opengl message lost connection

???????? this is totally new to me. started ET and this error appears. i could play some days ago without problems

got gtx 760 with newest drivers. its impossible to overload my gpu with such a game!
>buying pc for over 9k euro
>still cant get stable 125 fps
>cant launch et

fucking hell, i NEVER had problems with setting up fps games/mouse related things/windows/linux/etc, just get brain and fucking google, thanks
why so much hate? i am not german if its that :)
At first delete your etconfig in etmain and your profiles in etmain + etpro, then restart ET, then load your config and it should be fine again. Make sure your graphics card/screen can run the selected resolution/herzrate and that r_primitives is 0 (2 would be for amd)
worked. thank you
this graphic card is too low, obviously
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