World of tanks

so, who plays that game?
i havent played et for ages but in WoT i go by name of Kabine10.
was just wondering if theres some people who knows me or who i know from old et times who plays it :)
shouldn't you be already earning money with it? :D Considering the time you already play it
Playing games with rng elements competitvaly = a joke
winning tournaments with thousands in prize money, I guess they are laughing all the way to the bank
Just because a developer / publisher throws a lot of money at a game doesn't make it a good game take a look at LoL.
Yet by far most played game and most money earned there...
No, the amount of people playing said game proves how good it is - WoT and LoL have pretty decent numbers playing daily. You are allowed to not want to play it or like it - for instance I don't like CSGO, I don't think it is a very good game but I understand the appeal - and why it is successful competitively even if in my eyes it is pretty broken.
No it does not. A lot of people watch American football but it's still shit. CS:GO isn't a very good game but it's still better than pretty much everything else which is currently being played.
well there is competitive level in WoT (or is it called pro, whatever) and i agree rng obviously makes it more random but its not as bad as it sounds. hardly ever rng have decided the game, end of the day better team wins.
nice stats
is competitive level still played without any usability of scouts?
I played some wars that was just about playing HT + 2 I tier LT
depends on map, you see 13 90 pretty often in some maps
Id choose WZ-132 from 8 tier because of alpha dmg, because its more similar to my most played VK2801
thats always an option but teams tend to choose 13 90 over wz because in 1vs1 13 90 wins and 13 90 just got insane camo values. not to mention the weak modules in wz :)
fizz is playing it
i do, once a month ;p
was good for a laugh :) uninstalled as it took up a lot of hd space, but I may reinstall now I have some more room :)
Still playing every now and then. Feel free to pm me ingame if you wanna platoon again albertinho ;) (xfrank_the_tankx)
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