et dead

Fuk, just realise it nao..

Ill become admin and save it!
hm one enemy moar, great.
What do you want to save if people just don't want to touch it anymore? It doesn't make any big fun anymore tbh. Let's just wait till the next cup by cybergamer then it'll become a bit more active.
People who still like to touch it rather not to since we have a bunch of retarded ppl who sign up for cups just because 'yes ill' and then when they have a offi they delay it or forfeit it. BAN EM FROM CUPS prefer to have less teams who actually givesa shit than 'loads' of inac teams.
gl setup make new anti cheat ;p
et deathened when electronic army retired
we'll be back
Did you stop playing LoL? Can't find you on my list :o
nerding cod2 currently, even that game is more active!
"even"? cod2 probably has more activity than cod4
cuz cod4 people moved to cod2 :D
its simple. disappointed cod4 players went back to cod2 (coz its class!) and the rest followed the money making shit games every year
and unfortunately even more cheaters
CG Season 2 coming in September!
Yes, still we'll have problems with forfeits etc, we need a pool to know exacly wich day of the week people rather play and if we have to force a match we'll do it to that day. Other things we should have is decent streamers/shoutcasters people like it, atleast i do.

I have moar ideas dou,

SetupJ for president
Feel free to share any and all ideas you have. :P

Noshows and forfeits will always occur sadly, even more so as the game decreases in activity and teams/players lose motivation to play. We will be working to make scheduling matches a bit easier this time around, and still forcing matches every Thursday for the following Sunday or Monday (which I think is a pretty decent system).

MerlinatoR has already mentioned that he plans to stream several games this season, which is awesome, and hopefully some others will contribute as well.
hm people got atleast 7 dayz for playing their matches... should be enough to figure out a day for players.. since the dates are known for a month or so...
Yesyesyes! :D
The problem which is killing activity on competitive scene isn't forfeit or shit, but cheaters in IRC wars, if you play 5 3on3s and in 4 of them there is cheater or more against you, does it make any sense to continue playing this game?

There simply isn't anti-cheat for IRC wars and people cba playing offis.. So sadly yeah, hopefully CG season and ohurcool will help it a bit with number #2
cheaters are overrated. I don't really mind playing against cheaters that don't set on full (well, that would be boring, but you don't get all that often). but being forced to hear the whining about cheaters all the time, that's what makes it annoys me oh so much. when I play random scrim, there is actually much higher possibility someone from my team will cry about cheaters than that we actually play against cheaters.
I never ever accuse someone of being cheater in chat and rarely say that on teamspeak, that's not problem in my case.
But if you're playing against cheaters and they're laughing at you in global chat, that's what kills this scene.
you accused me of aimbotting you faggot
seems to me only czech players do this :D
not really :D I played as much with czech as with foreigners. all the same :(
oh and, if you're clean? doesn't matter, everyone whines either way -- no one wants to realize they're bad in a 11 year old game
so so ncie post nice ;)
thats exacly my thinking! i always say to myself then"well lets leave and search new oppo" then i have to read a few seconds in mainchat from a fakename kid "hahaha what a dickhead" that destroys the game and make it impossible to get newcomers imo.
cuz im not active anymore, sry guyz
Come back ;(((((
inactive and still have no life gg
i chose LoL over ET 3 years ago because i felt ET was allready dead. Game just was not the same. and 6v6 was fun and also i enjoyed the estonian server udu battleground. But after that , lowskilled BIO server and 3v3 matchups were just too boring. And also , pansemuckl thanks so much for sharing cool hacks for everyone so they can destroy the best fuckin game ever.
Competitive ET is dead because there is nothing to really 'try-hard' for but internet pocals. Most serious players left because there is simply nothing to play for and there are not enough serious/skilled teams/players left for a proper serious top level competition or lan events. Not claiming that I am a top level player at all, but it's just blatantly obvious that there are pretty much no real teams left.

Trying to get old players back or new players in is pointless aswell as most of those play for 1/2 matches or 1 season at most and leave again because of the reason I stated above. It's simply boring to play the same people for the same pointless reasons. I'm not saying CG or other leagues are doing pointless things, just saying that it won't create more activity.

tl;dr: competitive ET is boring nowadays. the end.
I think it's more due to the fact that many top players quit because they get older and their priorities shift while there is no influx of new players because the game is so old and it's such a pain to even try and install it. It's a free game with no support or infrastructure whatsoever, bad performance, no anticheat, a variety of mods and a bunch of unsolved bugs and errors. I think it would be even easier to get new people to play RTCW than to get them into ET.

I don't think I was that known and maybe not even that good, but I had the opportunity to play with great and fun teams who would play against the top teams. It was fun to get challenged like that. I didn't care about pocals or prizes, I just enjoyed playing against good players and trying to get better. That's the entire point of a competition. Now, a lot of the top players have stopped playing and there is no reason to "try-hard" because the competition is dwindling and there are few teams left to test your "skills" against.

I've stopped playing games competitively now all together, but even if I had the time or energy to do so, I'd play something with an active community like CS:GO. I don't really enjoy the game itself that much, but there's no fun in trying to get better when there are not a lot of good players to compete against.

tl;dr: Unlike Caesar, I'd rather be second in Rome than first in a small town.
Yea very true about the priority shift, but as a hobby(because let's be honest competitive ET has never been 'job' level like CS:GO/LoL/SC2 are, even in it's great days) it would be more interesting for people to stay around more if they are looking for that competitive feeling, which in my opinion ET doesn't have anymore. At all.

I do still play competitive CS, not at any high level or note worthy but in a few teams for leagues, and eventhough as a game I like CS less than I liked ET its still more fun to play because I am looking for that competitive feeling. Even if it's just as a hobby because things like work and real life take higher priorities now.
same topic again... just play with your mates man
ahah you think he has mates :D
Exacly my pov
No AC, forfeits in offi, hard to find pcw and if you find it you have to play against cheaters... I love this game but there is no point to play it anymore.
you know this game is dead when you have never even heard about 80% of the people posting on this site these days
almost all of the established players have left this game, only random cheating nonames are left in the yeah...there is absolutelly no point in playing anymore
CF4 killed it.
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