Which game is better?

I am bored and want to play a great singleplayer game. Now I need your advice:

Which game is the best or most fun?
  • Skyrim
  • Fallout 3
  • Crysis 3
  • Metro 2033 (have played Last Light already)
  • Wolfenstein (newest game)

If you have more suggestions, then write them down. Thanks!

image: nptmvaB
Football manager BRO :D
maybe next month, when the 2015 version is out :-)
jeder fussball manager ab 2006 is fürn arsch :p
2004 und 2005 warn die besten

von den vorgeschlagenen kann ich nur skyrim empfehlen, die andern hab ich nicht gespielt :D
ANd then let the 3 month addiction BEGIN
get mass effect 1, 2 and 3!

if you're in for some sience fiction game with an extremely powerful story and a lot of different possibilitys throughout the game (like certain characters will die, whether you're a roll model or an arrogant scumbag and so on) then this will be the best sp game series you'll have ever experienced
Sounds fun! thanks
and make sure you get all dlcs that are available + the 99% readyness exploit on mass effect 3, in case you got it cracked and import your savings into the next game (each decision will have consequences in the next part of the triology, probably even mass effect 4, which won't have the number behind, but a unique name and does not include the main hero). If you bought mass effect 3 you'll need to play the multiplayer (4 players vs bot opponents, surviving/mission style) for around 3-4 hours which will improve the readyness of the galaxy's troops, but now I'll stop spoilering, hf!
Out of those games you originally posted, I'd suggest Skyrim. With modding you have endless possibilities. Mine is modded so that it's very realistic with hard difficulty settings. But the games Kalli suggested are superb aswell. I was sort of dissapointed in Mass Effect 2 and 3 after having played the first one, but they are still critically acclaimed and by most considered better than the first one. For me however the first Mass Effect is the best game of all time. Period.

If you have never played Mass Effect, you owe it to yourself as a gamer to atleast give the first one and the second one a try. Some people like both, some like only one of those two games.
I hope i didn't make a mistake by starting with mass effect 3, but i just didnt want to play a game with shit gfx. I played like 5 hours now and i really start to enjoy it. Was a bit hard to understand the storyline at the beginning, but i am doing good now.

Thanks for your suggestions. This game is really different and nice!
Quotestarting with mass effect 3

image: qp3w40
Only that it's the worst out of the three and you might be ruining the experience of playing the first one. The last few hours of the first game are full of surprised and by playing the third you uncover all those surprised. It's still a good game though. Also, throughout the series you make decisions which affect the sequels in a way. Eventhough people complained that your choices mattered little in the end of ME3, it's still pretty noticable and a very fun thing to play through them all with one character.

Also, ME2 just looks pretty much like ME3 while ME1 looks only slightly less good. You do what you want to do, but you're missing a great journey. Compared to the others, ME1 is a lot less streamlined and slower, but it has a great and cinematic story and an interesting world. It has a lot of interesting twists, which are probably already spoiled by skipping to the third one.
alright thanks i will start with ME1 then :)
If you really don't enjoy it, eventhough I think it has the best atmosphere and ending of any game I ever played, you can try the second one instead. It looks very up to date and is very different from the first one. Let me know what you think about the games once you tried them!
finished first and almost second now. really great game!

makes really fun to play it. thx for the suggestion
Glad you liked it! Wish I could play the first game for the first time again. The ending with the large cryo tomb, the death of one of your team members, the meeting with Sovereign and then the final fight was so fucking good. Did you save the Rachni queen by the way?

The second and third one are also pretty good, but the first one is by far my favourite.
ye i saved the queen. i was the "nice guy" in the first part. In the second part i turned to the "bad guy" killing everyone :D is fun! havnt finished it yet tho
Yeah Mass Effect 2 has a lot of awesome Renegade options. After my male Adept, my female Infiltrator is probably my most played class (I've played these games a lot, haha).
except me1 the games are medicore, but fuck yeah, they got nice cinematics and shitload of scripted events, so game must be nice.

ur a dumb sheep
I liked every Mass Effect, though I have to admit that ME1 is BY FAR my favourite game. It's my favourite game of all time and the other two can't hold even hold a candle to it. Still, the others were decent. He just said he skipped the first two and is playing the third one. He's spoiled forever!
yeah ME1 was really nice, sadly devs decided to switch from RPG game to action with small char developement :<

ME2 is a fine example of how to not make a game. i kinda wonder why it got such good reviews
I still enjoyed the second one though. Mainly because of the fun combat mechanic and the fact that you can continue with your saves from the first one. The story and the format are a complete travesty compared to the first one though. I think it's gotten so much favorable reviews because people really love a dumbed down game. They don't want a world to explore and an intriguiging story, they want to get taken by their hands and know the bad guys from the start.

As I said, I liked ME2, but I hated how the went from a story-driven "explorable", mysterious world with some customization and RPG elements to what basically was a duck and cover shooter with a story smeared on top. The first one was like KotoR in a way while the second one was more like a straight up shooter.
ME2/3 fighthing was horrible for me.

it went from decent(still the interface was horrible :D) strategic approach, to duck and cover as you mentioned.

Introduction of HS in ME3 made the fights even easier, as an Infiltrator i did one shot kills most of the times.
Goat Simulator
played it already
Mass Effect is awesome!
Dragon Age all parts
Gothic + Risen (Gothic 1+2 ftw )
The Witcher!
Latest pc games from best to worst.

Dark Souls 1/2: play these first, by far the best games I've played in a very long time. Very skill-intensive and unforgiving but in the same time very rewarding games. They have that extra something that not many games have.

