefully luck into something that will provide me with an acceptable future.
-Fuck this country, don't ever come here unless it's for vacation or you are absolutely sure you can get a steady job. It's cheap to live here now, but you definitely need financial stability.
oh greece...what have you become
There are plenty of forestry etc stuff going in Wales! Sign yourself up :))
Sounds pretty tough. Your education is ideal for most North-European countries but you'd be going through one hell of a culture shock.
after my study i will leave this country for sure there r 0 reason to stay here, where i will exactly go isnt sure yet but i got some options.. stockholm(there is a great company which is kinda known worldwide in this section i wanna work), australia, US or even japan

but i have one more year to think about that tho^^
How can you say there is 0 reason to stay in Germany? I think it should be easy to get a decent job there and live a good life?
kitt is living in germany.. jking oh wait not

nah my mainreason to move out is that I wanna improve my english in this section I want work later, so I have in like 10-15 years far better chances to find an even better job

and germany got no so many opportunities, there is maybe something in munich which would interest me but then I can also move out to another country^^
+1 Living in another country, even temporarily, is a great experience :)
Holland is so horrible, to compare look at the community here in ET. Only normal dutchie is Timbo <<3333 (though he is trying to become BE)
And he's trying really hard.
Just out of curiousity how is it to live in your country? Its great but weather can be a bitch for newcomer
Are u happy there and do u really want to stay the rest of your life there? Yes & beside traveling i'll most likely stay here
How are the people ? Do they hate on foreigners :D? Friendly people most of the time, No
How easy is it to get a job ? ( especially in IT & electrical engineering stuff maybe ) Dont really know this field but I'd say its easy
How much money € do u need to live a "normal" life? at least 1000$ (CAD) which is roughly 600-700 euro but with a IT job you would have no problem
Is there any good website to check job offers in Canada?

There might others but I come the French part so we use different website. I'll try give you more info a bit later today.
Try Poland,

Just out of curiousity how is it to live in your country?
Wales can be really nice to live in, plenty of diversity
Are u happy there and do u really want to stay the rest of your life there?
I am happy when I'm there but I live in Germany now so... I'd be happy spending the rest of my life in either countries.
How are the people ? Do they hate on foreigners :D?
Majority of them are down to earth but troubled teens like everywhere. We've got plenty of foreigners here, huge Filipino community, Polish and various other Euro.
How easy is it to get a job ? ( especially in IT & electrical engineering stuff maybe )
Can get one in that field fairly easy in the cities, doubt it in the valleys but could do.
How much money € do u need to live a "normal" life?
500-600? Varies where you stay greatly.
Why did u move to germany? Where are u exactly?
Girlfriend lives here (NRW) so moved in together. I guess a little close to Zerender .
I think it's really nice here, change of scenery and much quieter than my home town. Good for my profession and also for cycling : ))
U are close to me ;D I live in Wuppertal but im mostly @ Cologne

You know how perfect is often boring? Well, Norway's probably the best country to live in, but that's quite boring. And cold.

(Easy to get a job. Great salary. Good healthcare and all of that. Basically the social-democratic dream more or less.)
cu in 2 - 3 years :p
Denmark is a really cool place to live. It's easy to live here since everything is well made. Most people seem calm and friendly. I would say that most danes are friendly towards foreigners but some there are some idiots that refuse to accept them. One of the best thing here is that you get paid for taking an education!

However after I finish my education I'm planning to move to Poland if everything goes well. The only thing that probably could make me stay in Denmark is if I fail to find a decent job in Poland(which I heard from family and friends can be a problem).
Why u wanna go to poland?
I'm from Poland and moved to Denmark when I was a bit more than 1 year old. Most of my family still live there which makes the choice pretty easy. I love Denmark but whenever I'm in Poland I feel home. It's two different countries and they both got their pros and cons.

In Denmark the system seems to be better because everything is carefully made and thought about. Also I doubt that the education is better in Denmark but I love the fact that they pay you to motivate you and it's not that strict as in Poland(that's what I've heard atleast. Foreigners are treated really well in both countries but I think it would be easier to communicate in Denmark since they are a bit better at speaking english.

