
Hi all,

2 Confessions:

1) Living for nearly a year now in Poland and I have to admit, despite of all the lame jokes I made over Poland and it's inhabitants in the past: It's fucking awesome here. Cheap lifestyle (I get paid nearly the same net as in Belgium), good vodka/beer, good weather (snow in winter and 30+ in summer, lovely), delicious food and hot, hot, hot girls.
Loads o' Polish go to UK/Ireland, I did it the other way around from Dublin to Krakow and I would never ever go back.
I can advise it to all of ya.

2) I have been rereading some of my comments and journals from 2007-2010, and jeez, I was a gigantic turd wasn't I?
Apologies! I swear I'm a better person now.

So, what's up Crossfire, any confessions to make?

This one time, at the bandcamp...

But on a serious note, polaks are awesome IRL, always good times and good drinking! Western Europe is just swag-sissies and hipsters.
Thomm my boy, how are things going with you? Still frequenting Crossfire I see, it seems a bit inactive or is it always like this on a thursday?

You still work in that army shop?
CF quiet all week long, I rarely even login anymore.

Still here, worky-dorky. Auction next week, come by and buy some shit, (pictures there)
Booking my flight as we speak.
i was born in krakow gg

enjoy it there
Lovely city mate, although the air quality is horrendous.
speak polish yet? what exactly are u doing for living?
Trying to study Polish with some selfstudy books and courses, yet somehow I always find an excuse to do something else instead. Hence my Polish is still very rudimentary, I can count to 10, order a beer and tell somebody to piss off. That's it.

And I work for Deutsche Bank as IT-Helpdesk. No that stressful, loads of free time, good salary and a good stepping stone to get into the IT-world/multinationals later on.
Gonna be in Kraków in October?
Tak. You coming for a visit?
Yeah, either late September or somewhere in October. Not exactly to Kraków, but to small town ~50km from it, but will be going via Kraków anyway.
Be careful, you might get stabbed.

(same advice you gave me nearly a year ago :-D )
I'm from Warsaw and has long hair, Kraków probably least safe place for me in all of Poland :D
So don't visit Krakow on the 20th-21st of September, when Wisla plays Legia ;-)
Not sure if our boys will even be there, gotta check when the 6 months ban ends.
Oh yeah, true. After they bashed the heads in of the Bialystok-boys, right? Was in the beginning of March I think, so their ban should be lifted for the Wisla match.
Hey, those cunts were throwing firecrackers into family sector with little kids and then try tried to storm the gate. They failed to break it so our boys helped them ":D"

Yeah apparently 6 months was given on 5th of March so ban lifted soon.
Thank god that those retarded polish guys that are playing online games are on the PC 24/7 so you can't meet them outside.

But yeah, Krakow is an amazing city with very kind people and a lot of hot polish girls :)))
not rly popika :(

I will be in your country soon man!
Yeah, it's true :D

Where are you heading to mate?
Vrbno pod Pradedem :-D

how far from your place?
Only 260km!
i must missed the good beer -.-
did you find God ?
1) You guys were right about the sun in malta, should have done that more often :P
2) I should have joined ESL when I was offered a job with pay in it, was too loyal to CB and would have looked like a total ass to in a few days join ESL after all the CB vs ESL drama going on for all those years, who knows where I would have ended up by now in e-sports with all the time and dedication/motivation I put up for free during all those years.
3) I miss my friendly banter with sol, where de feck are ye m8.

I would often cheat when playing with killerboy to see if he noticed

hehe jk good Sweden jocke
I'd like to know if I was correct to remove Sweden slajdan's ban, was like a 50-50 and didn't want to take the risk.

(Sweden slajdan still waiting for the paypal $$$ damnit) image: kappa
no way it was, although I didn't play with him much so I wouldn't know for sure

but seriously, that avi of him blatantly cheating because he was furious about his opponents cheating should be proof enough

edit: also, why did CB consistently remove my bans? think I was allegedly busted once
Don't remember your case tbh, so cannot tell exactly, but I remember there was this bug if you linked 2 profiles together you'd lose the cheat history, happened for like a few hours one time.
50-50 here we go
If you had not removed it, I would have an easier job now that would be earning me riches, instead of working a bunch for charity and for Swedens youth and elderly.
- Cause of distraction
If you had not removed it, I would not have been able to enjoy so many games and represent Sweden in several of them, albeit it is very likely I would have switched priorities, and focused on one of those single major games instead of what I have done and possibly earned me some of that sweet e-sports bucks.
- Cause of causality
The underlying theme allows me to give but this:
image: Dogecoin