Mass Effect Trilogy
Portal 1/2
Bioshock 1/3
Far Cry 3
Fallout 3
Witcher 2
Shovel Knight
Dragon Age Origins

Still haven't played the latest X-Com.
Great list!
My order of those games would be :

Mass Effect 1
Dark Souls 2 (the first one is a horrible port. Great game only if you know how to fix it)
Mass Effect 2
Dragon Age Origins
Mass Effect 3
Portal 1/2

And I'd say the rest is on equal footing roughly
Tomb Raider 2013
Outlast Whisperblower
Skyrim & Fallout 3 are really great games and you can play them over a long period of time. Games like metro are nice but usually youll be finished within 10 hours or something.

Another suggestion would be Gta 5 :D
Fallout 3 is one of the best games I have ever played.
i assume you did not play many games.

fo3 is horrible. period
Maybe you just suck.
not as hard as your mom.

fo3 has boring plot, boring gameplay, performance issues. the only good thing about it is the engine which made new vegas happen
Well apparently pretty much everyone else in the world disagrees with you. New Vegas is only half as good as Fallout3 was.
yeah, thats why F:NV has better user score than FO3.

as i said: bad storyline, boring gameplay, performance issues(this actually can be linked with NV aswell)
Most people played the game on console so performance issues are of no importance to the game itself. The whole setting and experience in Fallout3 is just so much better than New Vegas. The gameplay is pretty much the same in both games but being the newer game it obviously has some minor improvements over FO3. Literally everyone I know thinks FO3 is better than NV.

Amazing story (better than NV) and pretty much the same gameplay as NV as well. EVERYONE I know thinks F3 is better than NV.
so besides having little to no experience with sp games, you also have literally no friends? thats kinda sad.

- setting of FO3 was totally off the fallout mythology, a mistake that was fixed in NV
- minor improvements? balancing the whole game is not minor. also do i have to remind teleporting melee attacks?
- amazing story? go find your dad, who run away from you. Thats amazing? you srsly have no exp with sp games.
Seems like you are just crying because it wasn't the same FO1 and FO2.
thats 1/3 of the reasons why FO3 was so shit to anyone with at least 2 brain cells.
F:NV is a lot better in my opinion and most people agree. It also had some brilliant DLC's.
im totally aware of it.

Old World Blues <3
Skyrim, Fallout 3, Borderlands 1&2 with all DLC's
When I see Razah made a journal:
image: jajaja
When I see only one random chick:
image: JKHTl
When I see people are writing my nick still wrong:

image: abshn
I thought about editing but meh :D
skyrim & fallout
Dark Souls
I still play sky rim sometimes because the mod community is just too damn awesome not to. Witcher 1 and 2 are awesome (can be really hard/challenging), also Witcher 3 is coming out and it looks insane.
I'm so goddamn salty that the Witcher series will continue on PC while the new Demon/Dark Souls will only come out on PS4 as exclusives.

Looks like a darker, close up 3rd person version of van helsing (adventures of)
Really? That sucks. Dark Souls 2 sold pretty good on PC though didn't it?
From what I understand this happened:

FromSoftware made Demon's Souls as an exclusive for PS3, but it didn't sell very well. Afterwards they tried selling their next game, Dark Souls, to Sony as another exclusive, but, but Sony didn't see much worth to another very challenging action rpg selling well globally. So FromSoft kept the rights and Dark Souls obviously sold extremely well for both PS3 and Xbox360 and got rave reviews, and there was huge demand for a PC port, so they made it the next year.

A couple of years later Dark Souls 2 was released on Xbox360/PS3/PC simultaneously, sold extremely well everywhere. However, they started working an a new Demon's Souls game called Bloodborne, whose rights belonged to Sony, hence why it will only be released to PS4, unless Sony decides otherwise (and they probably won't unless they see really huge sales on other platforms.) Sony just wants people to buy their PS4.

But, we might see a new Dark Souls on PC, I think FromSoft still holds the rights.
imo dragon age 2,skyrim,fallout new vegas,adventures of van helsing,lotr war in the north are the best singleplayers i've played
why didnt you play metro 2033 before last light
Didn't know there was 2033 back then
So you didnt know it's based on a book called Metro 2033
saw it in the sales and bought it :( While playing it, i noticed that there was a previous version
assassins creed 2, brotherhood, revelations - all fantastic
Fallout 3 is amazing and a mist play game. Nothing special in crysis 3.
didnt read, but et is the best.
Far Cry 3 war lustig :)
falls dus spielst .... die weed-plantagen waren am besten :)
Played Wolfenstein, it's great! Kinda reminds me of RTCW, a lot of blood and a lot of action!
would go with the whole assassins creed production & skyrim. :)
Spent a good amount enjoying skyrim
Bioshock trilogy.
WARFACE pc version
just play a random japanese game, ero if is possible.
image: 37713668aa008779
im worried about ur mental health brother u should stay away from 9gag image: Kappa
2k14 play games :D
watch dogs isnt that bad. borderlands2 currently for free on steam. gta series. mass effect. assassins creed series...
oh batman is funny!
wolfenstein all the way
great atmosphere, great action great game
hotline miami, risk of rain, watch dogs, super meat boy, dishonored, alan wake
check altf4games on youtube. hes got some epic reviews (german only)
edit: plus he made lord of the weed xD
game's dead after only 3 month - single mode not so .... hum hum and multi was a real shit to play
Have you played Batman Arkham City? Brilliant game aswell and runs like a dream even on older systems.
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