got rolled per steam trade :d

Hey guys, I know this is ridicilous and there is little hope of success, but I guess it's worth a try :o

So basically I wanted to sell 2 skins and added an offer to csgo lounge.

Quickly a guy was adding me as a friend and offered me 130 USD for an ak vulcan + a flipknife per paypal. At first I was very skeptical but eventually I told him if we'll do it over a middle guy from it's okay for me. He said he'd like to use mad-matt and "mad-matt" immediately contacted me. What I didn't notice though is that the account was completely copied and well... you can imagine the rest yourself. And yes yes, call me retarded or easily believing, that's what I thought about others as well until it happened to me :D

tl;dr: got scammed, trying to scare that guy

To help me please sent a friend invitation to the following steam accounts:

and once they accepted it send them the following sentence:

"Look, I know you scammed me, I'm DrLagAlot. I know by reporting you I won't get back my skins, so let's make a deal, you give me back my skins and I will not report you. Seems fair, doesn't it? And if you will not give it back I will contact my dad's friend who is officer at the Austrian authority against internet crime. So that will most likely fuck you up. The question is now, what do you prefer? "

Thanks for help in advance!
Haha, o god.

People have attempted to scam me like this so many times. I can't see how you fell for it. xD

You lost the knife and AK both?
yup :d Actually lost both, luckily it was a "cheap" flip knife, I started trading my bayonett crimson web for a flip knife, an ak vulcan and an m4 x-ray. Then I was attempting to sell that flip knife when this guy offered me 70 usd, then all of a sudden he said he'd give me 130 USD for the knife and the vulcan
From 70 to 130, seems legit.

I guess you were too greedy bro. Should've known he was attempting to scam you.
I know :D I figured it out once the "middle man" asked me for my passwords :d

"20:01 - Mad-Matt: ready seller
20:04 - Mad-Matt: Plesae fill up this traders.

steam id:
steam pw:

email pw:

payment method:
20:06 - DrLagAlot: I won't give away any passwords
20:06 - DrLagAlot: I seriously hope this is a joke
20:04 - Mad-Matt: this is not a joke seller. i want to put rep thread in your accounts
20:06 - DrLagAlot: I won't fill any passwords
20:05 - Mad-Matt: the buyer send his info
20:06 - DrLagAlot: I will fill everything else but my passwords
20:06 - DrLagAlot: that goes too far
20:05 - Mad-Matt: i dont need your account seller.
20:07 - DrLagAlot: oh okay
20:05 - Mad-Matt: i will not rish my account for this
20:05 - Mad-Matt: risk*
20:07 - DrLagAlot: still, why do you require this information?
20:07 - DrLagAlot: even if you don't need it from me
20:06 - Mad-Matt: so i can give rep thread that you both traders are trusted
20:08 - DrLagAlot: this doesn't make sense to me to be honest
20:06 - Mad-Matt: the buyer send his info
20:06 - Mad-Matt: im making rep thread to him right now
20:10 - DrLagAlot: and when will I receive my money?
20:09 - Mad-Matt: when this transaction will be done.
20:11 - Mad-Matt: so what now?
20:13 - DrLagAlot: well, what should be now? I'm waiting for the money obviously
20:11 - Mad-Matt: im waiting to your info
20:12 - Mad-Matt: cause the buyer send his info
20:13 - DrLagAlot: so you want my email, the steam account, the payment methode and the price?
20:13 - DrLagAlot: correct?
20:12 - Mad-Matt: yes
20:14 - DrLagAlot: steam id: wiesel1995
steam pw:

email: johannes****
email pw:

payment method: paypal
price: 133 USD
20:14 - Mad-Matt: lol
20:14 - Mad-Matt: your pw
20:14 - Mad-Matt: how i can make rep thread for this."
"I will contact my dad's friend who is officer at the Austrian authority against internet crime"
i would be afraid...
Oh you :D I know it's childish and will most likely not work, but I'll give it a shot
QuoteTo help me please sent a friend
You get scammed and you thought "hey yea my crossfire friends will help me!" , except you have none and you seem to be very hated here..

QuoteAnd if you will not give it back I will contact my dad's friend who is officer at the Austrian authority against internet crime. So that will most likely fuck you up.

hahaha you are fucking 12 years old xd

give give give :(

EVEN STOLE YOUR DIGNIT- oh, wasn't there anymore
:DDDDDD oh you
this is sooooo epic :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD if i was you i wouldnt dare to post this :P
:D I know, at least other members of this community won't fall for the same stuff for 100% sure now that they read about this
HAHAHAHHA, you deserve it with your attitude/personality.

I added him and thanked him for the scam.
epic fail
Let's call it Karma
you are so retarded, looks like a typical kiddo saying "huehue my dad is officer be careful huehue"

deserved for being naive as fuck.
Sad little cunt.

I don't even feel sorry for you.
i bet juicy would've liked that flipknife
I'm quite sure he would, but in his hand it'd end up being stuck in a vac banned csgo account :D
KALLI how can it be that you are the world hardest man to contact :S i was in Kitzbuhel few days ago :o and actually was in Tirol the last 3 weeks i went EVERYWHERE to find you... here i was in Salzburg trying to find out what bridge i should look under to find you trolling some nice folks. image: 10509690_10153042020598238_1395611042679120118_n image: 10377262_10153044979878238_5780215264553366638_n there i was asking the cows if they knew the troll Kalli/Gali who lives at the bottom of that mountain..... image: 10557029_10153044985188238_267946523901284219_o at the time this picture was taken i had given up the search and was going back down to get a beer in Kitzbuhel :SSSS i have many more pics of the search but cba to put them all in here WHERE U AT BRAH! :S

Conclusion.... IS THIS U?????? cuz i think that Cow gave me the serious face and it could have been u chillaxing after a Vienna trip...image: 55qdxs
oh dear :D Should have said smth earlier, I'm currently in Vienna, but the next time you come over we must meet up you crazy guy

and btw gg, now Kitz has to spend quite some amount of money for animal psychiatrists in order to cure all our cows from their disastrous memories of having to deal with your face
loL but i am

u said earlier this year (in early may i think) that you would be in Kitzbuhel in August :SSS :(
I was there during the first week of August :D
fuck! i wanted to get some beer and party a little with the Über troll :S
to which places did you go in my area to party hard?
did not party at all.. u yermans go to sleep around 10 in the evening and everything goes silent, and then u wake up at 7 with all those fuckin churchbells riniging for 15 mins or sum !!!!!
lol dude, you missed quite smth then
incase youre seriously going to report it to police, it wont help at all, just waste of time
in general they dont care about scams like these, even if its for way more money
I can give you a good deal on that AK, you get it for 45 dollars. Contact me with your steaminfo & passwords to everywhere & pics of your sister via private message.
I leave out my steaminfo and we have a deal
WTS prepaid i iz veri trusted seller 10k gold now rest after i send you code, good deal oui oui?
he will meet etooo at the cyberpolice station :S
oui oui
shit just got real, etoo for da cyberpolice admin oui oui
yeah because of fucking shits like you these scammers keep doing these, gj son
I'd just say.. the troll got trolled

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