Windows 8.1 Minimizer for ET
22 Aug 2014, 18:51
I'm looking for a working Windows 8.1 minimizer for ET. I tried the ZodiMizer and it doesn't seem to work (the non-native ingame resolution version gives me an error 'try again' and the other opens properly but doesn't minimize), so I'm in search of something else.
try this one
Im also using windows 8.1 and its working fine for me
GetWindowPlacement(hWndET, &ETwp);
if (ETwp.showCmd == SW_SHOWMINIMIZED) {
ShowWindow(hWndET, SW_RESTORE);
HWND hWndETCon = FindWindowExA(FindWindow(0, "ET Console"), NULL, "Edit", 0);
SendMessage(hWndETCon, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) "quit");
SendMessage(hWndETCon, WM_CHAR, 13, 0);
} else {
ShowWindow(hWndET, SW_MINIMIZE);
For people like Bobika, Ohurcool, Embarred, etc.