AMA - who was worst CB admin ever
Well it depends on what makes an admin a bad/shitty one, in my opinion you can have an admin who follows the rules like a bible and that can be considered a good/shitty admin, sometimes an admin needs to be practical instead of theoretical, so worst cb admin would be somebody who is lazy and has no motivation to do his work, can remember a belgian one but forgot his name, literally just showed up for the world cup and then just afkd l0l
Or Belgium Gold0rak
Spain Donex ... jezus christ no competition at all.
Dunno, I wasn't around when he was an admin. :P I was just trying to guess who Killerboy was referring to in his comment anyway.
neither of them, this guy was still young, and I remember he leaked something about the belgian captaincy or some shit as well.
I think worst one would be the one that can't really speak English :x
Spain Donex was the worst fucking admin ever. I knew the Clanbase rules better than he did.
There were rules?
He liked to make up random stuff as he saw fit whatever it benefited him or his friends.
I didn't know Donex much, but the few conversations we had, he has made it very clear to know the rules by heart as they are what 'back you up', apart from that he always seemed like a good 'father figure' however strange that might sound. One day he just went on IRC and told me you're going to be the next Game Supervisor, gave me some short words of wisdom and I never saw him again.
We used to back up shit with rules constantly when we confronted him about being wrong he refused to admit that he was wrong and used his almighty clanbase whip. Donex fucked me over on 3 separate occasions over a time span of 4 or 5 years. One of these matches was due to favoritism of some Spanish team (wArning! team blue I think.)
I once admined donex's game and the second there was a smell of forfeit around (for them) donex was pming me on irc like crazy to give them a forfeit :D i was like what the fuck

also we used to use warning server quite often back then and donex once came in our prac war there and there was 3 mins left in the round. needless to say it was ref pause first and then kicks. what a dick :D
fucking Belgium Krosan
no confessions here gingy :D<3
get your arse to Poland in October
confessions on crossfire gg
Been living in London the last year, going back to Dublin in a month as my gf's visa runs out.

I also dont want to go back.

Will live with my parents for 6 months before going to Oz via South East Asia

Glad you are enjoying life
Where's she from mate, if she needs a Visa for London? You got one of those Brazilian chicks that are in abundance in Dublin? :P
You're going for a working holiday visa in Oz, or just touring around?

And enjoying my life, you have no idea. I'm so glad I left my bubble in Belgium to find my luck abroad. Dublin was nice, but merely a start of a better life. Here in Poland, I finally am truely happy. Sounds a bit dramatic/cliche, but it's true.
Congrats. Gone are the days of sjouting tax down TS 8 hours a week.

I'm in a good place at the moment myself, but just want to go somewhere other than Ireland. Boring when you live there for so long.

She is Australian, met her in Dublin almost two years ago when she was here for a visit.
Oh man, those were the days no? Sitting nearly every night on TS or Ventrilo with the VPN/punga boys telling everybody what to do, to see in the end nearly everyone doing just what they want :D
So I have heard, where abouts do you live?
Perth mate. Western Aus.
Poland is an awesome country. As a Pole living in Denmark I've always heard how bad Poland is. Mostly because they judge the entire country on a few Poles living in Denmark. This always pissed me off since I've never seen the bad side of this country. I've always had a great time in Poland and always loved the fact that they accepted me eventho I have been living in another country my whole life(pretty much) and don't speak perfect polish. Yes there are some downsides about the country as well but that's just like every other country. There are idiots in every single country. No country is perfect. If you want to have an opinion about a country - visit it first and then feel free to share your opinion.

Glad that some people admit that Poland is actually an awesome country :-)
Poland is nice. :) I'm living in Lithuania, in many aspects, these countries are the same. With the nice girls surely though :-D
Couldn't agree more.
Once you've been with polish women, only way to go is to head east :DD
Helpdesk job pays well??
You're somekind of a supervisor or smthing?
I have done the same kind of job in the past and the pay was awful
I'm just a lowly tier 1 agent on a Helpdesk with Dutch language and I get paid about double or triple the Polish average wage. And I'm paid the lowest in the whole IT-sector here in Krakow for those who speak my language. Based on what I want to grow into, I could still earn up to 50% more.

I already live a very comfortable life here though, so money is not that much of a deciding factor when I go for a new job here.

Edit: Based on what languages you speak, you could earn quite a lot. Basically no matter what country you go to, if you speak Dutch you will earn a high salary. If you speak a Scandinavian language though, hat's when you'll be getting the "big bucks".
Ok. I was also a tier 1 agent.
Work language was English, which is prolly the worst paid since a lot of ppl can speak it.
Anyway good luck!
Exactly, that's where they put the locals who get the lowest salaries.

That's not completely true. It has far higher value if you're fluent in German in Sweden than if you're fluent in Swedish in Germany. Germany has far higher economical value to Sweden than the other way around.

No offense, but I find it hard to believe that anyone gives a fuck about Dutch (Same goes for Swedish). Maybe you can elaborate. I would be happy if you were right.
Hej I'm going to be buying a new laptop on September 11th or thereabouts old sport.
and that means...?
I'll be on for some gaming
I'm talking about my sector only, IT-sector.
I love Poland, hitch-hiked there this spring and the people are so kind! Krakow is amazing too!
Poland is awesome, indeed
inb4 everyone going to live the american dream in poland
i would also like to work some place at Europe at some point of my life.

prefer Swiss for some reason.
Subconscious money thingy
nah. the cost of living is also very high compare to other European countries

prolly the snow :op
I have always prefered to play with foreigners instead of Finns. There I said it!
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