In Poland I would say that the food is A LOT better than in Denmark. When you order something here in Denmark you get a small portion. Whenever I order in Poland I get a huge portion and it's usually delicious! Even a fastfood restaurant like KFC tastes different in Poland(maybe because there are only like 2 of them in Denmark....). I also really like the people in Poland. They seem open and friendly(the danes are also friendly but not as open imo). And the best thing is that polish women are amazing. Eventho danish girls are really pretty too, I feel like they don't come close to polish girls. In Poland you have many different types of women which is like going into a candy shop and don't know what to buy since everything looks amazing. That's why I've always been telling myself that I will marry a polish girl ;)
Travel a lot and then decide. Find your place on earth where you will feel like "at home". There is always something good about every country, what is surprising, there is always also some "but" in the end. This and this is awesome BUT.. I could say the same about living in Poland, everything is good, beautiful places, cheap stuff but this country is poor as fuck and I won't have any opportunities here for next 10 years (especially in my dream job). I was 6 or 7 times in France (bottom of it) and I adore it. People are so nice and open, weather is perfect, wine is cheap and life is good and easy. Prolly I'll end up there. Before I want to go everywhere, see places, feel them, touch, try. Living in one place whole life make people sad. We need changes. Finland is so fucking expensive tho but you will find there awesome views and peacefull villages. I guess you have to find out what you need in life atm and go for it. If you need energy and noise, go to Spain. If chill and you don't drink much alcohol (30-40eu per bottle), go to Finland, Sweden or Norway. Cheers.
30-40eu for what? :/ expensive : D
hmm bit more expensive than here for everything x) but can expect to pay good money for a decent whisky etc.
paid maybe 50-55eu can't remember for this
image: 10527917_10152106011361891_1813858438_n
the same whiskey in pl you can get for 15 eu, by the same I mean as "decent" as in finland (jack daniels, jim beam etc.)

nice morgan, I like it :D
The Netherlands is fine to live
nice people (depends where you live)
weather sucks kinda
If you can find a good and stable job in Bulgaria (that is, somewhere where you will be able to make good money and advance without having any delays or anything in payments) I would definitely recommend living in Bulgaria. Everything is cheap, (again, only if you have a good and stable job) tons of places to party, also a lot of awesome places to raise a family, beaches, mountains, whatever you like really. It all comes down to if you have the money, or actually, if you are sure you will have a stable income.
Such an obvious choice from you, I mean Netherlands... After beating up all the fags on LAN you became "IL CAPO" If you go there catch 2xtreme\MAZZ crew, they are very nice people.

I think you would love Hungary ... atleast for a holiday, but for long term plans. I am not sure. But you realy shouldn't go further to the East, only if you want to leave Europe :) Good Luck!

e: I always hear good things about Finland Finland. Just protect your butt before some ETFinns surprise you.
Quite true, most common finnish drunken humor is quite gayish. Slapping eachothers with penises and stuff. But no homo.
what happens at summer cottage, stays there
I'm still studying for double master's myself, but I can answer some of the questions. Finland is a decent place to live in if you are white and make an attempt to learn the language (it being second-hardest in the world from what I've heard). If you are not white, I'd suggest only the major cities, unless you are used to being lonely. The living costs are high, but there are ways to live cheap here. You'll need to know how to binge drink if you'll want to socialize well with finns; I've went for an interrail twice and quite frankly most Europeans do not know how to fuck themselves up by drinking like the finns do, not that it's a good thing. Learn to hold your liquor in, and you'll find more friends than you'd probably care for.

For the job department, it's relatively easy to land a job in your field in the biggest cities in Finland, if you have the degree (ranging from the bachelor equilevant to master's, people coming abroad may have to go to extra lengths to show the aptitude and capability ofr the job) and maybe some experience. The taxes are a bitch, which is the reason I've worked abroad whenever I've had the chance and created alternative streams of income. Finland is a great place to work in if you have a half-decent degree and you are not fucking greedy (like I am).

I'd call the life in Finland decent, but that being said, I still intend to move away from Finland to a spot where I can make more money working.
- It's okay one of the best places in the world I guess
- Uhm about 50% + off all people suck just like pretty much anywhere else
- Depends on your level of eduction etc etc etc
- Yet again it depends on a variety of factors.

Your questions suck tbh :(
Those were general questions u can just tell your point of view :P
1. Officially rated one of the best places to live
- For me that really depends on where you live and what kind of life style you are after. For example, if you don't like racist bogans and toxic toads, snakes, man eating animals etc. don't live in Queensland (or any further north of Queensland). Beaches are quite nice around Brisbane though.

- If you like a laid back life style and don't go out much, Canberra is good, also lots of IT jobs available (cafes/restaurants are improving all the time). I have been living in Canberra for over 11 years now so I am a bit biased!

- NSW (Sydney, Newcastle etc.) lots of good places to live, Sydney has the most overall but also the worst traffic and general congestion of people, so if you don't like that, don't live there. If you don't mind that crap, it is an awesome place to visit/live. Australia volta lives there.

- SA, if you like wine, live there (I do but other than the wine it is boring as hell). Lots of Cathedrals and kiddy fiddler priests too. Champion gamer Australia Nateus lives there.

- VIC, similar to SA (in terms of access to nice wine/vineyards) only a lot better vibe overall. Melbourne is more relaxed than Sydney but has just as much to do. There are some pretty amazing places to eat out too (awesome cafes). Melbourne also has a lot of IT jobs. Australia im_constructing lives there.

- WA, I really like Perth, nice city that has seen a lot of new development/changes. It is a mining city though so it is probably the most expensive place to live in Australia (inflated prices etc). Gabriel Batistuta lives there! (and Australia iceman34)

- TAS, only go there if you want to eat or breed with your sister. Australia riCo lives there.

- NT, don't bother, too hot and you will probably get eaten by something.

Main issue with living in Australia is the current government being a bunch of old school bigots. They actually tried to change the laws around racism so they could be more casually racist themselves without getting in trouble.

There is a website that tracks their current list of broken pre-election promises which is pretty funny reading (

They also stopped the NBN project to deliver faster broadband to every home in Australia and now won't even deliver FTTN (which is what they promised).

To be honest, the stuff they have not delivered is "first world problem stuff" right now but will harm us long term in favour of making/saving money now (they just want to look good financially).
Australia just sounds awesome overall. I really want to visit it someday but I just really hate snakes/insects (vinegaroons look scary if you know what that is) and all that shit.
I don't like them either. Canberra is good to avoid most of that because it gets too cold for them in winter (still some snakes in summer but I've seen maybe one or two in 11 years). General rule is further north you go, the more fcked up the wild life gets.
how would life be for an international student living in sydney? id probably be looking for a place to stay on flatmates but in terms of living expenses and getting around what could i expect?
lol this nigga coming out of pakistan with a perfect english they'll think ur somekind of secret agent
lmao its not the first time ive heard that
tell them u want to open a new 7/11 franchise and they will greet you with open arms
gg 9/10 idea will use
Sydney is pretty good for public transport, they have a card you can buy for almost all public transport and you can top it up online. Most trains and buses are like $2 for most rides. Rent is the killer, cheap rent is typically further west of Sydney, anything closer to the CBD is usually expensive. Share house (with other UNI students or sometimes non-UNI students advertise rooms for students) is usually the best way to go if you want a good location for the cheapest possible rent. Food can be really cheap, depends where you go or what you prefer to eat. For example there is china town near the CBD which is hell cheap at most places. Most pub or cafe food is usually around $10 to $15 but the competition is so high in Sydney they usually price lower.
thanks man. it would be my first time living alone and my parents are kind of skeptical and im trying to tell them that it would be easy there considering what ive been hearing about Australia.
Are u happy there and do u really want to stay the rest of your life there?
Yes, might leave but atm I see no reason, got a job and stuff.

How are the people ? Do they hate on foreigners :D?
Mostly quiet and mind their own business. Foreigners are ok, unless you are from africa / middle east (not for everyone, but for many)

How easy is it to get a job ? ( especially in IT & electrical engineering stuff maybe )
Hard, after Nokia dumped us there are so many IT guys around without jobs. Lots of small startups going around, might get something there though. Little bit more in engineering I think.

How much money € do u need to live a "normal" life?
After taxes you will do fine with ~2k€, accomodation takes a lot especially if you go near Helsinki or other bigger centrums. And as Sebastian said, you won't get rich here but you will do decent, even minimum wages are ok'ish.

Pro Contra
+ Nature, 4 seasons, everything is clean, quite honest and safe to go around.
- Mostly expensive, everything is forbidden, you might hate winter, no decent football.
Werent u living in germany !?
Naah, just played with Germany BD and been there drinking few times. Apparently going again in October.
I always complain about Sweden, but in the grand scheme of things everything's really good. Couldn't see myself moving to any other country in the north. The only other countries that I would say offer improvement in some aspects would be Switzerland, Australia & Singapore. Canada has also given me quite a positive impression. I feel like Canada and Sweden are surprisingly similar so I'm sure it would be easy to adapt.
Morrisons vouchers!
Enough said.
whats that? coupons?
jeh, discount in shop :p
buy an island in scandinavia !
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